

The co-creator of 1990s US sitcom Friends has admitted it was "a mistake" not to use the appropriate pronoun for Chandler's transgender parent.

Marta Kauffman said she now regrets the representation of the character, who was played by Kathleen Turner.

"We kept referring to her as Chandler's father, even though Chandler's father was trans," she said.

"Pronouns were not yet something that I understood. So we didn't refer to that character as she. That was a mistake."

Kauffman was speaking to the BBC World Service's The Conversation in an interview to be broadcast on 11 July.

Turner appeared in the hit sitcom in three episodes in season seven, which was first broadcast in 2001.

Her character was the butt of jokes from others, including Matthew Perry's Chandler and his mother, about her gender identity and appearance.

In a 2018 interview, Turner said she would not take on the role if she was offered it again, and would leave it to a trans woman.

She also said elements of Friends had not aged well, noting how there was confusion over whether the character was a drag queen or a trans woman.

"Yeah, people thought Charles was just dressing up," she told the Gay Times.

The character was not explicitly acknowledged as trans in the programme, being referred to as gay and shown working as a drag artist called Helena Handbasket in Las Vegas.

Kauffman, who is also the creator of the Netflix series Grace and Frankie, said she would do things differently if she was working on Friends now.

Talking about a recent incident on the set of a TV show, she told the BBC she "fired a guy on the spot for making a joke about a trans cameraperson", adding: "That just can't happen."

She went on to say Friends also "did not have enough representation of black people" and that she was "clearly part of systemic racism in our business".

"I was unaware of that, which makes me feel stupid," she said, adding: "That was a very valid, extremely difficult criticism which still... I get emotional about.

"If I knew then what I know now, there are certain things I would have changed. But I didn't know them and I have since learned."

The interview came after Kauffman announced she was donating $4m (£3.3m) to her old university, Brandeis in Massachusetts, to establish an endowed professorship in the school's African and African American studies department.

"Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy," she told the Los Angeles Times last week. "It's painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I'm embarrassed that I didn't know better 25 years ago."



With Ezra Miller's reputation taking some heavy damage in recent months with one negative story after another hitting the headlines, there has been a lot of chatter about what the controversy means for The Flash. At this point, the superhero movie has been filmed, and given Miller's prominence in the movie, it would be impossible to recast the role without having to basically reshoot the entire movie from scratch. It's expected that Miller will remain in the film for the release of The Flash, though it seems most likely that their role of Barry Allen will be recast moving forward.

If Warner Bros. ends up introducing a new Barry Allen in the DCEU after The Flash, who would that actor be? Fans have spent a lot of time discussing various possibilities. Grant Gustin, who plays the character in the Arrowverse's television series version of The Flash, has come up as one popular pick. In recent days, following the release of The Umbrella Academy's third season on Netflix, Elliot Page has emerged on social media as another popular pick as many fans are sold on the suggestion.

"Just want to take this moment to say Elliot Page would make a great Barry Allen, in case there's ever a need to, you know, cast a new Flash, for whatever reason," reads one popular post that's been liked thousands of times.

"Elliot page could totally pull off Barry Allen flash when Ezra inevitably is fired," says someone else. "Don’t really see him as comic flash, but the the flash Snyder set up that seems to be continuing into the new movie could totally be Elliot."

"I feel like some people are just fancasting Elliot Page as The Flash because they like him and wanna get rid of Ezra Miller. But I genuinely think he could pull it off," another fan says.

Another popular tweet reads, "Saw someone mention that The Flash should be recast as Elliot Paige earlier and now I'm obsessed with the idea. Not only does it keep a genderqueer actor in the role, but Elliot's no stranger to superhero outings (X-Men and Umbrella Academy), and is all around great. Need this."

Some Fans Say Elliot Page Would Be Perfect as Barry Allen

Based on his acclaimed performance in The Umbrella Academy alone, it's easy to see why many fans feel Elliot Page could naturally slip into the lead role of a superhero tentpole. The actor also has prior experience in the superhero genre. Page previously played Kitty Pryde in Fox's X-Men movie series and co-starred with Rainn Wilson in James Gunn's superhero satire film Super. Maybe it's time for Page to take the lead in a new film on the big screen in the DCEU.

In the meantime, Page can be seen in the new season of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix. Page will Page also voices a character in the upcoming show Ark: The Animated Series as part of an ensemble cast that also includes Gerard Butler, Michelle Yeoh, David Tennant, Karl Urban, Russell Crowe, and Jeffrey Wright.

White AOC



you want a poll? idk

Second Reality Demon Head

Tiny Pepe


Max Payne

Amazon is spending $465 million on the first season of Lord of the Rings :marseyemojirofl:

Here is the trailer to remind you of what I am talking about.

The entire original Lord of the Rings Trilogy cost around 281 million to make.

For reference, game of thrones Season 4 cost around 60 million to make.

Amazon is literally going to lose all the money on this show calling it right now.

Release date - September 02 2022 :marseypopcorntime:


Yasss Xueen sign him up for Drag classes instead :marseypass:

Dear Care and Feeding,

My 7-year-old son is in Cub Scouts and loves it; me, not so much. It seems to go against everything I've been trying to teach my boys. There is a lot of God and patriotism. At every meeting they promise to be clean and reverent, to do their duty to God and be morally straight, which makes me cringe. We are atheists, which the program technically bans. Up until recently the Boy Scouts also had anti-gay policies. It seems like a no-brainer that this group isn't for us, but my son loves it. Our "den" gives the option of community service instead of going to church for the "Duty to God" badge. Other than the pledge in the beginning, we have really enjoyed the family friendly activities, projects, and group campouts. I've heard comments about masks and losing freedoms, I've seen a Let's Go Brandon flag in a leader's garage, but overall everyone has been friendly and welcoming and hasn't talked politics.

I've talked to my son about why I don't think we should continue, but he is 7 and just wants to build cars and go fishing. It doesn't help that his best friends' parents are the leaders of the program. With the recent Supreme Court rulings, I just can't stomach these meetings anymore. He is supposed to march in the Fourth of July parade and I have no desire to celebrate America right now. I've checked and cannot find any similar groups in our area. My husband says it would be wrong to make him quit because of my beliefs. But he is 7, isn't it my job to teach him my morals? I'm so torn on what to do!

--- A Mom Just Trying to Do the Right Thing

Dear Just Trying,

Since each Boy Scout troop takes its own approach to the rules and traditions of the national organization, I'm not going to try to explore or debate the positions of the national organization, because that's not the heart of your question. Your question is really whether your discomfort with the national organization is reason enough to pull your kid out of the local program, so the local is what I'm going to focus on.

It is your job to teach your son your morals, but at some point it's also your job to let him codify his own set of values, which may or may not line up with yours. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting that your 7-year-old is ready for that! But I think having an eye toward that future point is your best course of action here. It sounds like you can be reasonably certain that the den leaders, or at least one of them, have different political beliefs than you, but that at least so far those beliefs have not entered the Scout activities. Same goes for the religious elements inherent in the program---in fact your den made some accommodations for your family so that your son could fully participate. Although I understand your discomfort, I'm not sure now is the time to pull him out of the program. If these leaders continue to be respectful of political boundaries and your religious beliefs, then there seems very little danger, at least for now, that your son would pick up anything objectionable to you. And it sounds like both the activities themselves and the other boys in the group are motivational for your son.

I think this is one of those situations where you can let your son continue to be involved with the Scouts while also continuing to speak with him and read with him about the social and moral perspectives you want him to adopt as he grows. Keep an open dialogue and involve him in activism to the extent you are comfortable. In doing so, he may come to question the Boy Scouts' "shtick" all on his own and find another activity. Or, he may continue to be involved in Scouts, but also grow up to be a rabid liberal, in which case he has learned a really important skill: how to coexist, collaborate, and have meaningful relationships with people who have different views than oneself.

I don't mean to downplay your discomfort at the rhetoric of certain political factions and recent events regarding a person's rights---I share it. But I'm also not convinced that the lesson you want to teach your son, or these other parents, is that you feel the need to isolate yourself away from anyone who seems like they vote "R." So long as these leaders and parents create a respectful space for people of all beliefs, you can wait until your son is old enough to make a decision about his association with the group for himself.



A hangover prevention pill that claims to give users a clear head the morning after a night out by rapidly breaking down alcohol in the body has gone on sale in Britain.

The Myrkl supplement can be purchased online, with 30 capsules costing £30, and two pills needed to be taken an hour before drinking for maximum effect. It keeps breaking down alcohol in one’s system for up to 12 hours, scientists say.

No shops will stock the supplement, but Britons can order the tablets online from Myrkl.

Researchers from the manufacturer, Swedish pharmaceutical firm De Faire Medical as well as the Pfützner Science & Health Institute in Mainz, reported results last month showing that preemptively taking the tablets reduced alcohol concentration in the blood by half within 30 minutes of having a drink.

After one hour, the reduction in blood-alcohol level was 70 per cent.

The probiotic pill contains bacteria that rapidly break down bacteria, Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis, as well as two common vitamins (L-Cysteine and Vitamin B12).

All the ingredients, the manufacturer says, are safe for consumption and have approval from food standards agencies. The tablets are not classed as a medicine and therefore do not need approval from the MHRA.

Håkan Magnusson, CEO at Myrkl, says his product is the first pre-drinking hangover pill ever to reach the market.

“Marking the first time in history that a consumer product is demonstrated to effectively and rapidly break down alcohol, we are very excited to be launching this ground-breaking product in the UK and in most European markets,” he said.

“Moderate social drinking is a huge part of British culture, with the majority of British people heading out each week to enjoy a few drinks together.

“Myrkl’s purpose is therefore to help those regular moderate drinkers to wake up feeling their best the next day, whether they’re a busy working professional, young parents, or seniors who want to maintain an active social life.

“The independent clinical trials prove just how powerful this product is at breaking down alcohol.

“Whilst Myrkl is in no way designed as an excuse to drink beyond NHS guidelines, we are really convinced that Myrkl is a game-changing product for those regular moderate drinkers, and we can’t wait for the British public to try it out.”

In the scientific study which proved the pill to be effective, published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, the researchers recruited 24 people and split the group in two.

A dozen got the Myrkl pill while the others got a placebo and they took two capsules a day for a week. Then, on the day of the experiment, they had a light breakfast and a “moderate” glass of vodka.

Researchers then gave blood and breath samples at every 15 minutes for the first hour, and then every 60 minutes for five more hours.

“One week of regular supplementation resulted in a substantially lower uptake of alcohol into the blood and hence into the metabolism,” the researchers write.

“Intake of AB001 as a nutritional supplement may therefore help to prevent liver and other organ damage known to be associated with regular alcohol uptake and may reduce the negative medical and economical impact of social drinking on the individual and the society.”

Chuds won


Children, including those with disabilities, are being labelled "transphobic" by their schools and bullied by their peers for not using cutting-edge new language.

A parental campaigning body in Scotland has alleged that children in elementary school are being bullied by their classmates for failing to use the preferred pronouns of allegedly "transgender" individuals.

Schools in the country also stand accused of being active in castigating children who do not comply with progressive standards regarding transgenderism, a claim that is reminiscent of previous reports emerging out of primary and secondary schools in England.

According to The Times, the parental group Safeguarding Our Schools (SOS) Scotland alleges that children are being ostracised by their peers for not referring to classmates using the correct pronouns, which they say resulted in at least one incident of a child allegedly self-harming.

The report also gives an example of a child with a learning disability that affects his working memory suffering at the hands of his peers after he failed to correctly use a peer's preferred pronouns.

"When he made a mistake and misgendered another pupil he had to deal with hostility from that pupil and disapproval from the teacher," the parent of the child --- who is listed as having dyslexia --- said.

SOS Scotland reportedly attempted to arrange a meeting with RespectMe, Scotland's anti-bullying service, about the issue, but had the meeting cancelled after the nature of the group's concerns was revealed.

RespectMe is reportedly partly directed by NGO LGBT Youth Scotland, whose website contains resources on "trans inclusion", including a multilingual sign allowing teachers to list their preferred pronouns.

The allegations listed by SOS Scotland are reminiscent of similar alleged incidents in England involving kids in both elementary and high school, with pupils being singled out by classmates and teachers alike for their supposed snubbing of transgenderism.

For example, one elementary school in the far south of the country reportedly informed the parents of a six-year-old that their child would be treated as "transphobic" should he continue to fail to comprehend that a fellow child in his class was supposed to be "gender fluid".

The incident eventually resulted in the parents pulling their child, along with his older brother, out of the school, though the family reportedly still experienced hostility from their local community after the event.

Meanwhile, a teenage high school student was also reportedly bullied out of her school late last year after openly challenging transgender ideology.

Having at one stage reportedly been surrounded by around 60 of her peers, spat at, and called a "Nazi, bigot, fascist, transphobe, homophobe, racist, c**t", the alleged bullying is said to have driven the teenage girl into committing acts of self-harm.

Reports of the incidents sparked outrage on social media, with long-time critic of transgender ideology J.K. Rowling writing that it was "utterly shameful".

"Add this to the tottering pile of evidence that people in education and academia who're supposed to have a duty of care towards the young have succumbed to an outbreak of quasi-religious fanaticism," the Harry Potter author went on to write.

"The girl's crime? Saying 's*x exists."

Listening to Redditor advice memes seems like a bad idea.

So many words words words on that meme.





Japanese stereotypes of Europe
Ha ha... Drama.
Oy vey
Enhance :marseydetective:


Blue lobsters are one in two million

Also Lars Johan Larsson is a rad Herrencel name.



Reeee-ing over this NYT article:


Shirtless man overpowers three cops.

Some other random fight.

Quick handshake after an altercation shows respect.

Black guys fight.

Shoutout to Arabs for fighting cops while wearing the religious outfit.

Wearing a helmet to a fight does not make it fair.

Always bring crack to a fist fight. You'll never lose.


Marseys at the Seige of Leningrad

"My grandmother always said that she and my mother, and I, her daughter, survived the severe blockade and hunger only thanks to our cat Vaska. If it were not for this red-headed bully, my daughter and I would have died of hunger like many others.

Every day Vaska went hunting and and my grandmother made stew from what he dragged back.

At the same time, the cat always sat nearby and waited for food, and at night all three of us lay under one blanket and he warmed us.

He felt the bombing much earlier than the air raid was announced, began to spin and meow plaintively, my grandmother managed to collect things, water, mother, cat and run out of the house. When they fled to the shelter, as a family member, they dragged him with them and watched him not to be taken away and eaten.

The hunger was terrible. Vaska was hungry as everyone else and skinny. All winter until spring, my grandmother collected crumbs for the birds, and from spring they went hunting with the cat. Grandmother poured crumbs and sat with Vaska in ambush, his jump was always surprisingly accurate and fast. Vaska was starving with us and he didn’t have enough strength to keep the bird. He grabbed a bird, and grandmother ran out of the bushes and helped him. So from spring to autumn, they also ate birds.

When the blockade was lifted and more food appeared, and even after the war, my grandmother always gave the cat the best piece. She stroked him affectionately, saying - you are our breadwinner.

Vaska died in 1949, my grandmother buried him in the cemetery and, so that the grave would not be trampled, put a cross and wrote Vasily Bugrov. Then my mother put my grandmother next to the cat, and then I buried my mother there too. So all three lie behind the same fence, as they once did in the war under one blanket.“

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