The RNC has Hasidic Jews singing power ballads from children's movies


The President Biden Interview | 360 With Speedy :marseybiden: :#marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch2:

lmao donald trump got shot at during a rally and it only hit his ear!

he was like all talking and stuff and then this really ugly kid got on the roof of a shed and the cops saw him but they ran away and then he started shooting and he grazed donald trump but hit some other guy behind him and then the snipers got scared at first and then they totally shot the ugly kid in the fricking face and then the secret service didn't hustle trump off the stage and they totally let him fist pump and get his shoes


RFK accidently leaks call with Trump.

Is this juicy drama? Idk. Figured maybe some of you folk would find it intriguing.

He apologized and deleted from TikTok but its still around on Twitter:

What's with Amrican Boomers Always Suppoorting Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing?
Why would anyone want to kill Trump? He would literally be the perfect girlboss for everyone in this country!
🍑🍑🍑🍑 :marseymagahat: :marseydarktrump: :eaglehat: :marseydumptruck: 🍑🍑🍑🍑

I thought I might be sick of winning, but I'm not.

:marseyanime: :marseytrumpfistpump: :!marseygem:

!chuds kino

someone ping anime

Tump running mate tier list!!

Well, Trump won the debates. He had an incredible photo op, and a major sympathy bump. He cannot possibly frick it up now - oh, he picked his running mate? J.D Vance? Well, I'm sure that won't lead to any ads that damage the campaign. Who can forget his great work handling opiods in Ohio? Just check, which was totally not a scam.

Since this website is severely neurodivergent - I'm being sarcastic. J.D Vance is just an awful choice for running mate, for a lot of reasons. But what about Trump's other choices? Who were they? Why would they have been better? Well join me, as I rank Trump's shortlist of running mates in 2016 and 2020.

F Rank

Senator J.D Vance (Ohio) - 2024

J.D. is kissing my butt, he wants my support. - Donald Trump on his Running Mate, 2022.

I mean, god. What an awful. A graveyard in his closest, an uncharismatic speaker and not even good at winning elections. In 2016 and 2020, Trump won Ohio by 8%. Vance won Ohio by 7% - which doesn't sound much worse, but he had $100 million more then his opponent, Tim Ryan. By contrast, Mike DeWine beat his opponent for the governor's seat by 19%.

J.D Vance became famous when he released a shitty book called Hillbilly Elegy, piggybacked off that terrible book to create a "charity" that clearly embezzled money for his Senate campaign and was sponsored by big pharma despite apparently being anti-opoid abuse. He's a populist, but he's one that's a Yale educated corporate lawyer that's terminally online, in twitter group chats with dipshit teenagers like "napleon complex sufferer."

Seriously. Everything unpopular about the right is condensed into J.D Vance. A utterly useless idiotic hack - I'm not a conservative, I'm not an American, but I'm still getting angry thinking about fricking useless this idiot is! Still, he's got to have some upside right?

No! It's not 2012! Ohio isn't a swing state anymore! All this gimp is is Trump, but worse in every regard. Just a total brain fart of a pick. I think Trump will win, Biden is too weak an opponent for the time being, but if he loses, it will be because of arrogant, short sighted thinking like this.

D Tier

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey) - 2016

You know something may go down tonight, but it ain't gonna be jobs, sweetheart. - Chris Christie when he saw a sign that said "Christie Kills Jobs"

Funny how time flies. Today, Trump is the Republican party. It's whims are his whims, it's money is to pay for his legal funds, it's primaries dominated by whoever Trump deigns to endorse. That wasn't always the case. Back in 2016, Trump was deeply controversial with the die-hards. A three time divorcée that had cheated on his wives constantly while being an butthole - and his policy wasn't that conservative. Since the Reagan revolution, Republicans were pro-immigration, pro-free trade, pro-welfare cuts and pro-family values. Donald Trump waddled onto the scene, pissing on family values and being the most pro-LGBT republican candidate of all time, cracking down on the border, brining the Republican party back to the era of Lincoln by being pro-tariffs and promising not to touch medicare and social security. He was in some ways, running as one of the long dead east coast Rockefeller Republicans.

The big boned governor of New Jersey would have cemented this kind of Trump. The New Jersey moderate had managed to score a victory in the blue state of New Jersey through being a far more moderate republican. The kind that the Republican voter hates, the RINO kind. Christie in 2016 is similar to Vance - he adds nothing to the ticket, since a pair of shit talking East Coast moderates don't really bring out each other's unique elements. As Governor, he doesn't do much to offset concerns about Trump's inexperience either - not like he's a foreign policy expert or a whiz at dealing with Congress. Worse still, his 2016 run for the Presidency was ended by Bridgegate - a scandal where Christie caused dangerous traffic jams to spite a Democratic mayor that had annoyed him. While a minor scandal, it's still a headache that Trump's scandal ridden campaign doesn't need. Christie himself would say the main reason he wasn't chosen was because of Bridgegate.

So, what makes the man with with just more to love better than that r-slur Vance? Well firstly, Christie is fat, not r-slurred, and that's already a step-up. Secondly, elections are won from the Centre - the public didn't like moderate Trump, but he was the one that actually won the election. The right wing could have been kept in line by screaming "Hillary Clinton! Hillary Clinton!" The only state that Trump won in 2016 that he would have lost in 2016 is Georgia, while expanding his razor thin victories in Pennsylvania and Michigan - he still wins without Georgia anyway!

Still, a pretty poor pick in all honesty.

C Tier

Senator Marco Rubio (Florida) - 2024

Let's dispense with this notion that Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. - Marco Rubio during the 2016 debates, several times.

It has been nearly 10 years since 2016, and this c*nt has not changed his gimmick at all. The right wing Latinx was cute once, but the Latinx Florida conservative isn't some secret, Cuba produces loads of them. Even Ted Cruz is descended from those twits. Anyway, Rubia was elected senator off of the back of the early populist revolt through the Tea Party, Rubio has settled in as a swamp creature quite nicely. A bland mainstream conservative with no real controversies, his heritage could have been a real boon - 10 fricking years ago. It's not 2016 anymore, the Latinx generally like Drumpf. He's a tremendously dull pick, who adds absolutely nothing to the ticket - but unlike Christie and especially Vance, he really doesn't detract from the ticket. A perfectly adequate choice - with Trump's lead in the polls, not shaking the boat would be the safe bet.

Newt Gingrich (Georgia) - 2016

A mere 40 years ago, beach volleyball was just beginning. No bureaucrat would have invented it, and that's what freedom is all about.

I need to get this of my chest - how did a c*nt famous in the 90s for being a c*nt get a serious run for president in 2012?

Whatever. Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999, and a massively unpopular c*nt. Despite this, he would have been a darn fine pick in all things. Remember, this wacky moderate 2016 Trump - Newt's c*ntiness in service of the Republican party would earn Trump some trust with the suspicious Republican base, and his time in Congress would have helped offset Trump's issue with inexperience without compromising his outsider credentials.

He has two major weaknesses. One, the aforementioned c*ntiness - Trump has enough issues with likeability, and being paired with a bigger c*nt won't make him more likeable. The fact he'd be up against Hillary Clinton of all people could make things worse, since Newt's fight against Bill Clinton left Bill the clear winner. Two - the man is a massive manwhore. Constantly cheated on his wives, plural, that was partly why he stepped down. This would undercut Gingrich's ability to appeal to the conservatives that Trump needed to appeal too, when Trump was still distrusted.

Vice-President Mike Pence (Indiana) - 2020

I leave here today confident that God is at work. Even though it may not seem that way God is working. Even when things don't seem like they're going the way we expected, they're going the way God expected.

Well you couldn't fricking fire the guy.

B Tier

Governor Doug Burgum (North Dakota) - 2024

There's an entire industry built around commenting on President Trump, and I'll just leave it to the pundits.

Doug Burgum, man. What a guy. He is such a political talent. He gets it. As Governor, he ran as a social moderate and fiscal conservative, and unlike Meatball Rob, he managed to pick his fights carefully. He says he has no intentions of infringing on gay or trans rights, but when it comes to something the public doesn't care about like CRT, Burgum bans it on the spot. He signs an abortion ban, but says he would oppose a federal ban on abortion. The man gets it. More importantly, he's rich. Forbes places his net worth at $100 million.

Burgum is a moderate that played the culture war just perfectly enough to not offend conservatives or moderates, while being one of the first to endorse Donald Trump in 2024. Could he bring back that ""popular"" moderate Trump that won last time? No. Trump won and governed as a standard Republican, except he didn't try and fail to make welfare cuts. But Trump has been playing moderate, similarly saying that he'll defend medicare and would oppose a national abortion ban - Burgum would be a key step to helping build a bridge with the moderate voters.

Also the Trump campaign is about $10 million behind Brandon and Burgum would really help with that.

A Tier

Governor Mike Pence (Indiana) - 2016

It's said people relate to Garfield because Garfield in many ways is them.

Good old Mike "If you're a fruit, I'll get the juice" Pence. I've discussed it before, but Trump was an extraordinarily controversial when he won the nomination. Mike Pence, the unpopular deeply conservative Governor, was set to lose his governor's seat, and had years in the House of Representatives that helped compliment Trump's outsider sheen. It was a marriage made in heaven, despite being between two men and so sinful. Trump was able to skip past the work of building bridges with the conservatives, with just some token nods to Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions, and adapt to the campaign trail.

With that key demographic under him, his ability to take over the Republican party was effortless. There was absolutely no resistance, unless you want to call whatever bullshit Mitt Romney is up to "resistance". Trump always had his cult, and Republicans do mostly fall in line, even if Trump had blustered his way to winning in 2016, he wouldn't be able to so bluntly reshape the party in his Tariff heavy "populist" image - the kind that produces morons like JD Vance. Newt as his stooge just doesn't give Trump the same credibility, no one does. Pence was so perfectly situated for that precise moment, and it's no understatement that he is key to history.

Rdrama, do you disagree? Post it in the comment section, unless it's defending JD Vance. If you're defending Vance, keep yourself safe.

The science :marseyastronautblack: says that libs are mad



he believed this womxn

Who thinks JD Vance was a good pick for Trump's VP?


Hello rdrama I'm looking to compose a 2025 Trump cabinet but have a few openings. Any Recs?

Press Secretary: Taylor Lorenz

War man: Erik Prince

Head Jew: ?

The Money: ?

The Heavy: ?

Race and Racism: ?


Allegedly we will no for sure at 4:30p eastern :marseyrussianmutt: :marseywait:

Bitter scrotes most likely to support Donald Trump



:marseytrump: :marseychuddance:



2000dc to the user who links a video of the full address, i cant find it


This man just suffered an assassination attempt due to liberal hysterics.

Previously he has also shown the capacity to hold a grudge against others. ( Example - dunking on Obama by becoming president )

It would fit with his personality to go out of his way to implement project 2025 now when he gets elected not because he believes in it but because he knows that his rivals hate it.

Something something the destiny we try to avoid we end up coming across on the road we take to avoid it.

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