I haven't dreamt of this website even once before, so I kind of feel like sharing the one dream I had of it, even if the rDrama appearance is brief.
It started with a nuclear war breaking out in Europe (reasons unknown) escalating with European countries (France/Britain I guess?) and Russia nuking each other with bigger and bigger nukes, until Russia dropped an equivalent of Tsar bomb ending the exchange. (Interestingly my house did not get destroyed by the bomb, but the giant tsunami that it caused.)
Without much of a transition I was transported to Singapore in order to witness @X (formerly known as Chiobu) get personally destroyed by a nuke dropped straight down on his head by a remotely controlled Russian Kirov airship. I don't think he (or the entirety of Singapore) survived, but he was looking like a handsome Asian businessman in my dream, so that's a little bit of consolation for the man (may he rest in peace).
Then, in a big twist, it was revealed US did nothing this whole time. Perhaps Trump was strictly keeping with his America first mentality.
Russia knowing it couldn't get past American defenses opted out of openly attacking, and instead covertly took over some East Coast military bases in order to assume control of HAARP and use it to Earthquake the country to pieces. I got captured by Russians for nooticing that the bases allowed Russian MiG's to land. Not sure when I got to America tbh.
After overhearing that HAARP revelation from my captors (led by some evil woman) I checked the web on my phone that they apparently decided not to confiscate. Internet was working, and not that surprisingly, Americans were making memes and joking about the current state of the rest of the world. What's more rDrama was still up. The most unrealistic part being the pitiful number of posts and comments, this site is 90% American and global nuclear war is a fairly dramatic event, it would hit solid numbers even with the rest of the world in flames.
For some reason the one person I decided to check on was @UraniumDonGER, sadly his last activity was just before the nuclear exchange. So, he was dead.
At the end of the dream a lone American destroyer engaged the Russian command ship. Seeing that US was staying out of the war, I assume the crew was comprised of Kamala voters disobeying Trump. While it killed a bunch of Russians on board the command vessel it got driven away by stolen American rocket launchers the Russians were using.
And, that's that. There is no point to this, unless I'm a prophet. Hopefully I'm not.
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