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The average libertarian has an IQ ~0.75sd below average and is inferior to the average person across all cognitive subdomains, with degree of libertarianism being negatively correlated with all measures of intelligence

"Teleiophilia" means attraction to adults. The reason even adult-attracted people display a slightly lower than average IQ in this study is likely due to the sample being limited to male patients reporting "illegal or disturbing sexual behavior", meaning the IQ differential between libertarians and non-libertarians is likely even greater than this study suggests, given that paraphilia and criminality in general are likely predictors of low IQ, and that men have slightly but significantly lower IQs than women !moidmoment

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What I got from this is that all left handed people are r-slurred libertarians.

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They're called sinister for a reason

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People 500 years ago were right; we should hang them!

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reddit mods completely BTFO

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Please upmarsey my post, or I will have to r*pe you

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This isn't the peepeehands I know. You know you're itching to upmarsey

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If a tree falls in the forest and lands on a sidevoter, does anyone care?

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sorry my bad

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Don't apologize, cuckold

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It was an honest mistake

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I didn't upmarsey your post either :marseyflirt:

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Isn't this, like all criminals, massively bias due to being the ones that got caught. The study attempts to account for this but the type of crime sort of self selects for it being kind of hard to get caught for.

This is gonna be the absolute r-slurs jerking it in the public library. You would never catch the ones that never act in any way as a thought crime.

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No, because the sample isn't from convicts and because the adult-attracted control group is from the exact same sample

!moidmoment !friendsofmimwee

>AI hentai addict

>Immediately gets defensive about study showing libertarians are low IQ


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>the methodology of this study might be flawed :marseynerd3:

>What are you a libertarian? :marseysmoothbrain:

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I mean we all know you are, so I'm not surprised when you take this stance...

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!poll_voters Budgerigar plays with fire. :marseyflamewar: We love fire on this site! :marsey: But it burns out. :marseysad:

What do u think:

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That would be the SECOND permaban I got on this site.

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If it's a winning strategy is it a bad one?

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We all know it's the ones who protest too much (you --> :malefeminist: ) who need to be monitored

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>Actually, being against libertarianism makes you the libertarian :smugjak:

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It's moreso "why do you constantly think and talk about something you claim to hate?"

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"why do you constantly think and talk about something you claim to hate?"

That describes everything on this site.

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Rabbi burning the ghetto, etc etc

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No, because the sample isn't from convicts

… how?

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Anybody who willingly admits to libertarianism is an r-slur.

If a libertarian is smart, they would never admit to it, because admitting would result in violent attack from many anti-semitic people.

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>Brand new chud account already seething about duh Jews being against libertarianism

!nonchuds the replies to this post are one big !moidmoment

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Attraction to adults. Teleiophilia (from Greek téleios, "full grown") is a romantic and/or sexual preference for adults (around 18 to late 30's early 40's), specifically for adult body types, as it encompasses attraction towards postpubertals, the sexually mature


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Omg just say normal people

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Adult women fetish :marseybigbrain:

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Should just be called Jinxthinker-esque sexuality

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>"Teleiophilia" means attraction to adults.

Now I understand why people were offended by being called "cis."

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I think it's just a clinical term to avoid a clunky phrase like "adult attracted person" or "non libertarian- or hebephilic presenting individual"

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I can only accept the usage of a term like this in a scientific study. Anyone who says something like this outside of it deserves to be smacked upside the head.

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Because they're !r-slurs ! :marseyletsgo:

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You can be born gay and then you'll stay gay for your life.

But all children are attracted to children. So if there's something fricked up with tour brain or your development, you might not ever grow to be attracted to adults like everyone else.

Everyone is born a libertarian, but you grow out of it if everything goes right. This is why we should ban anime.

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All children are libertarians

!marseyartists can we get the below marsey but with :marseywhirlyhat:


Refusal or doing a poor job means that you support libertarianism

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I love you carp 🥰

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what about !milfs lovers :marseybearsick2:

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The highest IQ straggots

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Fellow Television frickers, rise up! :marseytv: :marse!ynut:

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and that men have slightly but significantly lower IQs than women

you wish, hole :marseynoooticer:

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Fetishes in general are a low-IQ thing. It's basically only neurodivergents, psychopaths, r-slurs and people with literal blunt force trauma brain damage that have eccentric fetishes.

Trans lives matter

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are we sure it's not just that the only people who say yes to being libertarians are r-slurred?

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I'll never understand what compels one to go online looking for an article like this

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I was looking for studies on whether paraphilia in general is associated with low intelligence and the only stuff I could find was this, a bunch of older, shitter studies on IQ and libertarianism, and a "pre-print" whose title was exactly what I was looking for, but was simultaneously AI generated and in broken English, and was actually all about how vaccines cause autism. I fricking love science

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men have slightly but significantly lower IQs than women


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Significant, as in not due to random noise. Moids are slightly dumber than foids on average.

Also have longer and fatter tails. More tards and euphorics. Foids are best at being basic b-words.

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We finally know men are dumber than foids? When I was in HS the other way around was said. I did hear about the male iq score distribution being more uniform than women's though.

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Moids have the highest outlier IQs but on average moids have a lower IQ. Moids just occupy the extremes of life outcomes.

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Moids have the highest outlier IQs but on average moids have a lower IQ

Maybe you guys should repeat this again, just to make quadruple sure I'm aware

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Moids have the highest outlier IQs but on average moids have a lower IQ.

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Post the gender breakdown :marseynoooticer:

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BIPOC it's in the post

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Yea because only r-slur will admit to libertarianism

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The reason even adult-attracted people display a slightly lower than average IQ in this study is likely due to the sample being limited to male patients reporting "illegal or disturbing sexual behavior"

Wait so even the adult attracted people in this study were sickos? I wonder what the qualification barrier was? Bdsm? Piss drinking? Does foot fetish :quentin: qualify?


What about Trans furry lives matter enthusiasts?

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Anyone admitting to being a libertarian probably isn't very smart, indeed.

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And the guys on To Catch A Predator are always at least mildly r-slurred. While they are the ones dumb enough to get caught, I think a point can be made that a significant portion of libertarians pursue children because they're intellectually stunted in some way and relate to children more than adults. I've heard people say before that Chris-chan is mentally like a child with a s*x drive; I believe that many libertarians are in a similar boat. Libertarians target people incapable of consent because they're barely capable of consent themselves. Not that this justifies libertarianism at all; r-slurred adults are still adults.

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Reminder that most libertarians are also attracted to adults. They don't choose between prison and a life of celibacy, they just can't resist indulging one of their (likely many) niche fetishes.

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Have you weighed yourself today?


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For those of you that are wondering:

infanto: <5

libertarian: <12

hebe < 14

ephe < 21

telio > 18

No it doesn't make sense. But you can claim the libertarian badge if you ever searched teen :chudsmug:

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