Badger Badger Badger :marseybadger:



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He truly is the best representation of burgerism in existence. "Afghanistan? Who cares we got badgers to worry about".

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Tbf badgers are pretty cool


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In this house we represent wolverines chud. Take it back or we settle this the old fashioned way.

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:marseywolverinemascot: :#marseyshooting:


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Omg I didn't even know that existed!

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arent wolverines jist big badgers?


honey badger


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I've lived in Wisconsin my whole life and never seen a wild badger. Or a snake, for that matter.

Lots of possums and raccoons though.

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I saw a few grass snakes while walking on a trail this summer. They were pretty cute.

I legit have no idea where to even look for badgers if I wanted to

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They make burrows in road ditches or field fence rows here In Iowa. I have seen a few of them over the years.

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I live in IA and we have badgers here. Usually they make dens in road ditches and I have seen a couple of them over the years. I don't see many snakes though, either. Maybe a garter or bull snake once every three to four years on the road or something.

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Europoor badger :#marseyno:

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They have cute pointy noses! :marseypusheen2:

American badgers are like the rest of their countymen: ugly, with fat smushed-in looking faces.

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Zoomers won't get the title reference !oldstrags what's your favorite Weebl vid? I like magical trevor pt 2

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Shit was SO cash.

My memory is starting to go out so badger and magical trevor are all i can remember, and even then just bits and pieces. ~~ooohhh it's a snaaake~~

Oh man i forgot all about this slapathon

If i didn't have an irrational hatred for every vector drawing program, I'd be making marseys out of these

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They were all bangers

Is this the line for chutney? No, this is the line for fighting

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As it happens, I've had Amazing Horse repeating in my head for several weeks now.

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Scampi is probably my favorite just for sheer stupidity.

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The song about him pooping out babies lives in my head rent free.

Not Weebl, but Dance of the Manwhore was also catchier than it had any business being. Mid 2000s Newgrounds had a ton of creative people doing the dumbest stuff and I loved it.

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Cat Face, Narwhals, Pet Shop. Mr Christmas pudding for a head I watch every single year, his little advent vids too

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Simon Cowell, your days are numbered

Owls will get you while you slumber

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Trump is as big of a moron as every other politician but at the end of the day, he is the only one that results in constant entertainment for 4 years. IF I vote, it will be entirely based on a politicians future entertainment factor since nothing else they say ever happens

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What did biden do yesterday? What has he done this week? No one knows.

What did daddy do 3 years ago? Still headlines

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Biden just needs more rizz and less handlers. I think he has it in him to make headlines. He just needs to live his best life

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Unironically thisb

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!nonchuds between badgers and the gorilla channel how are we ever gonna compete with this absolute unit

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I just gave a hard time believing that Biden, Obama, w, or Clinton were any better at concentrating or staying on task. Imagine being Clinton, you have all these meetings with people talking at you and you just keep seeing Monica pass by in the hall…

Personally, I think the press needs to give Kamala the trump treatment. I would vote Biden if we got a constant stream of her frickups and shortcomings for 4 more years

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Don't worry, chances are none of this happened to begin with.

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Maybe not but I can totally see Orange Father disliking Reince for being a lame cute twink and just deciding to frick with him by always asking him about badgers.

"Oh Jesus. Here comes Rinse Pubis. I hate that guy. Watch this. Hey Rinse! Tell us about badgers again! :marseygiggle:"


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I really want to believe it happened though

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Are you fr Google

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Later that day, at a rally


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>They're tremendous creatures. Great American animals. Make a note Reince, let's look into getting a badger.

This 100% did happen

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Filled with childlike wonder

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Gorilla channel vibes


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Mushroom mushroom!

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Biden :marseybiden2: 2024 with Trump :marseybootlicker2: as vice-president NOW!

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TL;DR: neurodivergent failed a basic "can I get along with this guy" test

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Put the gorilla channel back on

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