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Actually read through most of it. Cliff notes:

  • Lower courts said there was no presidential immunity at all, told they were wrong

  • They said his conversations with the AG over voter fraud was protected because investigating crimes is under the presidential purview

  • His conversations with Pence and others might be protected, but a court would actually have to make a decision on it

There is a ton of cherry picking done throughout the Reddit threads and I'm not getting at all how people think assassinating a political opponent is on the menu.

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Because Sotamayor(?) asked the asinine question if assassinating a political opponent would fall under immunity and Trump's dumbass lawyer said yes. The real answer is barring the political opponent engaging in actual military activities against the United States, it would be an illegal order, and the military officers would be obligated not to follow it. If they did and it was carried out then everyone in the chain of command would be subject to whatever criminal penalties for breaking the law. This decision doesn't protect the president from that.

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SCOTUS specifically refuted Trumps immunity argument (basically he was the God Emporer above all judgement).

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How about if a president orders the military to stage a coup?

I think that, as the Chief Justice pointed out earlier, where there's a whole series of, you know, sort of guidelines against that, so to speak, like the UCMJ prohibits the military from following a plainfully unlawful act, if one adopted Justice Alito's test, that would fall outside. Now, if one adopts, for example, the Fitzgerald test that we advance, that might well be an official act and he would have to be, as I'll say in response to all these kinds of hypotheticals, has to be impeached and convicted before he can be criminally prosecuted.

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This decision doesn't protect the president from that.

But it does, sure the person who would do it would be in trouble but the president wouldn't be outside of impeachment.

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Well he wouldn't be the first president to assassinate a US citizens. :marseyshrug: But the decision says basically Article II powers have absolute immunity unless addressed elsewhere in the constitution. Congress still controls the power to declare war via the constitution. So I don't see how the president would get away with unless congress authorized him to wage war against his political enemies.

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and I'm not getting at all how people think assassinating a political opponent is on the menu.

It's because they're authoritarians that want blood.

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Counterpoint: assassinations are based and great from drama coin.

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heh, democrats are the true authoritarians for abusing the ruling that my side pushed for


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u are extremely upset, i fear

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@box love sucking peepee

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they dont even care about appearing legitimate anymore

:#marseynpcmad: :#marseynpcmad: :#marseynpcmad:

Absolute NPC comment lol. Nothing about this has any relation to the legitimacy of the court, and you could write that comment under literally any discussion of the court and it would fit equally well, like a proper NPC voice-line

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R-slurs be r-slurs

Probably gonna be that an official act like cutting traffic or skipping legal paperwork for shit is legal if necessary but killing is illegal

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Hypothetically what would even change lmao

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Nothing lmao.

Immunity for actions as part of his official duties but not for overreach or illegitimate actions is the most milque-toast ruling imaginable.

It's functional immunity, same as cops or firefighters or soldiers have lol.

Absolute :#marseynothingburger:

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Prolly a bunch of fricking r-slurs on my regions groomercord right now sperging out r-slurred bullshit and I can't say anything or I'm banned

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my regions groomercord

Keep yourself safe

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You have an account on there r-slur

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Worst mistake of my life

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They said his conversations with the AG over voter fraud was protected because investigating crimes is under the presidential purview

R-slurred take

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his conversations with the AG over voter fraud was protected because investigating crimes is under the presidential purview

National defense is under the presidential purview. Conversations with the CIA over directing them to assassinate a threat to US national security are protected.

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there is already precedent set by :marseyobama: so missiles away :marseydarkbrandon:

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No there isn't. You don't get battlefield immunity, just because you're american.

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obama killed kennedy

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We're so worried about Trump destroying democracy that we want Biden to destroy democracy in order to stop Trump from destroying democracy

...I need a Xanax :marseymath:

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That's a funny way to spell "bucket of popcorn".

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We need a Marsey of fiddling while Rome burns in the background

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I have no idea what this means in practical terms for the cases currently in progress.

@pizzashill can you explain for us?

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It means Seal Team 6 and the Secret Service will have to shoot at each other at Mar a Lago :marseyfbiagent: :marseyatfagent:

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>implying the secret service is actually there and not in Daytona Beach with their hookers

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They will probably have to scramble to defend Trump when they hear that Biden gave to order for Trump to brought in dead or alive. Hopefully in hawaiian shirts but still wearing their shaders :marseybeach:

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Holy frick that would be absolute kino

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I've seen that film.

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It would be like that one level in my favorite video game!!! :marseysoypoint:

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Time to get excited, because this time it means...

:marseysal: :marseysleep:


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rare unprecedented a good reddit comment :marseyfedpostyes:

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They make the average PATRIOTs.win poster look sane :marseyrofl:

Literally 0 trans lives matter

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do you think these people will ever realize that the DNC wants this guy opposite them because it means dumb people like them wont ask for someone who isnt a geriatric to run?

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So Biden would have immunity to order Seal Team 6 to murder Trump because commanding the military is a core constitutional power of the presidency.

What the frick.

What's next in this cycle of Presidential tyranny? Droning US citizens? :!#marseysmug2:

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I'm only mad about the ones that were killed by the guy I didn't want to be President. : basedwingchad :

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Jesus Fricking Christ, you think some raghead terrorist getting killed is on the same level as our government being overthrown? I hope when the cops are butt-raping you for looking at them the wrong way you'll remember how really this was actually just the same as fighting terrorism.

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dont be mean to @FormerLurKONG you fat fricking cute twink

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You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody around you.



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when the cops are butt-raping you for looking at them the wrong way

Don't "threaten" me with a good time!

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He's just a private citizen currently, hope that clarifies it for you :)

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All 3 were family btw lmao. Straight up fr no cap wiped out an entire bloodline.

Gus Fringed his butt

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I liked Obama


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Droning US citizens?

God forbid! But the precedent goes back even farther. Did you know Truman let the Air Force bomb Japan even though Tokyo Rose was there??? What if she got hurt? :soycry:

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Lincoln even permitted the army to open fire on mostly peaceful protesters in the original CHAZ.

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Confederated Hillbilly Autonomous Zone?

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How cucked do you have to be to be against killing a sandbipoc actively fighting against your country in his sandbipoc hole just because he happens to also be a traitor that holds your country's citizenship?

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I am neither against nor for it. I only accept that it is.


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Do it to him, Joe


:#marseymushroomcloud: :cryingtrumpjak:

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Everyone focused on trump and noone talking how joe can drone scotus now (he can't).

Scotus lets biden drone trump (it didn't) and reddit is somehow furious about it.

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Thirty. Four. Felony. Counts.

Any fricking questions? :marseylibleft:

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Yeah for what exactly

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Improper. Accounting. Procedures. :marseyguillotine:

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I mean it has to be this way. The alternative is that presidents get hunted by their competitors justice departments after their terms in office

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"What if the President were a Republican?"

"But Joe Biden is a Democrat."

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:marseysipping: there could be ritualized combat but we live in a boring world.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719859997558614.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17198599976202552.webp

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>not deciding presidential elections by kal-if-fee

Where did we go so wrong !trekkies :marseytabletired2:

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By existing. Star trek is the cuckolds show of choice. Being Euthanized is the only cure

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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9 hole golf matches (with a golf cart of course). Loser is executed

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There was a time during a particularly r-slurred period of Australian politics where, upon achieving office, the first thing to do was to call a Royal Commission on something mildly controversial that your predecessor did.

Royal Commissions are major inquiries, hugely expensive, take years and require hundreds of lawyers to sort through shit. So calling them on some dodgy union deal your predecessor did 20 years ago, then promptly doing absolutely nothing about the findings or recommendations, was seen as a power move.

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Who could concieve of a system like that?


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Could you imagine??

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Holy frick scotus keeps shooting themselves in the fricking foot with all this shortsighted bullshit

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Scotus has been fricking amazing lately.

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Do you remember whenever the leftoids did something wrong, you cute twinks were giggling and saying it sets a precedent so you can do it too now? Did you know that actually works both ways?

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Did you actually read any of the ruling or are you just having a senior moment today?

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Of course not. I just remember that whichever one of these cases it was, immunity shouldn't apply.

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The previous court rulings said the President doesn't have immunity at all. SCOTUS said the he does for official acts and kicked it back down to the lower courts. It's spelled out in the first paragraph. Basically a lower court made a pretty obviously r-slurred ruling.

Trump moved to dismiss the indictment based on Presidential immunity, arguing that a President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions performed within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities, and that the indictment's allegations fell within the core of his official duties. The District Court denied Trump's motion to dismiss, holding that former Presidents do not possess federal criminal immunity for any acts. The D. C. Circuit affirmed. Both the District Court and the D. C. Circuit declined to decide whether the indicted conduct involved official acts.

Below it talks about what can/can't be used as evidence which murkies the waters quite a bit. But after the NY judge saying "if there's smoke then there's probably fire" it's not too surprising.

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>if there's smoke then there's probably fire


i want to read more about this r-slurred ruling

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It was for the NY case, here's the quote from his jury instructions:

For example, suppose you go to bed one night when it is not raining and when you wake up in the morning, you look out your window; you do not see rain, but you see that the street and sidewalk are wet, and that people are wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas. Under those circumstances, it may be reasonable to infer, that is conclude, that it rained during the night. In other words, the fact of it having rained while you were asleep is an inference that might be drawn from the proven facts of the presence of the water on the street and sidewalk, and people in raincoats and carrying umbrellas.

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okay that seems pretty reasonable though. compelling circumstantial evidence isn't a new legal concept.

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Don't disagree, but it seems like the judge is leading the jury to a certain verdict unless he says that to every jury.

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He might? That seems like a pretty normal jury instruction tbh.

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This is pretty much the standard instruction for explaining what circumstantial evidence is, yes.

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Foid hands typed this ruling

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but how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast

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They can always change their minds later.

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Biden v United States:

"[53] As the former President was in a so-called "lame duck period", there is an implicit consitutional restraint on his executive power. The legitimate official acts of such a President are limited in scope and, even under a maximalist interpretation, do not extend to jailing the President-Elect.

[54] As the actions taken on January 6, 2025 were outside of the scope of executive power, they are not official acts, and immunity does not extend to their implementation.

[55] We also reject the writ of habeas corpus and remand to the District Court for sentencing."

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Implying joe makes it to january

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Telling someone to investigate or to find more voters is much different than jailing your political opponent or manufacturing ballots out of thin air. The Supreme Court handed down a very reasonable ruling

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You are too dumb to understand my comment and should keep yourself safe

Stupid wingcuck

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t or manufacturing ballots out of thin air.

But that's what he was telling him to do

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Chevron made that clear

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Presidents need absolute immunity in the course of their role. It would be absolutely rslurred if Obama went to jail for dronestriking a US citizen.

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