Man's sperm is completely replaced by Covid spike protein. How do vaxxies even do it at this point?
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this would affect everyone who gets COVID then. the spike protein from the mRNA vaccine is derived from the virus itself

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!metashit unadulterated lolcowing by BOTH sides itt

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You believe every clotshot was the same? You belive it was all kept at the consistant minus 200 @pizzashill?

Too fricking funny.

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can you name a vaccine that was administered that didn't use a spike protein?

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this doesn't have a spike protein either

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Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,

Wore your mask and took your tests.

Still got COVID, every strain,

Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,

"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"

Proteins tangle and misfold,

Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,

"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"

There's no cure for microclot,

Getting worse with every shot.

Heart attack at 26,

Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,

Doctor says, "that means it's working."

Died of SADS at 27,

All good vaxxies go to heaven.

Obituary headline noted:

"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."

His family is quite upset,

But they're alive, at least on net.

And, they say, "it's for the better,"

Without the vax "he would be deader.

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Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,

Wore your mask and took your tests.

Still got COVID, every strain,

Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,

"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"

Proteins tangle and misfold,

Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,

"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"

There's no cure for microclot,

Getting worse with every shot.

Heart attack at 26,

Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,

Doctor says, "that means it's working."

Died of SADS at 27,

All good vaxxies go to heaven.

Obituary headline noted:

"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."

His family is quite upset,

But they're alive, at least on net.

And, they say, "it's for the better,"

Without the vax "he would be deader.

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so are you just admitting you were wrong? if theres a vaccine without the spike protein i would love to see it

or is there isn't an S protein in covid itself then i would REALLY look stupid

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this doesn't have a spike protein either

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This doesn't have a spike protein

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when you said "clot shot", i assumed you were talking about covid shots

let me be more clear, can you name a covid shot that doesn't utilize a spike protein?

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Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,

Wore your mask and took your tests.

Still got COVID, every strain,

Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,

"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"

Proteins tangle and misfold,

Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,

"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"

There's no cure for microclot,

Getting worse with every shot.

Heart attack at 26,

Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,

Doctor says, "that means it's working."

Died of SADS at 27,

All good vaxxies go to heaven.

Obituary headline noted:

"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."

His family is quite upset,

But they're alive, at least on net.

And, they say, "it's for the better,"

Without the vax "he would be deader.

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>has to quote copypasta because he thinks Rubella has a spike protein and thinks you can make a COVID shot without a spike protein

!nonchuds :brookscringe: get a load of this dude

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You millennials were truly the biggest mistake.

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just admit you were wrong on the internet :marseybow: thats the polite thing to do

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You're right

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slam poetry night at the donald

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Turbo cancer of the anus coming to a rectum near you :)

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Way to move the goal posts, boostoid :marseydisagree:

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:marseycry: i thought clot shot was slang for the covid shot

i'll do better next time :marseyitsover:

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Yes finally some headway

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Any man that isn't a zero-covid pureblood (:marseybuff:) is spreading the science every time they coom.

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I don't think snopes approved this post.

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Definitely a conspiracy theorist pathologist

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I get the grift from vaccine scam artists trying to bilk money out of people, what I don't get is why people keep falling for it.

Does no one do a gut check and think "Wow, I might be losing it?"

Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.

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No, because they want it to bs true. Conspiratardism is basically a form of story selling. Most of the stories we tell are designed to be appealing to our brains, the same is true for most conspiracies.

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As opposed to rational vaxxoskeptics thinking every lap should have resulted in vaxxoids dropping dead/getting brainwired/going infertile/exploding onsite

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Excess deaths and unknown cause deaths are increasing every year since

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:marseyeyeroll: Everytime I saw this claim brought up, it was immediately proven that said number of deaths for x age group concerned corresponded perfectly to a average weekly mortality rate from pre-covid times. You had athletes suddenly dropping dead back in the 2000's too. You only started noticing it because some schizo wrote a blog post about it.

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Factcheck: This claim has not been approved by experts.


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This is next level r-slurred :marseyawardretard:

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This is bait

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I am a master :marseycracka: baiter but this is also r-slurred :marseyawardretard:

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But what about this latest dark Brandon meme ?

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Funny :marseylaugh: but I would :marseymid: prefer it if the dude on the left lost more than just half a leg

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That's a tiny dude! Palestinians confirmed turbo manlets

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He's a foot short :marseyshortbus:

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If I was a straggot I would be stoked about blowing unprotected loads into gussy

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FREE UNSOLICITED VASECTOMIES :marsey#soylentgrin: :soyjac#kwow:

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No wonder my c*m has turned green

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Does it taste fruity?

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New finding from beyond the grave?

Arne Burkhardt died in May.

I'll let the dudes that I know are vaxxed that have had kids since then that their children are actually spike proteins

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I think they know, considering all the kids are either called Spike or Protein.

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Just a reminder to the lovely !biofoids that I remain unvaccinated and virile :marseychadthundercock:

My autism is all genetic, and the only spikes are on my velcro New Balances :marseyautism:

Fats need not apply :marseyno:


  • non-wh*te

  • antisemitic

  • virgin

  • 24-35

  • 6'2" or taller

  • does not have an internet connection

Apply via DM with 1,000 DC application fee by EOD

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If they don't have an internet connection at best you'll get a dramatard selling you his sister

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I'm a man that fills all those requirements browsing from a public library computer. Will you marry me?

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Application fee is double

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That's not a no.


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"Just a crumb, m'lady"


>Apply via DM with 1,000 DC application fee by EOD

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Unvaccinated, untested, uncombed, unshowered, unpotty-papered weiner is fertilizing your b-word while you sit in the currcuck chair and watch while jacking your micro polio vaccinated peepee, cumming fauci spike protein all over your fat roll belly.

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Man I'm so glad I stumbled across this place for my popcorn instead of that place. What the frick goes on in there is beyond my understanding


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Pretty good gift tbh he hasn't published a paper since 2000

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