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I'm pretty sure being a :marseytrain: (almost) killed this person, also they were taking the pube hair HRT :marseylaugh:




Posted every day, multiple times a day, until the revision to the bottom surgery post. Then got sepsis and (almost) died. :marseymanysuchcases: He was even promoting DIY hormones until the end :marseyxd:



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It depends. If you're stealth around conservatives like me...

Let's just say that the worst shit you see online is just the tip of the iceberg. What they say about us IRL behind closed doors gets worse from there. Trigger warning:

They talk about lining us all up in front of mass graves and shooting us into them. They talk about having public executions where they torture and murder trans people for sport on TV. They talk about taking "the attractive ones" and forcing them to be s*x slaves they can murder while raping and how it'll solve the incel problem in part. They want death and r*pe camps. They want to forcibly impregnate trans men by forcibly detransitioning them and selling them to incels and they want to r*pe, mutilate, torture, and murder trans women just to watch us suffer. They watch nothing but trans porn and think that's all there is to being trans. They describe us like we're a virus or like we're demons. They call us libertarians and groomers and say that we should be burned at the stake. They are beyond evil.


Highly sane, totally not schizophrenic poster

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They talk about lining us all up in front of mass graves and shooting us into them. They talk about having public executions where they torture and murder trans people for sport on TV. They talk about taking "the attractive ones" and forcing them to be s*x slaves they can murder while raping and how it'll solve the incel problem in part. They want death and r*pe camps. They want to forcibly impregnate trans men by forcibly detransitioning them and selling them to incels and they want to r*pe, mutilate, torture, and murder trans women just to watch us suffer. They watch nothing but trans porn and think that's all there is to being trans. They describe us like we're a virus or like we're demons. They call us libertarians and groomers and say that we should be burned at the stake. They are beyond evil.


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They talk about taking "the attractive ones" and forcing them to be s*x slaves

:#marseysick: :#marseycope:

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Not a fetish btw

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They talk about taking "the attractive ones" and forcing them to be s*x slaves


They want to forcibly impregnate trans men by forcibly detransitioning them and selling them to incels


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!coomers imagine fricking a FTM so hard that she turns back into a tomboy :#marseycoomer2:


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yisssssssssssssssss :#marseyturnedon:

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hey now! can I get a price list over here?

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Someone could probably make some coin writing a handmaid's tale for trains series of books. I guess I shouldn't be surprised delusional people are delusional but god darn that shit is funny.

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Make the protag be a pre-op :marseytrain: in a hyper-male-dominated world who is picked off the street as the primary harem member for some anti-trans leader, and make the story a dystopia depicting xer struggles being r*ped by anti-trans leader while also avoiding being clocked.

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:ramonajak: It's actually really deep social commentary, and also a warning. People who say that literally haven't read it! Um, Can you close my door on your way out? Thanks...

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There's a Japanese version of Handmaid's Tale except genderswapped.

So its just a bunch of horny foids trying to r*pe the last man on Earth.

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"Y: The Last Man" also exists but i've no idea if it's similar to your jap one lol

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I heard they fricked the TV series so bad it got axed before it ended

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Y: The Last Man

It should have been me...

"I love sucking peepee"

:#marseyaugusttalking: @August

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Stationmaster's tale

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Coom ficition.

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This snuff fantasy is predicated on trans people literally having never interacted with normal folks ever in their life. Kinda fricked to lie like this to people so dangerously sheltered.

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He was typing this comment with one hand. :marseycoomer:

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I suspect said poster is projecting xer debauched erotic fantasies onto normal sane people for sexual gratification. Xey probably jerked off to the post after completing it. https://media.giphy.com/media/89Qe3GAUbJASADJGVX/giphy.webp

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This is like women who can't stop thinking about being r*ped. Self-defense classes, volunteer at the r*pe clinic, participate in anti-r*pe activism (slutwalks, blue jean day, male feminist heel walks, etc), frequently talk about how unsafe it is to walk alone at night as a woman, watch r*pe porn, into BDSM, etc.

It's obvious projection.

I'm pretty chuddy. No chuds are talking about revenge-raping :marseytrain2:s or openly talking about any affinity for :marseytrain2: porn. The rest of it is pretty accurate though.

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Show me these people. I want to meet these "real" people that totally exists and is not part of your fetish fanfic.

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They describe us like we're a virus or like we're demons

That must be projection. Because Republicans are the demons walking around in skinsuits. It's morally okay to slice away the skinsuit, it doesn't belong to them anyway.

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This is his fetish :marseyfeet:

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Imagine getting your pointless kink/vanity surgery to only end up dead.

Feels like some kind of bible verse would be applicable here, but I'm far too r-slurred to give an example. Oh well, hopefully he is grooming and making terrible posts in the netherworld.

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Romans 6:23 maybe? "Wages of sin is death"

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Wages of sin is death


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If "Wages of Sin" isn't a metal band it should be

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Sounds like a John Romero Doom level.

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Sweet marsey!

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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The worst is getting your nuts cut off and then realizing your autogynephilia is gone, so you just have to chill with no peepee or nuts for the rest of your life.

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Eunuchs just chillin

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How do we know he's dead? There was an update

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Did they just make that? I swear that wasn't there before....we did it rdrama :marseyletsgo:

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Cinchnews should write an article on how rdrama thwarted trans genocide

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Graitification from a crazy person you don't know committing suicide is WPD tier bro

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No it isn't BIPOC :marseyracistgrandpa: you can be happy :marseyfeelsgoodman: someone is dead/ find it hunurous or ironic :marseybeanwink: without taking genuine pleasure in visual violence :marseyterfdomesticabuse:

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So WPDcel except more kitty?

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Grue we both know there :marseycheerup: is a large :marseywide: difference between :marseyzeldalinkpast: inflicted malicious :marseyevil: violence :marseybardfinn: and deriding a persona :marseysymbol: non grata online :marseyidio3: smdh

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Gaining happiness from the death and/or suffering of someone mentally ill is fricked up, no matter how you try to slice it

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You know what doubling down

It's objectively s societal good when mentally :marseymeds: ill people meet an unnatural demise without reproducing

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That's often the case- because of comorbidity with antisocial degenerate behaviors.

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I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing :#marseydunce:

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I'm calling chuds mentally ill

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Very true, as with my population decrease :marseychartdowntrend2: necessity views I fully recognize I would :marseymid: be culled in kind. That's why ideally they'd just sterilize a generation :marseyreactor: instead of mass genocide :marseypolpot: till we hit 10k

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Objectively good, but not something you should derive pleasure in.

Did the scene of old-yeller's head getting blown off make you happy inside?

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Happiness/satisfaction/smugness =/= pleasure. People hate things that give them pleasure all the time IE slave owners and their bucks

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Until current year they kept that shit out of sight and in the closet though

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According to many historical :marseyredcoat: slave studiers we all know white :marseymarcus: men buck broke slaves :marseycracka: in public squares as entertainment for children :marseychildcatcher:

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Whatever dude. At least take some normal joy of my dog in the snow.

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chinchilla moid moment at the chin hotel

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:#marseyslurpfast: looks like it wants AIDS peepee

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No it isn't, it just depends on who and why. Death :marseymissile: discussion/mockery as entertainment is older than any other type

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The oldest entertainment is peepee-based. Cave paintings and stone-dildoes

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I love that site!

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Hi babe :marseywave3: everybody dies :marseyjam:

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He gets a lot of smoke out of that cigar :#marseyflushzoom:

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expert toker :marseyjoint:

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My cigar smoke is paltry by comparison


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Wow lol that's so funny someone died :#marseyxd:

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This but unironically. I love finding recently dead redditors :marseyhammersrdine: lmfaoooo even has a sub /r/deadredditors

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I love you and understand you are suffering. I forgive you for you're misguided sentiment and I pray that you find something that will heal you're heart!!!!



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:marseygiggle: hehe

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I forgive you and love you


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thats awesome, thanks

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I forgive you and love you


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Right? :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Lmfao :marseytypinglaugh:

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Funniest comment by this BIPOC, intentionally or otherwise

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this but unironically

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You forgot to attach gigachad

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