Cuck fiction comes to rsp

Wife is out doing hot girl shit. Im here with my ‘apparent' offspring. Lmao hahahaha. jk they are mine. Its a joke. Chill. Anyways… AMA

Or dont. Idk. I cant sleep. They are already asleep bc im not like a dad who jumps on the furniture and stirs them all up. No. I show them reptiles on google images and teach them how to tie their shoes or whatever. But i will probably get yelled at tomorrow bc “shoes are filthy! Omg did they wash their hands” or “you taught my babies how to tie KNOTS!?” Then later she will apologize and cry because she couldn't get them to figure it out and she was just jealous or some shit. Up down up down. The key is to always love one another. Never keep score! God i do love her. I wonder what she is doing. I am uncomfortable without her here because we never really leave one another. Sikeeee. Except me leaving her 14 hours a day (thats what she would say if she were here). We are always apart tbh. It sucks butt. I cant express all of this IRL because its super clingy. I pretend i dont even care. She has no idea i am so attatched. I hate how i cant fall asleep. Like why am i so dependent on another human's presence? Thats so gay. Omg imagine if we broke up. How do people even do this? Wtf. Can you imagine? The house is quiet. Even my dog is asleep. Two kids. 2 dogs. 3 cats All fast asleep. Im watching a youtube video on fricking CITY WATER TREATMENT Steps. Its super boring but this is how i will Mansplain later when someone goes on and on about tap water or something. Late night Data harvesting.

Anyways. Its her friend's birthday. Guess im waiting for her to get home. Idk. Dont worry i havent even messaged her. I keep this all in my head. It can never spill over. Im supposed to be all stoic and shit.


guy makes an incredibly good point and then gets torn to shreds over his dating life, I'm sure you can zero in on the details that redditors :marseynoooticer: about his story and how they felt about it:

My gf almost got scammed by an instagram Indian who wanted to "use her selfie as inspiration for an oil painting" and sent her a check for $2500 with instructions to send him $2k back on cashapp.

Luckily cashapp blocked the transaction, but the guy starting sending her instructions how to move the money into cashapp so it could go through and she would have done it if she hadn't mentioned it to me first.

Literally five seconds into reading his cumin-scented "do the needful" messages I figured out he was just gonna rescind the check after getting the money and deleting his fake cashapp (with a name that didn't check out on any of the background check websites I subscribe to), so I made her block him and report everything to her bank.

Thankfully crisis averted but this scam was pretty well done (insta page was even attached to a real pizza place and had art pics he had stolen from someone else or used AI to generate). I knew it was fake because the basic setup is oldest scam in the book and I've worked with enough H1B software engineers to know how these people talk (ntm grew up on /b/), but I could see how a provincial zoomer from a blue collar background like my gf or random old people would get bamboozled by these clowns.

The fricked up thing is I know they targeted her because she is obviously from her pics a working class single mom and they knew she'd be both desperate for money and not very tech/finance savvy. The guy started threatening to sue her the moment the payment didn't go through at first and she called me crying and freaking out. If she didn't have a Millennial techbro bf she might have actually lost two grand to this fricker because quite frankly zoomers are absolute rubes and very easy to scam.

If this guy were in America the FBI could probably handle him easily and shut the scam down in five seconds, but it's probably very hard to find him amidst over a billion Indians. There are prob half a million dudes with the same name as him in his city alone.

Once Trump gets back in he needs to tell Modi that Indian intelligence has to open up the entire country to the FBI and let America throw these frickers in Gitmo. Tell him no more student visas or H1Bs until we can send goon squads into New Delhi to haul these maggots into helicopters and drop them onto North Sentinel Island.

You can't make billions off America's tech industry and then let your criminal class get away with stealing money from single moms and old people. They also are terrible for India's reputation abroad, and if it wants to follow in Japan and Korea's footsteps and be taken seriously beyond bob vagene loo jokes they need to crack down on this shit with a vengeance.


Are the girls :marseyblops2chadcel: actually :marseynerd3: racist :marseyfloch: lol

(I don't think :marseygigathonk: they are lol, they just like alt-right aesthetics)

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:#soycry: :#soyjaktantrum: :#soyjaktantrumfast:

WWYD with the hot chad who practices black :marseyfluffydemon: magic :marseywitchtriggered: in twitter :marseyetika: replies?

First :marseywinner: caller on the holiday :marseyspookysmile: loveline


How is it so accepted for people online to cheer people with mental problems on when they are destroying their lives? In real life, everyone would be disgusted, but online its somehow ok, because these people become online famous?

I know this opinion is not exactly new and inspired, but I had to vent after friends kept sending me videos of "funny" people with mental problems.

I thought lolcow was an /r/drama term for people who are always angry and upset on the internet

Like every term, it's stretched well beyond the original meaning. The archetype is Chris Chan.

Reported by:
  • Cream_a_da_crop : Israel has not rights but an obligation to leave. Whatever the Palestinians do is justified



This gets controversial for some reason

Oh my god
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  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama


how to find a woman like this?

asking for a friend


So I'm a 28 year old dude who's never had s*x before and I finally did recently when I met a girl on Hinge and we slept together on the second date.

I ended up telling her after and she was cool with it and we started seeing each other for a little bit. It was two weeks of her wanting to hang out every day and while I was a little anxious about that, I was also excited by the fact that I was having consistent s*x for the first time in my life. We got along well but she had some clear mental health issues and was very codependent. She was inconsolable when I left for a week for the holidays and we'd only known each other for two weeks at this point.

A few hours ago I just broke it off and she was really pissed and I ended up staying to console her for a couple hours. I feel awful because she seems to have issues keeping men around and now I've just become one of those bad men.

Did I frick up? Part of me feels like I might miss her but the other part of me feels like it would only be because of the s*x and that a relationship would be disingenuous. She was also really sweet and affectionate with me but I felt like she didn't have a lot of good going on in her life at the moment and put a lot of pressure on me (a guy she's known for two weeks) to be her world.

Again this is all new to me despite my age so I'm having trouble figuring out if I'm crazy here or if I'm a bad guy.


Things got left of on a note where I told her I'd rather be there for her as a friend and hang out platonically and she seems to want to try that, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really anxious about the whole thing now.

where can i find a woman like this


I think not letting Russia steamroll its neighbors is a good thing

not our problem.

and a gross over-simplification of the conflict anyway

Can't believe you're getting downmarseyd

This would never get downmarseyd pre 100k

God this sub is so frickin Reddit now

Full of pro war shit libs

This sub is so fricking reddit xhe says while making an antiwork-tier post

foreign aid is roughly 3% of govt spending.

3% is not a small number imo and could go towards poor people here

And like I said a lot of that money is spent indirectly by the US military protecting and defending other counties

If we redirected foreign aid here it would be $20 per person per year, this is a completely regarded thing to get hung up on when the other 97% of spending is even more regarded.

You stupid idiot no one says you should redistribute equally but rather use it for targeted things that would give you a return on spending

Lmao, ok I'll bite, what “targeted things” could you fund with this amount of money?



-fixing our crumbling infrastructure

-providing maternal support for mothers post pregnancy




“I shan't bore you by explaining [the] carbuncles on my posterior and near the peepee, the final traces of which are now fading but which made it extremely painful for me to adopt a sitting and hence a writing posture. I am not taking arsenic because it dulls my mind too much and I need to keep my wits about me.”


“The bourgeoisie will remember my carbuncles until their dying day,"

— letter from Marx to Engels in 1867.

:p: :e: :n: :i: :s: :exclamationpoint: :exclamationpoint: :exclamationpoint:

My BF Dumped Me Because I Believe in Magic

The conversation started okay — we were making fun of horoscopes, tarot cards, psychics, etc. Then I made a mistake— I told him that just because those were fake didn't mean magic couldn't exist.

He's an open-minded dude, so I took his silence as encouragement. I told him how researching and testing proposed supernatural beliefs is a big hobby of mine. Like how in college, I took some funding as VP of the Poker Club to pay test subjects to recreate the CIA remote viewing experiments (a la Project Stargate), using modern methods for preventing information loss. Sadly, the results weren't significant. As a result, I don't believe in remote viewing.

He seemed to take it well? Everything was fine until yesterday. We were planning for our summer trip to Spain, and I asked him if we could go mining for specific materials. I needed them for my recent foray into alchemy (specifically Philalethes).

He BLEW up. He basically ranted for twenty minutes about how childish and “loony” I was. Honestly… it was humiliating. And I really liked him, too.

This can NOT happen to me again. Do I just lie to all my future boyfriends?? Keep this a secret??

@carp now is your chance!

@VEGETA slide into her DMs

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