I think many Dems didn't watch it. I didn't. I'm just watching the recap. That said, if the polls are true, our country is full of gullible idiots who don't know they're being lied to.
They literally have a poll in it saying it's mostly Republicans / independents watching
I wanted to add more quotes, but this here is the whole comment section
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this would be going so much better for them if the opposition didn't constantly look and act worse than Trump at every opportunity. Diehard repubs conservitards etc are going to be on his side mostly no matter what. It's the dems and liberals behavior that is pushing the center right, not because Trump is doing anything particularly good in every instance. He's just managing to look less shit by comparison.
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I don't know how dems managed to frick their party up this badly. They can't even have basic normal reactions any longer, just virtualsignalling and seethe
I wouldn't be surprised if the party completely collapses in four years since they can't seem capable of getting over this weird ideological obsession 
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yeah there has been no coherent messaging from them the entire time because they've given their party up to women and b-word-made SJWs who have no fight in their bodies and are afraid of saying something that offends someone like maybe Trump won because pales
ian protestors were r-slurs and virtue signalling too hard and their little ideological stand just helped wipe gaza off the map and won't just say that dems who can't be bothered to vote in person because of fibromyalgia or long coof are useless pieces of shit
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dont forget i was ridin' with biden 2020
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yeah I was getting kinda
at Trump recently but his speech at congress highlighting all the crazy shit left does reminded me of why he's president atm
if you take away tariffs and Ukraine press conference he'd probably be pretty popular, those two seem controversial among even rightoids
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the "big umbrella party"...they let too many progressive groups in, which causes a lot of r-slurred infighting...they are the party of "woke" and "cancel culture" and so on...
its funny because that is how occupy wallstreet was killed...OWS was the little people against the big money hustlers, was actually looking good and attracted many...but was infiltrated by some bad faith actors causing a lot of infighting and collapsing because they ended up looking like fools...same thing is happening with the dems and the left...they are gonna die on the hill for stupid shit like trains playing in girls sports...
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The same thing that destroyed Reddit and /r/neoliberal in particular also destroyed the actual Dems
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its like a "woke mind virus"
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On a state level Democrats are a disaster in terms of how they run their campaigns for national positions in any non outright blue state besides for maybe Wisconsin and Georgia.
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I remember when trump was winning in 2016 or whenever he was campaigning and every redditor was saying the republicans were collapsing and they wouldn't be a party in 5-10 years.
Wonder if those were just bots or delusional Redditors?
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They were still saying this in 2023
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The GOP could still lose most of their base after Trump is gone and if they can't keep up the momentum with new candidates. Alternatively they could gain a bunch of Democrats and make things even more unbalanced on that end.
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ACK-tivists of many splintered interest groups cannot run 1 out of 2 parties in the largest western country.
Either the U.S. ditches the two-party system (not gonna happen) or the ACK-tivists need to have power wrenched out of their hands, lest their party become irrelevant.
There's actually a third option, that the Trump admin becomes so unstable that even TRAs and BLM activists manage to come back and take the reins, but the country is dead at that point.
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It's happened before
Unlikely but definitely possible
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