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Alright gang, we really gotta spruce up this place. It's election season which means we need to go crazy.

Straight up, I need someone to do some CSS magic here for the hole, and I need images, memes, the works. And I'm will to pay in cold, hard MB. I would even make it crypto up to a certain amount if that's what you want. It's all in your grasp, your greatest desires realized. All if you do some webdev bullshit, or make me laugh.

The reason? It's election season. That's when we need to get good, or become registered independents. So, here's the deal Cornpop, I have some cash, you have some talent. Flap those titties and we got a deal, got it?

And to make it sweeter, and to hedge personnel costs, I'm making this a contest. I alone will be choosing the winners, but rest assured I'll pretend to take advice.

For CSS, and really this is first come, first serve if it meets the standard, I will pay out 20K MB.

For sidebar images, I'll pay out 3k, then 2k, then 1k prizes. I may tip some of you beyond that if we get some real bangers.

This is your chance to leave a mark on the world's most intelligent forum for political discussion. The internet is mostly bots and centrists, so we don't have a lot of competition.

If all else fails, remember: Extremism works.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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:#boomermonster: CSS? Never heard of it
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It's just a fad, it'll blow over and we will be back to frames before you know it

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Any of these the kind of sidebar images you're looking :marseybinos: for?

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I like it, but something, more... Extreme? Something where someone won't browse this at work doubletime. You know, because already we're rdrama.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Unless you add nudity or word words :marseylongpost2: words :marseypop2: that's gonna :marseyvenn6: be more effort :marseymissing: that I wanna invest :marseywallst: tbh

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What do you need for css

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I need something american election themed. Something grand, obnoxious, and partisan. If I had to embody it in one image, it would be this.

But unironically, if you wanna sketch something up, like very basic, I'd love to work with you, you're my favorite already :)

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Maybe you can take a look at the other holes and see which parts you'd like imported?

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Really, I didn't see anything too inspiring from the holes. I think /h/drugs was the most unique, but not really my vibe. I guess if I had a wishlist, it'd be:

  • Red/White/Blue bunting

  • A scrollbar for news items, maybe a static message I could change like the sidebar, or better something dynamic like a pinned post I could edit.

Alternatively, maybe something that makes pol extremely unique, such as this. The joke being that politics is behind in tech by like, forty years. I should know, I had to learn how to use DOS working there.

Some things I personally like are: This and probably that. Let me know if I'm r-slurred, I'll still love you. Also feel free to make suggestions.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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We could just tie some balloons on the mailbox, people will get the point

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True, but I want more anger, more in your face. More! More! I'm still not satisfied.

But you're probably right.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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"A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested."

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