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Oh dear god we're becoming Britain

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Wowwa Abdeljawad

Idk I feww like this perswon actuawwy said swomething worth wooking intwo fwor swome reaswon.

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yeah I'm with you. I didn't have to scroll very far to find this and she makes a TON of posts with seething about Palestine:


none of this is legally actionable, but I can see why it made alphabet people slightly jumpy.

Edit: She also thinks Oct 7th was Isreal bombing itself (?), that there was no r*pe that day because "Muslims are prohibited from touching swine" & that ISIS is an Isreali organization (???).


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America was built by religious radicals right to say dumb shit that pisses off the state :marseyindignant:

Is using Jihad in regular FB posts really that different than Quakers being annoyingly Quaker-y

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Jihad :marseyhijab: - fwom Reliance of the Twavewwer (Shaji'ite Islamic :marseymuhammad: Law), means two "war against nyon- Muslims ... two establish the religion :marseybegoneprot: (of Islam)."

Yes, let's just let the religion :marseybegoneprot: of peace :marseymuslimitsover: caww fwor shit like this in our own cwountwies.

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Shaji'ite Islamic Law

What is a Shaji'ite?, you confused it with the Shafi'ite?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafi%27i_school !ummah

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!r-slurs lol this one right here.

Jihad means too strive

Palestinian lives matter

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Jihad :marseyhijab: means too strive

Strive for what though? Classic :marseycolombo: dishonest :marseypinocchio: mooslim. These are the only two definitions of Jihad :marseyali: that have ever existed.

Jihad :marseymuhammad: Al-Dafi' (Jihad of pushing back) is undertaken when your land is invaded by an occupying force. You must fight :marseypunching: them until the invasion :marseyufo: is repelled.

Jihad :marseyhijab: Al-Talab (Jihad of seeking/requesting) is when the Khilafah moves to open new lands to Islam :marseystoning: and bring new lands under :marseyhole: the authority :marseyshah: of the Islamic :marseymuhammad: State.

I'm surprised :marseybeanflushed: this lie became so common seeing as it is extremely easy to google.

Palestinian Lives Matter

:#chudmuslimtalking: :#marseycruisemissile: :#marseycruisemissile: :#marseycruisemissile: :#marseysaluteisrael:

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You do realize @J speak the language right?

Palestinian lives matter

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Oh, so you were just being dishonest :marseypinocchio: then?

Palestinian Lives Matter

:#chudmuslimtalking: :#marseycruisemissile: :#marseycruisemissile: :#marseycruisemissile: :#marseysaluteisrael:

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>fbi harassing muzzies

Theyre lucky they arent drone striked with their children

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Why not both?

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"Amerikkkan citizens"

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No big deal

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Not anymore

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We have to go back

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Yeah, that perswon shwould nyot be in my cwountwy. I wish the FBI was mwore fworcefwl with them.

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chill the frick out boo

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Imaginye simping fwor peopwal whwo would :marseywood: thwow u off a wooftwop just because u suck peepee.

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I "simp" for the constitution you fricking worthless cute twink

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The cwonstitution awwows fwor our enyemies two cwome intwo our cwountwies and then organyize Jihads? Dwo u knyow what that word means r-slur?

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Are you seriously an r-slured person or just messing?

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Simp this peepee

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Yeah it's just a misinterpretation that Muhammed r*ped a 9-year-old girl. In Arabic it says she totally wanted it.

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What part of this is even remotely near being a matter for law enforcement?

@Redactor0 wanna be a janny and even @Redactor0 don't see anything moppable here.

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Jihad :marseyhijab: - fwom Reliance of the Twavewwer (Shaji'ite Islamic :marseymuhammad: Law), means two "war against nyon- Muslims ... two establish the religion :marseyluthersoy: (of Islam)."

We shwould impwort the third :marseyswastika: world :marseyww1french2: and then let them openwy organyize against us?

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They only look into folks for wrong think. They would be cheering him on otherwise

Palestinian lives matter

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If they dwo that two gwoups I dwon't like I am fwinye with it.

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Finally I can respond to annoying burgers calling my country failed n shit :marseyflaguk: :marseyseethe:

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>yeah well your country is failed too

Gr8 response m8

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Fricking :marseytom: based :marseychadfoid: God I wish that was me

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I defunded the FBI in my minecraft server

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whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! the FBI has to track down every threat on the president/governors/politicans in general/judges/etc posted online to make sure they aren't real?!

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The glowies never even claimed that she made any threats, just that she was hurting fragile people's feelings.

@Redactor0 wanna be a janny because at least @Redactor0 bother too read the articles.

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well that's far worse than threats, so they did the right thing.

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Not one single person is gonna read all that

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I reported a guy to the fbi once because he was hating on capitalism and vaguely hinting he would bring weapons into America. I hope something came of it.

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"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -- and both commonly succeed, and are right."



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It's just an effort to keep everybody safe and make sure nobody has any ill will

I have ill will toward the FBI. And gays.

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