Umm…what are your pronouns? "I don't want pronouns, I don't want pronouns." So you're fluid? "Nobody even knows what that means." :marseydarktrump:

!trump2024 !transphobes

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This is an actual similar conversation I had with someone from my brother's in-laws side

>What are your pronouns?

What does it even mean?

>It means who do you identify as?

Like racially?

>No, like gender wise

Gander? Listen, I have taken a gander at the state of this thing and I don't know what is going on (I was being a bit smartass here)

>No, I meant gender, like you know man, woman, gender?

What is a gender?

>It's like the social roles that's expected from you

So like a plumber is a gender?

>No, genders are related to more like men, women and others

So there are roles which should be restricted to men only?

>No, I did not say that, but it's what historically being seen as a dominant thing

Listen, what you're saying can be summed up as: Historically this thing was practised, so even though we don't support it, we should consider keep on taking a part in it.

>No, you're mistaken. It's a form of assertion of self identity.

Oh, you mean like the guys who say Historically the US has been white, so they need to assert their self identity...idk man

>(Clearly losing his cool) Again, I didn't say that. You can't compare gender to race. There's no comparison.

So you're saying there hasn't been a continuous systematic degradation of women since forever? They haven't been sidelined in every field?

(This lib motherlover turned me into a women's rights advocate :marseyxd: )

>No, I didn't say that. You're twisting my words. (Leaves)

My brother's wife who was listening to the whole conversation - No he's not :marse#yxdorbit:

I didn't even know what my strategy argue with him seriously, troll him or something else...I just went with whatever he said and said the first thing that popped into my head. And here he was, esteemed lib, studied professional of pronouns, losing his head

!chuds it's just sad at this point. You can just make yourself look like a simple american boy, not political at all, willing to learn and watch them bend, contort, fold themselves into oblivion by making simple folksy comments.

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I doubt this actually happened but I hope one day I get the opportunity to try this.

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It only works with younger siblings.

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And then everyone clapped


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You know the chud infestation is bad when they're making up conversations where they own the libs

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More like and then everyone fapped :metime#:

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? male or female simple

do u look like a male or female

how difficult is it


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Counterpoint: bongs

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You know, when you look at historical images of most beautiful women, most of them are like 7/10 at best compared to good looking women from current era, and going by that logic, we can conclude that at some point historically, Bong women were actually considered the hottest in the world, and the rest of the world just beat them in the looks arms race over multiple generations.

This was considered the most beautiful woman in 1940.

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Are we pretending this is a 7 or something

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Yeah I don't know what this lad @timmy_blueballs is smoking but if you rate Gene as 7, you have to make the scale exponential with most modern day stars falling in between 2 & 3

Imagine saying these women are at most 7

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I have seen prettier down the street. Also darn they really lowered the bar in the 2000s.

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Show one proof

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Literally just go outside?

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:#tayadmire: :#marseyflirt:

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Nose way too pointy

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what would you rate her?

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This is a 10 even if you're a homosexual

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Yeah he is for real out of his mind if he thinks Gene Tierney was mid.

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I think if anything this shows a change in men's tastes rather than a change in how attractive women are.

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Could be. Good point.

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when you look at historical images of most beautiful women, most of them are like 7/10 at best compared to good looking women from current era

There are not enough r-slurred marseys to explain how r-slurred and wrong that take is holy shit

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:#10inbongland: :#goblina:

Yeah uggos exist, your point beimg?

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That was considered the most beautiful woman at one point in history.

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Counterpoint: fat

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Wow you trolled :marseyepicface: him epicly

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lololol I do stuff like this :marseyexcited: :marseyxd:

:marseyunamused: really trims the bloat from my social circles... :marseyjam:

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Do you think you present in a masculine or feminine fashion? Based on ur convo, it's probably feminine, so your pronouns would be she/her

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What is fashion doc? Like I like wearing clothes the same amount as a German 6th Army soldier in the winter of '42, but I don't think that makes me appreciate Hugo Boss anymore, you know?

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T. Brainlet ^

Fashion != Fashion

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Uhhh fashion literally has the word fash in it

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no one ever asked my pronouns irl

it's really disappointing, it's never not an entertaining conversation

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I just went with whatever he said and said the first thing that popped into my head

Lazy trolling!


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!nonchuds please don't misgender Trump, Trump doesn't use any pronouns as seen here :marseywholesometrans:

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Fixed queen I'm sorry I'll check my privilege next time

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trans women are women

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Not using pronouns at all is a clear bigot dogwhistle

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I'm glad Trump is learning to embrace Trumpself :marseyembrace:

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the pronoun dressing room is gone

this is a HUGE blow to the xenopronoun community :tayaaa:

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There are presumably a hundred handlers around Trump at any given time and not one has told him not to hunch over like that? Bad optics :marseychonker2:

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Trump literally just said Trump doesn't want pronouns and there you go assigning Trump he/him

!cuteandvalid attack!!!!!!

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I would like to unsubscribe from Grue facts

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Darn I was just about to reveal my medications I don't take

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I'm still subscribed :marseypraying:

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Its probably like six anti psychotics seems to work well on tism

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Sorry pal, I'm also gonna need to unsubscribe

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I wish I had a little grue voice in my head that gave grue opinions as I went through my day-to-day.

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You don't know what you're truly asking for

:marseyschizotwitch: :marseyyesandno:

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Aevann, can you make this a bannable offense?

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hes locked in

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Nobody handles Trump lol, man does what he wants :marseytrumpmugshot:

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is old and weird. You can't expect to straighten up spine at age. 's a big old fat hunchback.

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Honestly, I wish that we could get a sane anti-:marseytrain: candidate who doesn't drink all of the crazy far-right Kool-Aid. Where's the J.K. Rowling equivalent to vote for? :marseyshrug:

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>wandshit progenitor who's as lib as they come except with trans stuff in which she's still very lib but missed a few Overton shifts

Stop giving ground to these people :carpraging:

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I wouldn't call Rowling an Aughts liberal, she's been changed by time and exposure to !cuteandvalid

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She's still the posterchild of 00s liberalism. It's just that the :marseytrain2:s have accused her of everything imaginable and a some of the media has run with it so it's hard to tell. Her overall politics hasn't changed despite getting more vocal about the train topic.

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She's too aggressively anti-hate speech laws to be a 2000s liberal

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Has she always been against them, or only in the few years since she found out they could be used against her

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The latter but she's pretty entertaining now, she sometimes taunts bong police on twitter to come arrest her

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Too much exposure to train shit could turn anybody into hitler. The wheels in your head get to spinning and you start questioning everything you thought you stood for. You wonder if maybe train shit is the inevitable conclusion of accepting homosexuality. Maybe there is an actual reason, beyond simple bigotry, that all surviving religions condemn it. Perhaps religion and tradition are not top down oppressive structures, but expressions of the evolution of human ideas where the fittest ideas are the ones that have survived the longest. And what of the sexual revolution? womens lib? Where has it gotten us? You look around you at this supposedly liberated world and everything seems as dark, ugly and grotesque as the average AGP hon. Is this the cost of liberation? Maybe gods wrath is nothing more than the natural consequences of turning away from the natural order and the fates of Babylon, sodom and Gomorrah the inevitable conclusions

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Yeah but it seems she hasn't done any of that introspection. She just compartmentalizes them as a unique problem with no connection to the rest modern liberalism. Most trans skeptical libs do this as well.

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The thing is, you don't just get to come out and say this stuff. Especially if you're jk Rowling

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She wasn't supposed to say this stuff about trains either but here we are.

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Just don't call her late for dinner :marseycool:

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You don't think? I mean she's super English obviously so that's going to influence her politics but I think she's pretty clearly a 00s liberal.

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Let's elevate a candidate who doesn't know what a pronoun is though because that's based and valid.

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I think there's a fine line yawning, cavernous gulf between not knowing what a pronoun is and not knowing what genderfluid is

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Not knowing what genderfluid means, or pointing out that nobody knows because it's not externally definable? Being a genderspecial cannot be externally observed, it's only self-reported, and only describes the individual's feeling about themselves.

Trump is just shaking his head and saying it's all nonsense, which is very him but also something a lot of people agree with but can't say. On this particular issue, he's infinitely better than the Dems who would defend the idea you can not only be non-binary but trans non-binary unless they finally figure that out would lose them more votes than it gained.

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This neighbor is supppsed to be a businessman and he has never heard the term "fluid" applied to anything before?

1). R-slurred

2). Pandering to chuds :!soyjakwow:

Take your pick.

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Trump is a RINO though


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>I just want a sane reasonable person who is driven mad by this specific thing that hardly affects him

Same fam, same. I just want a reasonable candidate who will commit to immediately launch nukes at Uruguay on day 1.

They know why.

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>I just want a sane reasonable person who is driven mad by this specific thing that hardly affects him

Spoken as if trannies aren't currently destroying women's rights and mutilating children. :transtantrum:

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>spoken as though you care about women's rights or children's lives in any other context

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>implying I'm a misogynist chud


Try again, :marseytrain2:. I support women's rights and children's lives in all contexts.

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:marseyxdoubt: Prove it. When was the last time you performed an abortion?

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Okay, so you actually are a misogynist chud and you're accusing me of being a misogynist chud without even a hint of irony. :marseyxd:

I fully believe in a woman's right to choose. Do you?

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Jimmy is a valid "woman"

You can tell by her touching grass badge

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A veteran male feminist can tell through the screen; a master doesn't care :marseythirdeye:

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You can't find a sane anti-:marseytrain: because anyone who is that put off by 'em is brainmelted

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>actually its the people who dont support cutting off peepees that are crazy

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Gaze too long into the neoabyss and it gazes back into you

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I think I've seen a neoabyss wink at me.

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That was the wound :marseyvengeance: healing and then being torn open again

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This but unironically. Ur framing won't help u 😘

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The British Labour Party won in a landslide as soon as they stopped supporting :!marseytrain:s. Anyone who still supports gender ideology is brainmelted.

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They weren't winning before adding gender identity to their platform, and there's a very obvious alternative explanation for why they won, considering their share of votes didn't go up and the former government dissolved into humiliated fringe parties.

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They lost repeatedly when gender identity was a key tenet of their platform. Only when they dropped the :marseytrain: bullshit did they finally start winning again.

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And they lost before that too.

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:marseytrain:ism wasn't a big political issue before that.

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The Labour Party isn't anti-:marseytrain:. They support some anti-:marseytrain: policies, but anti-:marseytrain: doesn't define them like it does the Internet Right.

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I said "as soon as they stopped supporting :!marseytrain:s", didn't I? :marseysmug2:

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Most anti-trainers just aren't unphased and unbothered yet :derpthinking:

:soyjakferal: "They are saying men are women and women are men and can't define what either is! What the absolute heck is wrong with the world? Are you saying I could put on a skirt and claim to be a woman?"

People who I would consider otherwise sane who are anti-train, still literally won't shut up repeating the same points every time it comes up, like some kind of perma 2016. :marseypepe2: They get stuck in weird loops because they're shocked and appalled, and start debating an imaginary enemy :soyjakdancing: , frantically laying out all the reasons for basic things being true (to people who already agree, and ideological enemies that do not care and are not in the audience). It feels like a huge lack of confidence.

When these people catch up to the present, and get over being horrified and angry :derpunimpressed: , they'll get much stronger :marseyworried:

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J.K. Rowling and her ilk originally pushed all the anti-male 'we need to destroy gender norms' stuff. Rogue :!marseytrain:s were the consquence of feminists/gay activists. It's a form of divine justice that they must wear as a millstone around their neck.

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Destroying societal gender norms doesn't mean denying biological reality. :marseysmug2:

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True, but you'd think that someone who valued biological reality would come to the conclusion that gender norms aren't simply due to socialization

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>a sane anti-:marseytrain: candidate

>Joanne Koanne Rowling

U srs bro

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Ya I'm srs bro. :trollserious:

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