Center-left-bros... :marseyitsover:

!neolibs have s*x

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>entire philosophy is gibsmedats

>shocked this applies to views of women

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!grillers I can't believe people would rather date wingcucks :marseysadge:

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Shut to pigga butt up and take this poop peepee b-word

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leftwingcuck bonus holes hate how their leftwingcuck he/him's are kitties and cause rightwingcuck men to be more extreme in order give the leftwingcuck bonus holes their BMC (Big MAGA Peepee)

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Makes sense that wingcucks would rather date other wingcucks :marseyshrug:

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I feel like being a mild racist that wants gibs and vaguely hate corporations (usually ostensibly ‘woke' media and tech companies like Disney and Google) is really an untapped market for politicians to pander towards.

That's like 50% of politically indifferent people in the US.

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So like half of the 33% of people who are least likely to vote?

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Exactly. But you have to get them to drop the vidya for an hour to go vote. Which might be tough.

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Isn't that most rightoids?

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Shit you right.

Maybe the lib brained Redditors spouting “centrists are just embarrassed rightoids” are onto something.

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Oh I don't vaguely hate Google.

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The most lopsided "left-wing" views are the ones regarding government regulation, corporate profits, and welfare benefits. In other words, views that are unambiguously economically left-wing, rather than socially left-wing. And the most lopsided "right-wing" views are the ones regarding government waste (which I wouldn't characterize as inherently right-wing) and people being responsible for their lot in life, regardless of the physical characteristics they were born with. :marseypikachu2:

That actually lines up with what I've seen out of the majority of incels. Despite the media characterization, there's a lot less "I can't get laid because women are the devil", and a lot more "I can't get laid because I'm worthless trash who will never amount to anything." :marseycontemplatesuicide:

Incels are basically what happens when sexless leftoid straggot moids are unable to fully embrace the external locus of control so much of leftist thinking is based on, but are also unable to embrace an internal locus of control to the point that they make a sincere effort to improve their situation. That's what sets them apart from /r/MensLib types, who do the former while pretending to do the latter, or pickup artist types, who attempt to do the latter, but rarely succeed. :marseyl:

And at the end of the day, none of them are getting laid. So how different are they really? :marseyhorseshoe:

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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Makes sense actually. Hardcore lefties can get it with the DSA girls and rightwingers have the trad larpers. Center left doesn't attract hoes like other political leanings do.

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Try being nazbert or anfash. No one with XY chromosomes has even heard of my ideology.

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Nor has anyone with a negative autism diagnosis.

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DSA :marseyairquotes: girls :marseyairquotes:

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>Hardcore lefties can get it with the DSA girls


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Hardcore lefties can get it with the DSA girls

The NYC DSA had to aggressively recruit straight men for their speeddating sessions

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White extinction is long overdue

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it's :quote: far right :quote: to think people are responsible for themselves and their actions... :uhuh:

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>People who want to be handed women have ideology demanding other things should be handed to them too

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A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.


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Ethnic minorities who cant get ahead in this country are mostly responsible for their own condition

One of the central tenets of incel ideology is the race pill (jbw), and So Im calling bullshit on this survey and its EVERYTHING

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Must be using the original definition of incel not the updated one

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