My son got passed with a zero percent. Turned in zero assignments. Got passed because he was a good kid. No IEP. He said he was testing the system because he was told no one was allowed to be held back. I said ok, but if you are repeating 10th grade that is on you. Granted he could read and write and was an A/B student, but for the 10th grade he turned in zero assignments and was passed to 11th. I just don't get it. I had some choice words for administration, but was told it wasn't my choice. I told them to hold him back.
Be a valuable lesson in consequences of choices, and would give him a year of basically all electives and time to prepare better for a job while still being fed by the state. But he was going to be promoted and everybody knew it so it was 0% risk.
Which you would recognize if you were not, as one recent commenter said,
A valuable lesson in consequences could be taught just as easily by taking their smartphone away for not doing your school work. Your dumb as shit if you think that one valuable lesson isnt outweighed by letting your kid be lazy for a whole school year and miss out on a year of learning with the potential risk of failing out. Also just bc they got sent to the next grade doesnt mean they didnf get bad grades on their highschool transcripts from that year. None of that can be undone, you dumb bastard
you clearly dont know shit about parenting. Most kids dgaf and have to be forced to gp to school much less do tjeir work thats why truancy laws exist and various mechanisms for discipline in school. Any parent whod do what your describing no matter how dumb their kid is, is a peice of shit. Youre a peice of shit to butt for other reasons bc i doubt you have kids/will ever reproduce.
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I would have disciplined the child.
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Don't be racist
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Frick you bloody
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Don't make me break my foot off on your butt
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As long as he's actually learning, frick the syststem. I am 1000% in favor of pointing out ridiculousness like this IRL as often as possible
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so you use your kid to test the system and potentially frick up their future? That parent is fricking dumb as shit
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Be a valuable lesson in consequences of choices, and would give him a year of basically all electives and time to prepare better for a job while still being fed by the state. But he was going to be promoted and everybody knew it so it was 0% risk.
Which you would recognize if you were not, as one recent commenter said,
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A valuable lesson in consequences could be taught just as easily by taking their smartphone away for not doing your school work. Your dumb as shit if you think that one valuable lesson isnt outweighed by letting your kid be lazy for a whole school year and miss out on a year of learning with the potential risk of failing out. Also just bc they got sent to the next grade doesnt mean they didnf get bad grades on their highschool transcripts from that year. None of that can be undone, you dumb bastard
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B-word bastard frick you bloody
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you clearly dont know shit about parenting. Most kids dgaf and have to be forced to gp to school much less do tjeir work thats why truancy laws exist and various mechanisms for discipline in school. Any parent whod do what your describing no matter how dumb their kid is, is a peice of shit. Youre a peice of shit to butt for other reasons bc i doubt you have kids/will ever reproduce.
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you obviously failed at reading comprehension LOL
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That kid was working smart, not hard. He'll be just fine.
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