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German parliament to debate ban on far-right AfD next week


Democracy is when you ban opposition parties for political reasons.


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Democracy is when you ban opposition parties for political reasons.

They're just a vehicle for foreigners like Elon to buy influence in German domestic policy. !historychads well know what happened last time Germany allowed that unmitigated.

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Reminder that Adolf Hitler was an immigrant and that he only became a naturalized German citizen in 1932 in order to run for Reichspräsident

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This is why we need strong immigration policies. Any one of them could be the next Hitler! :marseyscream: :marseyscared:

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Weimar era Germany allowed a foreign agitator to lead an extremist political party. If they had Trump's policies Hitler would have been deported after the Munich Putsch.


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If they had a Drumpf-equivalent in charge, Hitler would have been pardoned for the Munich Putsch :tayshrug:

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1920s German judges were all chuds anyway. Hence why they gave Hitler a slap of the wrist over a capital offense.

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But they were the wrong chudTM though, with both the Ruhr Valley Revolt and Kapp Putsch ending with the non-execution of leaders of both events.

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No he wouldn't :marseyannoyed:

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No he wouldn't? :marseyconfused:

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Why? :marseysad:

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Yeah that's what I was getting at :marseysad:

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Wasn't he automatically given Bavarian citizenship though for his service in WWI?

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No, and there was no Bavarian citizenship by that time.

The German nationality law entered into force on January 1st 1914. Hitler joined the German military despite being a citizen from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1925 he even renounced his Austrian citizenship becoming stateless. He got German citizenship in February 1932 when nazis working for the government of Braunschweig got him a position on the civil service so he could get it to run in the Presidential election.

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Much like Japan, Germany's most prosperous era came about as a result of a dominating foreign influence.

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>notice all my bosses are foreign jews

>vote for the guy who wants to kill them


>notice all my criminals are foreign muslims

>vote for the guy who wants to kill them

seems like a serious case of German's forgetting their history.

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The KPD basically being a Soviet proxy, right? :marseygasp:

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  • UraniumDonGER : No, there won't be a ban dip shit. We're currently in the election cycle->virtue signalling

Of course they are gonna ban it :marseyshrug: AFAIK krauts have elections soon because their government collapsed, and they know all the mainstream parties will most likely get r*ped by the AfD, so they have to hurry and ban it before people "vote wrong".

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  • UraniumDonGER : Even the r-slurred NPD/Heimat wasn't banned yet. Yes I know, formglowie reasons :gigachadglow:

they're probably somewhat safe for this election, but maybe this is laying the groundwork to do it the next cycle in earnest

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We have elections next month, but you are clueless. AfD will not be banned in that election.

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Don't worry, I'm sure just the threat of a ban for the next one won't rile people up enough to vote for AfD out of protest.

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what would be your solution to electing the nazi party

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Teach people not to vote for Nazis or make hard to change laws that make racism illegal.

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dont indoctrinate my kids

lol u will never get a 60+ majority

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You tell those uppity r-slurs, @SlidingDonGER. :marseythumbsup:

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  • UraniumDonGER : No 3rd Reich but another r-slurred, Orbanesque grifter party :marseyshrug:


Is there any chance of the AfD doing anything actually interesting if it comes to power?

I remember when people were deathly afraid of the far right Italian melon lady (false advertising with those melons btw.), and absolutely nothing of note came out of her winning.

Would this be another nothingburger?

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Hopefully they'd do what Denmark did and only allow asylum seekers to enter the country once their applications have been approved instead of allowing all asylum seekers to enter the country and stay while the application process is underway.

Then expel all asylum seekers who are not approved.

If they actually get around to revoking citizenship for people that got "fast tracked" (Blitz-Einbürgerung) will probably have to go through courts which I don't see happening anytime soon.

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Citizenship is one of the few circles keeping the statist demon bound. I'd rather not tell it that citizenship is mortal.

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When you make analogies, try to not make them sound so cool. Now I want to see what happens when we let the statist demon out.

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The game of power ends. The night of the soul will begin and our children will be born enslaved. There will be no more stories of conquerors or thinkers, only good slaves and bad slaves.

And all this in the infancy of our computer god, which ensures it will be so, forever.

!schizos !nonchuds !historychads I'm going to be sick

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Of being among the last people that remember being free

knowing we failed and darned everyone forever

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forgot to ping !edgelords, babe

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Thanks. I forgot it was my right.

I'm actually gonna throw up though

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World :marseyww1russian2: wide mad deadly communist :marseychingchongsupremacy: gangster :marseyyokaiwatch2: computer :marseylaptopsad2: god*

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He didn't miss

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Hope you feel better bb

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Much better

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Then the end game is one lefty governments granting citizenship during their term to as many people as possible as they know it'll be a red line to take it back.

I would support your proposal, but only see it tenable with a constitutional guarantee that the naturalization process must take more than 10 years.

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God. I think lefties don't push it that hard because they know the right would do it with enough unrest.

What was the proposal again

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>What was the proposal again

Keeping citizenship sacrosanct

>God. I think lefties don't push it that hard because they know the right would do it with enough unrest.

They just did this in Germany. It also regularly happens in the US under democrat presidents. Birthright citizenship is a similar concept.

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It's more that being "stateless" is keeping the demon bound.

You can't (or at least self-respecting first world nations can't) revoke someone's citizenship if that'll turn them into a stateless individual.

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  • UraniumDonGER : But I love my @Maximus in there :marseymommymilkers: For the rest, don't even apply :marseybuff:

215 coins? Why are there so many self identified Karuts here?

I don't feel well right now.

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Why are there so many self identified Karuts here?

Diasporacels and foreigners with partial deutsche ancestry like me and @kaamrev were allowed in

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The (West)Argentinian has German ancestry!


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Don't be so hard on yourself, this means you're just as german as every Adolf out there :marseywholesome:

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Probably. They're far right by German :marseytranshitler: :marseyangelamerkelwave: standards so they're still lead by a lesbian. Immigration is likely their only extreme stance and as seen in Italy there's no guarantee they'd even do anything about it.

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I'm weakly optimistic that this time it'll different now that trump won. The wokies got much of their institutional backing from the US, if that stops they will have much less resources to block everything a right party tries.

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No. Cause "comes to power" is not possible, they'd need more than 50% of seats.

At most they will be part of the government coalition (not this election, their potential partner (CDU) rules that out) and that means compromises.

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given that this neo nazi party loves israel i think the libs are just crying wolf

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Nah no way :marseyclueless:

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It won't come to power, thankfully.

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They can ban the party but they can't ban the idea that they're fed up with the r*pefugees and trucks of peace

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Seriously though, these are the people who cry about sanctity of democracy so surely they understand that banning a party by itself isn't the end solution to this issue? It's a clear indicator that there is strong dissatisfaction and desire for reform. Like sure, they may avoid having the evil alt-right nazi party win this one election, but what are the long term plans here? The people that would've voted for them won't just disappear

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You don't get it dude. The AfD is a party in bad faith.

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The plan is to keep kicking the can down the road until older whites die off and the majority of youth are foreigners; at which time it will simply be too late to stop the replacement

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repression works

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Reminder that the AFD only exists because there is no secular center right conservative party, and East Germany doesn't want to vote CDU because they aren't Christians.

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Correction: the AFD only exists because there is no center right conservative party. Even the churches are secular these days.

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The CDU importing infinity bomalians didn't help either.

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also because the CDU isn't center right conservative. or at least hasn't been for the past 20 years.

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Lol remember when Romania canceled their election because the wrong person won and the "our democracy" crowd applauded?

Democracy = "experts" and glowies, not those filthy human cattle

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Even if they dont ban it, they'll just redo the election if they manage to win like in Romania.

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If they actually ban AfD it mean that we managed to destroy Europe :marseyfluffy:

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This is how FDP can still win

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wait. no. it's what the average social media democrat wants. nevermind. it's perfectly fine to protect democracy by banning a political party you don't like. deal with it, chuds.

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Literally won't happen. Actual glow parties like Heimat or the III. Path stay untouched yet they go for the Libertarian (the actual reason Musk likes them) AfD for its LARP?

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Yeah that's gunna work out well lmao

"Hey you can't do democracy sorry. Go home"

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"Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important."



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