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>help pay for our candidate's legal fees patriot!

This fricking timeline man :mysides:

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The fact that the legal fees are for real estate fraud and paying a hooker without properly declaring it as a campaign expense are Peak Burger Politics

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black trans lives matter

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Is this the 'reparations' i keep hearing about in burger politics?

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Nah, it's not reparations because it involves yts

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I was assured that trump is orange

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>your donations won't go to Trump's legal bills, please donate

>Yeah I never said that lmao get fricked

Sometimes the grooft is hilarious

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Can't we just GoFundMe this election already?

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Imagine donating money to a billionaire. Lol, LMAO even.

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i refuse to believe this is real

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Why lol? The GOP has sold the party to trump.

Heck destroy the party.

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He is the party. Nikki Hayley lost to literally "none of the above" on a 2:1 scale in a primary where trump was not on the ballot. Voters preferred Trump, and if not him then literally no one from the GOP, to represent them.

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because i'm not an r-slur who blindly believes everything i read about the other side as long as it makes them look bad

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he has pillaged the gop for legal bills for years now.

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well i guess you should be able to prove this story then, right? you must have already confirmed it to be so sure it's real.

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Lara Trump says she wants

ok now show it's happening, which is the claim made. the claim wasn't :quote: RNC wants to do this thing :quote:.

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Are you mentally disabled

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my bad. someone saying they want to do something means it's already happening. i don't know what i was thinking.

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Why not? He wouldn't be in court if not for his presidency. Be mad at the libs for their constant lawfare grifting

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"Lawfare grifting lmao"

Guy has spent his entire life in court, what are you smoking? The guy was losing civil fraud cases before he was ever even involved in politics.

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Cmon, the prosecutors involved literally ran their election on attacking Trump. Surely you're not this brainwashed are you pizza?

500 mil for a crime with no victim? Lol only in burgerland and maybe banana republics

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When you get found to have engaged in a large amount of fraud, typically the fine is very high.

Do you honestly not realize fonald trump has lost every fraud case hes engaged in for like 30 years now?

How can you possibly believe a man that has spent his entire life losing in court is only losing in court now due to politics?

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how can you believe this?

>NY DA ran on prosecuting trump and assures every other investor theyre fine for not being trump. This happens as major real estate investors/devs in NY say Trumps practice is the norm for the entire industry

>NY judge uses summary judgment despite there being a dispute of fact between the parties

>The fine is unconstitutional as an excessive fine, breaking the 8th amendment and blocking the right to an appeal

>GA DA allowed to remain despite committing perjury on the stand

>no finding of a conflict of interest despite there being an obvious conflict wherein she launders money to her boyfriend

>untraceable cash payments accepted as having been fairly made and credible despite this being enough for the IRS to come down on literally anyone else

>zero punishment or backlash for a DA that commits perjury in a trial that she sees a financial benefit from via her boyfriend

>zero punishment for a DA's bf who admitted to tax fraud by not reporting gains and using corpo funds for personal gain

Wonder why it seems political to people...

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He's being chiefly prosecuted for shit every company and org does. Why do you think they wait decades until now

to charge him?. Youre fine with it because you have TDS, that's all, but the massive fine is clearly meant to bankrupt and prevent him from campaigning. Meanwhile the Bidens get sweetheart deals from the justice dept for far more egregious stuff. The fix is in.

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PizzaCHAD, what do you think will happen to the GOP when Trump dies?, could it splitter into different parties?, because by now it has become clear that MAGAutism is here to stay even after Trump dies, but who is a charismatic figure that could replace him as the MAGA leader?, we all thought that DeathSantis would take over, but alas, this ended up not happening.

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The issue for the GOP is theyve become so radical only radicals can win primaries lol. Theyre just going to slowly rot until the base moderates and reverts to what it was in the 1990s.

I dont think theyre gonna split, i think at some point theyll be forced to moderate to win elections.

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The Democrats are actively interfering in an election but MAGAtards are the radicals? lol lmao even


Can't have anyone not part of The Party win the election can we?

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I cant tell if this is satire or youre actually learning disabled

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It's not satire. Please tell me why the Democrats get to decide who appears on a ballot? Please explain how that's constitutional.

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because both parties have suppressed 3rd parties for ages lmao. it isn't radical, it's the baseline.

furthermore it isn't because they can win, it's because they act primarily as vote spoilers.

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The return to the better more moderate Bush years will be trendy in the 2030s

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Can we just return to reganesque griller land? I just want to put lift kits on trucks and go skiing

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Reganism was driven by women adopting suburban conservative tight community culture and the revival of churches as much or more than men. Without women going trad and the culture with it we'll just have boring male brained wingcuckery and hyper modern women only doing it half heartedly post 40

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forced to "moderate" :marseydisagree:

like how the UK conservative party 'moderated' itself further left than labour lmoa :marseybritbongitsover:

in the 90s everyone including dems hated gays and would have supported trans genocide if they had ever heard such absurdity

we truly live in 2 different realities :marseyshrug:

someone has to be wrong in the end, we'll see :marseysipping:

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They'll probably coalesce around Trump Jr, who is only charismatic to terminally online chuds, but has the Trump name. It'll be a long time before a non-Trump is the GOP nominee. Personally I'm rooting for Barron.

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Barron will campaign on "free Robux". Pundits and strategists are confused.

Barron wins with 97% of the Gen Alpha vote

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>tfw HOI4-brained amerimutt monarchist LARPers actually get their neurodivergent hereditary monarchy


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This will work as well as Robert Kennedy

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I'm voting for RFK JR because the only needles he fears contain MRNA

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Because of Daddy's long documented history of caring about anyone besides himself?

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mostly because it's a reddit post about trump.

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seems like he's telling his brainwashed horde to donate to this legal fund instead of the RNC with a fancy golf course dinner. like it's just this specific event? instead of joe six pack mailing the RNC $10 from his home and trumps lawyers getting that $10.

Trump has invited high-dollar donors to Palm Beach, Florida, for an April 6 fundraiser that comes as his fundraising trails that of President Joe Biden and national Democrats. The invitation's fine print says donations to the Trump 47 Committee will first be used to give the maximum amount allowed under federal law to Trump's campaign. Anything left over from the donation next goes toward a maximum contribution to Save America, and then anything left from there goes to the RNC and then to state political parties.


that donors to the April fundraiser who contribute the suggested $814,600 per person or $250,000 per person will only have $5,000 of their donation go to Save America, sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to the RNC.


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Art of the Grift

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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surely we will not need to win any downballot election to do anything :marseyclueless:

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fun fact the Red Team has been killing it downballot since 2010

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@A can I get DC for rightoid drama

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Hey @A just want to highlight how badly that sub gets brigaded that the natives get downmarseyd so heavily for literally highlighting the actual info :#marseysmug2: :#marseymanysuchcases:

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Brigading is only a problem when the Reddit admins don't like whoever is doing it

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Highly amusing.

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I wish he's re-elected and the courts uphold his deportations.

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He really was born under a lucky star.

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