Nerd of all trades. Bacon connoisseur. Sexytimes liker. Currently watching Fallout on Amazon Prime
7mo ago#6729996
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I have family in Oklahoma and have visited. I can confirm that theyre all completely fricking insane and you should never approach anyone from that state ever for any reason.
>be me
>visiting the fam and staying with them at the megahome
>their kids (my older cousins) are also visiting and staying there
>cousin A begins trying to sleep with this absolutely mid girl who was literally eating the sand from a shuffleboard table out of a lack of attention
>cousin A also fell into a local doomsday cult, genuine depression when the world didnt end
>cousin B and I get regaled by a naturalist schizo about being dumped by a dude with a secret family
>cousin C is a hippiefoid who lives near the costa rican jungle working in a native commune that produces cacao
>cousin A and C literally try to tell me that adding cayenne pepper to the chocolate (that we ate) will make you hallucinate
>cousin D had 2 kids with a literal schizo who actually tortured the kids (simulated drowning in a bathtub) and almost burned himself and the kids alive, now married to white trash
Aunt and Uncle are also super wealthy (multimillionaires, unironic landchads too) so they grew up wanting nothing. Cousin B is the only normal one and he moved the frick out immediately. The rest of the non-oklahoma family is completely normal, doctors, lawyers, financebros... oklahoma fricks people up man.
Just reLized its oakland not oklahoma, I'm r-slurred. I should probably effortpost about the cult my cousin got sucked into if I can find clips of their shit
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I have family in Oklahoma and have visited. I can confirm that theyre all completely fricking insane and you should never approach anyone from that state ever for any reason.
Aunt and Uncle are also super wealthy (multimillionaires, unironic landchads too) so they grew up wanting nothing. Cousin B is the only normal one and he moved the frick out immediately. The rest of the non-oklahoma family is completely normal, doctors, lawyers, financebros... oklahoma fricks people up man.
Just reLized its oakland not oklahoma, I'm r-slurred. I should probably effortpost about the cult my cousin got sucked into if I can find clips of their shit
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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.
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