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It's an election year, and Biden's team is signaling a more aggressive posture toward the press :gigabiden:


lol smartest journo linked to files on his computer !chuds

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17085761741843386.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17085761254790628.webp

NEW YORK (AP) --- Occupants of the White House have grumbled over news coverage practically since the place was built. Now it's Joe Biden's turn: With a reelection campaign underway, there are signs that those behind the president are starting to more aggressively and publicly challenge how he is portrayed.

Within the past two weeks, an administration aide sent an unusual letter to the White House Correspondents' Association complaining about coverage of a special counsel's report on Biden's handling of classified documents. In addition, the president's campaign objected to its perception that negative stories about Biden's age got more attention than remarks by Donald Trump about the NATO alliance.

It's not quite "enemy of the people" territory. But it is noticeable.

"It is a strategy," said Frank Sesno, a professor at George Washington University and former CNN Washington bureau chief. "It does several things at once. It makes the press a foil, which is a popular pattern for politicians of all stripes."

It can also distract voters from bad news. And while some newsrooms quickly dismiss the criticism, he says, others may pause and think twice about what they write.


The letter from Ian Sams, spokesman for the White House counsel's office, suggested that reporters improperly framed stories about the Feb. 8 release of Special Counsel Robert Hur's report. Sams pointed to stories by CBS News, The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press and others emphasizing that Hur had found evidence that Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified material. Sam wrote that much of that so-called evidence didn't hold up and was negated by Hur's decision not to press charges.

He said it was critical to address it when "significant errors" like misstating the findings and conclusions of a federal investigation of a president occur.

It was Sams' second foray into press criticism in a few months; last fall he urged journ*lists to give more scrutiny to House Republicans and the reasons behind their impeachment inquiry of Biden.

"Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody's perfect," Sams told the AP. "But a healthy back and forth over what's the full story helps make both the press and the government sharper in how the country and world get the news they need to hear."

Kelly O'Donnell, president of the correspondents' association and an NBC News correspondent, suggested Sams' concerns were misdirected and should be addressed to individual news organizations.

"It is inappropriate for the White House to utilize internal pool distribution channels, primarily for logistics and the rapid sharing of need-to-know information, to disseminate generalized critiques of news coverage," O'Donnell said.

In a separate statement, Biden campaign spokesman T.J. Ducklo criticized media outlets for time spent discussing the 81-year-old president's age and mental capacity, an issue that was raised anew when Biden addressed the Hur report with reporters. He suggested that was less newsworthy and important than Trump's NATO comments. Americans deserve a press corps that covers Trump "with the seriousness and ferocity this moment requires," said Ducklo, who resigned from the White House in 2021 for threatening a reporter.

To be fair, deadline times likely affected the initial disparity in coverage that Ducklo pointed out. And Trump's remarks have hardly been ignored by media outlets.

On Wednesday, Biden's campaign issued a statement headlined "Full of Malarkey," that criticized The Times for a fact check it ran on some of the president's statements about the economy. The campaign said the newspaper "continues to give Trump a pass on lies."

A.G. Sulzberger, publisher of The Times, noted in an interview with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journ*lism that Biden's team had been "extremely upset" about its coverage lately. "We're not anyone's opposition," he said, "and we're not anyone's lapdog."


The criticism comes amid the backdrop of unhappiness among some journ*lists about how much Biden is made available for questions --- an issue that surfaced again when Biden turned down an opportunity to appear before tens of millions of Americans in an interview during the Super Bowl pregame show.

The 33 news conferences Biden has given during the first three years of his presidency is lower than any other American president in that time span since Ronald Reagan, said Martha Kumar, a Towson University professor emeritus and expert on presidents and the press. Similarly, the 86 interviews Biden has given is lower than any president since she began studying records with Reagan. By comparison, Barack Obama gave 422 interviews during his first three years.

Instead, Biden prefers more informal appearances where reporters ask a few questions, with comparatively little opportunity for follow-up, she said: The 535 such sessions that Biden conducted was second only to Trump's 572.

One example followed Biden's remarks Friday after the death of Russian dissident Aleksey Navalny. Another was Biden's early evening availability following the release of Hur's report, a chaotic scene where reporters tried to outshout one another. The president's performance, and remarks about his forgetfulness that were made in Hur's report, led to more questions about the impact of age on his ability.

"It did not serve him well," Kumar said. Some on Biden's team, meanwhile, believe the president showed a combativeness in the face of criticism that Americans will appreciate.

Sesno said he can understand the Biden team's worry that the president's fitness for the job becomes a story they lose control of, much like former President Gerald Ford's stumbles led to the perception that he was a bumbler. Nikki Usher, a media professor at the University of San Diego, said she was surprised that Biden's team hadn't become more aggressive earlier.

"He needs to jump out in front of the narrative," Usher said.

The Biden pushback seems mild in comparison to Trump's epic badmouthing of news organizations like CNN and The New York Times. Republican voters, in general, are much more apt to respond to efforts that make journ*lists the villain. Democrats, meanwhile, tend to have a greater appreciation for the press' role in a democracy, Usher says, so the Biden team has to be more careful with attacks.

Particularly with the age issue, there's only so much that the president's team can say, Sesno said: "People will make up their minds based on what they see and hear from Joe Biden."

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>Biden to act more like Trump and we'll support it because it's not Trump

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this but unironically. how long can you tell people literally the opposite of what is happening and not lose your credibilit-


>nothing's changed and left wing crazies have even more political capital


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^ this was my 666th comment

!goomblers let's go

!slots 666

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!slotsmb666 :marseyluckycat:

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!slotsmb666 :marseyluckycat: :marseyluckycat:

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!slots 666

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They don't need credibility from you, just their peers. Trump getting elected made them stop pretending they needed anyone but their own social class' respect or approval.

This is why they can just openly declare themselves as partisan political operatives without losing any credibility: you're the enemy and you will be defeated no matter what.

The West has unironically fallen and it's not gonna get better for a long time.

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I just vote third party or not at all (that really causes seethe) and declare everyone else a traitor or threat to democracy as is correct

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:marseykneel: I just vote for the most schizo delulu candidate and hope for the best :marseyjam:

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So just republican than?

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I'm not a burger. Our schizos are way more delulu.

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I dont even know what delulu is i assume its brazilian or somrthing

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Biden signaling has changed from early dementia patient to late stage 4 rslur

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I'm fine with a team-up to kill the real enemy.

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That neighbor Biden turning up.



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Sesno said he can understand the Biden team's worry that the president's fitness for the job becomes a story they lose control of[.]

[. . .]

Sesno said: "People will make up their minds based on what they see and hear from Joe Biden."

:marseyconcerned: not sure there's any media team in the world that can save him from this shit :marseyshrug:

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They should make him dance to Hotline Bling.


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He has a stutter

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um...what the frick. this fascist is attacking the FREE PRESS? this is not ok. we have to vote to save democracy from fascists like this. we are approaching the most important election in history. will you vote for freedom and democracy or fascism and censorship?!

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Democracy dies in darkness

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The sympathetic well meaning elderly man with memory problems thing was golden and guaranteed to get more views than Trump bitching about NATO for the 6 gorillionth time.

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The quiet part here is that the press are supposed to cut away whenever Biden makes a mistake. Simply pretending it's no big deal is just not enough any more.

It'll get much worse if social media companies start pandering to them again. You can expect to suddenly be unable to share important stories if they'd damage Biden's campaign.

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:soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum:

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The criticism comes amid the backdrop of unhappiness among some journ*lists about how much Biden is made available for questions

About as much as Kamala is made available for questions.

It just amazes me how Democrats hide their candidates because they're so horrible.

Literally anyone with a head on their shoulders could do this shit. All they needed was someone under 60.

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Nobody is hiding them lol. Republicans are so bad it's a "let them hang themselves" strategy. Trump is so r-slurred all biden has to do is stay out of the press and he has a high chance of winning.

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Of course they're not sweaty.


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Basically every vp in history flies under the radar and stays out of the media lmao. The entire point of being vp is to make it out as detached from the admin

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Its just a problem with messaging if they had better turd polish everything would be fine

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:#marseynotes: "How many questions are you going to answer this election cycle, President Biden??"
"Over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million" :#gigabiden:
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