Jill Biden: 'I Hit That On The Daily'

EAST HAMPTON, NY—Defending her 81-year-old husband in the wake of his highly criticized debate performance, first lady Jill Biden reportedly assured an audience of Democratic donors Monday that she "hit[s] that on the daily," referring to President Joe Biden. "To any doubters of my husband's virility, let me just start out by saying that I hit that every single night, and it's magnificent," Dr. Biden said at a fundraiser, winking as she held up a special cushion that she claimed she had to sit on during her flight to New York while icing her "worn out" pelvis. "No, my husband is not a young man, but his age doesn't prevent him from regularly pounding the ever-living shit out of me, raw and wet. You may rest assured that our nation's commander in chief is relaxed and clear-minded each day from having busted so hard the night before. For anyone wondering if Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is still up to the task of the presidency, I submit as evidence the handprints on my raw red butt, which show the man in the Oval Office is a pure frick machine capable of making me come again and again and again, the way the leader of the free world should." Dr. Biden went on to say that the president only stumbled during the debate last week because his mouth was so tired from a night spent "jowls deep" in her kitty.

We need a puking while laughing Marsey.

:#marseypuke: :#marseyrofl:


wtf did nobody else post this????? don't make me get my news from Reddit :marseybeanangry:

Graphic details about Donald Trump's alleged "sexual proclivities" have emerged in the latest round of court documents containing details of late paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's associates.

The new documents contain "incendiary claims" about the former president, including accusations that he had sexual relations with "many girls", made by one of Epstein's alleged victims, Sarah Ransome.

Mr Trump's name has appeared a handful of times previously in the documents and, while not accusing him of wrongdoing, appears to illustrate the good relationship he had with the disgraced financier.

In the newly unsealed documents, Ms Ransome testified that her unnamed friend "was one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump" – including at Epstein's New York townhouse.

"She confided in me about her casual 'friendship' with Donald. Mr Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her 'pert nipples'," she testified.

She then described in graphic detail how Mr Trump allegedly caused pain to the victim's nipples – and claimed she saw the resulting injury firsthand.

"I also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffery's NY mansion on regular occasions as I once met Jen for coffee, just before she was going to meet Trump and Epstein together at his mansion," she said.

Patriot cope (just starting):

Epstein docs going around today, please tell me this is not real

Apparently the left is reeeiiinnng about Trump in the recently-released Epstein docs. Anyone know anything about it?

Edit: Now I'm confused

This article is from January?? The demonrats are passing off old news as new revelations, using the recent unsealing to pretend this is new information??? No way



!chuds in shambles as daddy Biden is gonna get his second term

Your groceries are now 328% higher than in 2022 :marseybiden2:

!nooticers :marseypoor:

"We're gonna repeal the 20th century." : facepalm
The electoral map according to polls if the election were held today

even arr slash politics is dooming now lol

:!marseypartyzoom: President Kamala Harris 2024 :marseyparty: :marseypartyzoom: Are you Ready !chuds and !nonchuds?

WASHINGTON, July 3 (Reuters) - Vice President Kamala Harris is the top alternative to replace U.S. President Joe Biden if he decides not to continue his reelection campaign, according to seven senior sources at the Biden campaign, the White House, and the Democratic National Committee with knowledge of current discussions on the topic.

Biden's fumbling, sometimes-incoherent, and widely-panned first-debate performance against Republican rival Donald Trump last week set off a wave of panic within the Democratic party over concerns that he may not be fit enough to serve a second term and prompted calls for top aides to resign.

Some influential Democrats have floated alternatives to Biden besides Harris, including popular cabinet members and Democratic governors like Gavin Newsom from California, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. But trying to sidestep Harris is wishful thinking and would be nearly impossible, these sources, who did not wish to be named, said.

If named as the party nominee, Harris, 59, would take over money raised by the Biden campaign and inherit campaign infrastructure, the sources said. She also has the highest name recognition among all the alternatives, and the highest polling among Democrats who could seriously be considered a candidate, the sources said.

In a Reuters/Ipsos poll published Tuesday, Harris trailed Trump by one percentage point at 42% to 43%, a difference that was well within the poll's 3.5 percentage point margin of error, a showing statistically just as strong as Biden's.

In addition, she has already been vetted for national office and has survived intense scrutiny from Republicans, they said. Also, U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn, the man who was key to Biden's 2020 win, told MSNBC he would support Harris to be the Democratic nominee if Biden stepped aside.

"It's pretty near impossible to win the nomination over the vice president," said Michael Trujillo, a Democratic strategist from California who worked for Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2008 and 2016.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday that Biden just had a "bad night" at the debate and would continue to make his case for reelection to the American people. The Biden campaign deferred to Harris's team for comment on the story.

Harris's aides dismissed any talk of a Democratic ticket that doesn't include both Biden and Harris. "Vice President Harris looks forward to serving a second term with President Joe Biden," a statement from her office said.

Biden's campaign has amassed 3,894 delegates after state primaries, leaving only a few dozen "uncommitted" delegates outstanding. They are expected to formally nominate Biden later this month in a virtual meeting, ahead of the Democrats' nominating convention in August.

"All of the delegates are not just Joe Biden delegates, they are Kamala Harris delegates," Trujillo said, adding "she will have a sizable delegation and support in all 50 states on day one," he said.

Donna Brazile, the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, who has a key committee role at this year's Democratic National Convention in August, said the person who can step in right away, if Biden decides not to run, is Harris.

"People may have dreams of another superhero but there is a process and the last time I checked it's a Biden-Harris ticket, she's number two on the ticket," Brazile said, adding Biden remains the nominee for the Democratic party and "is not going anywhere."

Passing over the first Black and woman vice president for another candidate would lead to a backlash from Black and women voters who are key to any victory, several Democratic strategists said.


Still, Harris has been sidestepped in a lot of the speculation since the debate because some influential Democrats have little faith she can beat Trump, four of the sources said.

The United States has never elected a woman president, and Harris has spent much of her time as vice president struggling to distinguish herself in a role that is by definition a supporting one. As recently as last year, many inside the White House and the Biden campaign privately worried she was a liability for the campaign.

Since then, Harris has managed to find her stride on the issue of abortion rights but her polling has not improved significantly. Harris's approval ratings hover under 40%, but according to recent polling highlighted by the Biden campaign, she and the president have similar odds of beating Trump.

The vice president has also been consistently targeted by Republicans and conservative media in attacks many allies consider sexist and racist.

Three Democratic donors, who have recently been pushing for Biden to step aside, also said this week they think it will be "impossible" to sidestep Harris. The donors had been floating Whitmer and Newsom's names as possible alternatives until the past weekend.

"There is a real conversation in the Democratic party about leadership right now, but fair to say, and I'm not thrilled about this... it will be impossible to ignore Kamala," said one of the donors.

Another donor said "she's nobody's choice, but yeah, nearly impossible."

Still, the president's reelection campaign is standing its ground, emboldened by a stronger performance by Biden during a scripted speech in North Carolina even as calls for him to step aside grow.

Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for former President Barack Obama, whose firm is on contract to produce the Democratic National Convention in August, said "President Biden is the nominee and he's going to remain the nominee."

"For those who are looking for some sort of interparty fight, be careful what you wish for because that would ensure a Trump victory," she said in a statement.

Reporting by Nandita Bose in Washington; Editing by Heather Timmons and Deepa Babington

Reddit Sneed/Smug

Biden quips that he 'almost fell asleep onstage' at debate :marseybiden2:


>claims to have travelled too much

>spends a week at Camp David preparing

:#marseyconfused2: :#marseysmughips:

President Joe Biden acknowledged again Tuesday night that he underperformed at last week's debate while saying he "wasn't very smart" for having traveled extensively in the weeks leading up to the event in Atlanta.

"I decided to travel around the world a couple of times … shortly before the debate," Biden said at a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Virginia.

"I didn't listen to my staff … and then I almost fell asleep onstage," he quipped.

"It's not an excuse but an explanation," he added. Aides previously said Biden had a cold during the debate.

It wasn't immediately clear to what extent Biden was joking about almost falling asleep. Cameras aren't allowed into his fundraisers, and the media relies upon written pool reports. Biden has a track record of making frank or unexpected comments at fundraisers.

In apologizing for his lackluster performance, he also stressed that it was "critical" to defeat former President Donald Trump in November.

Biden last month went to France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and then returned to the U.S. before he departed for the Group of Seven Summit in Italy. He then had a Los Angeles fundraiser and later spent several days at Camp David, Maryland preparing for the debate.

Biden continues to defend his ability to take on Trump after a debate performance punctuated by a raspy voice and rhetorical missteps that left many Democrats anxious.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, on Tuesday became the first sitting Democrat in Congress to call on Biden to withdraw from the race.

At a campaign rally Friday, Biden first addressed his performance from the previous night.

"I know I'm not a young man," Biden, 81, told supporters in Raleigh, North Carolina. "I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know — I know how to tell the truth!"

Biden is the oldest president in American history. Trump, 78, is the second oldest.


Former first lady Michelle Obama is the only Democrat to overtake former President Trump in a new poll released Tuesday.

The survey, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, found that Obama was the only Democrat to surpass Trump in a hypothetical matchup, garnering 50 percent support to his 39 percent. Only 4 percent of respondents said they would not vote at all.

Meanwhile, the poll found that in a head-to-head matchup, President Biden and Trump are neck-and-neck. They each received 40 percent of the vote, while 8 percent said they would vote for someone else, and another 8 percent said they would not vote.

Obama was the top choice among Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ticket, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released in February. Despite her popularity, the former first lady has repeatedly said she will not be pursuing a bid for the White House.

The poll comes after a rocky debate performance from Biden last week, where he appeared to stumble over his words and lacked energy. The poor showing has prompted some Democrats to call for him to step down from the ballot and make room for someone else take the reins.

Other Democrats floated as potential replacements to Biden in the poll included Vice President Harris, who received 42 percent in a head-to-head matchup with Trump, who received 43 percent. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) trailed Trump by 3 percentage points and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) trailed by 5 points in a hypothetical contest with the presumptive GOP nominee.

While the Reuters/Ipsos poll does not show Biden losing ground behind Trump, other post-debate polls have showed that he is. The survey did find, however, that about one in three Democrats believe Biden should drop out of the race.

The White House and the Biden campaign have tried to quell concerns about the debate performance in recent days and have dismissed the calls for the president to suspend his campaign.

The poll was conducted online July 1-2 among 1,070 U.S. adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

Um !chuds they're not ACTUALLY gonna do it, are they?

How do rightoids not realize that their countries economy is dependent on immigration?

They want to ban all immigration but there aren't enough people being born in their nation states to sustain continuous growth. Meanwhile these same people also want their quality of life to constantly improve but that's only possible as long as the total population increases which helps to increase total production and consumption and grow the market and labor pool.

The western economic model, to succeed, requires either, a naturally growing population ( which it does not have ), or a continuous immigrant inflow higher than the total natural population loss rate.

How have the rightoids not learned from the time when they banned the immigrants and suddenly there was nobody around to do the cheap work on the farms.

They aren't just stealing your jobs, they are doing the jobs you wouldn't have willingly done anyways at the prices those jobs pay, because those jobs only exist at those low prices.

The US is going to keep bringing in more and more immigrants over time, So is Europe. This is because the only alternate option is to slowly fall into continual decline like Japan.

Most of the anti immigrant crowd doesn't understand the privileges they get only because they are currently number one in the rankings for largest economy. The moment they fall they begin to lose those privileges.

Already, more than 1% of Germany's population worth of immigrants move there every year, and their population growth is still stagnant.

The US similarly needs more than 1.5 million people moving in every year to sustain itself.


The west needs millions of immigrants every year.

One day the west will become the highest population region of the world.


Tories still suck though.

Reported by:
  • WayOut : I wish someone would put me in a mass grave

One step closer to mass graves!

Sorry Jack, no refunds (cause I forgot my bank account details).

Lets see what Trump is up to:

At least we'll always have this fashionable neighbor:


between this and the debate democrats are ready to become suicide bombers

We are dead. It's just a matter of time until we get a president who abuses these unlimited powers. If Trump loses, sooner or later one will.

Only 1 solution: Congress passes a law fixing this

My proposal.

Biden calls an emergency State of the Union.

He makes the following short speech.

"Today is a dark day for America. The President has absolute immunity and the Courts must presume him innocent, even for unofficial acts, and cannot examine his motives. So say THESE people (points to Supremes).

We are going to see an awful but necessarily example of this here tonight. But just once.

(At this point all doors close and armed marshals take up position at each door)

By my command, nobody will leave this room until Congress passes a law irrevocably fixing this, specifying the President NO LONGER HAS THIS POWER.

We have the House here, and the Senate. When you pass that law, I will sign it, here tonight. But first I am calling a non-voluntary meeting of the Supreme Court, here, tonight to pass judgment on the law so that it cannot be appealed. You (again points at Supremes) are forbidden to leave too.

Once that is done, I will sign that law and you will be free to go, but until that moment, I have absolute power to keep you here, so say THEY!

Then, having used this horrible authority just ONCE, and for the sole purpose of abolishing itself, my dictatorship will end and I will be going back to President.

it's like they watched a handful of episodes of the west wing but don't really understand the political process so it comes across more as michael scott "i declare a dictatorship!" vibes


I love sucking peepee !chuds :marseyxd:



Pat Tillman's mom doesnt like it :marseydisagreewarpspeed:


Link to ruling (PDF with ridiculous margins)

Better threads than the shit one I linked:

News articles:

Various seethe etc:

What if the George Floyd riots never happened? : decadeology
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