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New hot take from Hasan Piker dropped

@box stand with Israel

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G-d I wish Mossad would assassinate streamers.

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Don't worry, the ADL is working on deplatforming as we speak

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If the ADL goes back to ruining the lives :marseyslm: of sandBIPOCs ill start donating to them again.

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The one thing Jews and Muslims can agree on. :marseyinshallah:

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All we need is one brave American with a can of raid

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:marseysamhyde: one man enters the fray

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Where's the lie in what he said? I hate Hasan but he's 100000% right on this.

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I didn't watch the video but I hope Mossad assassinates you too

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>I didn't watch the video


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>no trust me bro like you gotta just listen to the r-slurred turk socialist he really has a point this time

Keep yourself safe

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@box didn't watch it either lmao

trans furry lives matter

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I get enough of his r-slurred shit on Twitter, frick if I'm listening to a streamer intentionally.

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I listened to him for like 8 seconds and he was too whiny and annoying to take seriously whatever he was saying. :marseyshrug:

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You think there is any possible way to civilize Palestine? Really? Living in lala land are we? :#marseylaugh:

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>obviously there's context, they're not just demons!!!!

>Also Israelis are just killing for funsies

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Ah, but have you understood the context? This didn't happen in a vacuum

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The context? An occupying military force brutalizing a native people. A military force that has Israeli children autograph missiles who were then used to kill Lebanese children. But Israel are the good guys here!

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I've said it before on here. Mid 00s Israel made an honest effort to broker peace. Democratic Palestine voted in a government whose platform is death to Jews.

They lose any moral high ground they try to claim

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>I've said it before on here. Mid 00s Israel made an honest effort to broker peace.

Honest effort?! Fricking heck I'm actually gonna flip my shit with dramatards today. Unironic fricking r-slurs who don't know jack shit about what they're talking about

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Because in 05(may be off a year or two) Israel didn't try and remove Jews from Gaza, to the Jews dismay, to broker peace.

Then just 2 years later they put Hamas in power.

It's a long complicated issue that has blood on both sides but given that Israel answers to daddy USA and made an actual effort to work out a two state solution in semi recent history they get a point. Palestine loses a point for ceding power to a literal terrorist organization who uses children as meat shields then cry's about the mean Israelis. Once Hamas took power and chance of anything was over.

You think you wanna kill r-slurs online today? I've “defended” Israel more in the past 72 hours than the past 30 years of life and I fricking hate Israel. However I'd still trust the most dishonest Israeli at abiding by a peace deal more than I'd trust the most honest Palestinian. When you elect a government whose platform is death to X group I don't give a frick if your country is turned to glass.

I just call it as I see it.

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Do you even fricking know the history of Hamas itself? Or even the Fatah/Hamas split? The intifada perhaps? Israel is entirely responsible for Hamas existing in the fricking first place. Too act like the Zionists in power were the slightest bit honest about a two-state solution when they, even at the time, were publicly calling for the creation of fricking Greater Israel is the most laughably uneducated and out of touch take I've heard in years.

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>Israel is entirely responsible for Hamas existing in the fricking first place

>noooo its your fault I keep making the worst possible decision in every scenario i only support those Kill The Jews guys because the Jews put a bomb in my skull that will explode if I dont

Post wrist palestoid

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kill urself

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Israel did Hamas :tayscrunch:

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Israel literally created Hamas

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I'm sure there's a history on what led up to it here. You can't judge millions of people based on a few videos

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But you can judge all Palestinians based on the actions of a few militants?

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You can based on how they overwhelmingly elected and continue to elect Hamas and have been celebrating their wholesale butchery and r*pe of Israelis!

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Their voting habits are caused by the Israeli oppression! They are just victims of their circumstances! :soycry:

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Of course not, you have to take context and history into account. But you're starting to get that

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I don't know if it's your intention, but you're making Israel sound really fricking cool :taylaugh:

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Right, I had no idea they did based shit like having kids autograph the bombs :marseywholesome:

If there's people who want to exterminate you for existing its best to not let the kids grow up delusional. Then they might end up going to a rave for peace next to the Gazan border after all.

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imagine the rush, high on some weird butt party drug like 2cb or some shit, when hundreds of achmeds just start shooting and raping everyone. wonder if a lot of people just thought it was a bad trip.

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2cb is so gay. Take literally any other shulgin or just do normal drugs. This is robitussin nonsense, dm me cutty pics.

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i wouldnt know, i just take my dogs pain meds and booze

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Yes, killing terrorists is a good thing

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"Killing children is a good thing" - SpooksSpookAndSpook

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  • FoidBlaster : Behold, the absolute state of rdrama chuds

Yes if theyre palestoid kids they should leave or die. Get over it, their parents started shit and now they have to deal with it. Boo hoo.

If there is any justice Gaza and the West Bank will both be empty smoking craters within the week

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Least Genocidal Zionist

@FoidBlaster stand with Israel (NOT)

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how does this make sense?

their parents started shit

started what? started the peaceful immigration of settlers to their land?

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The whole doing terrorism constantly for 50 years after starting three wars in 30 years part you r-slur

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most honest palesimian supporter

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>hide militants in hospitals, orphanages, and schools

>blame Jews when kids die

Why are the mooses like this

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Did you even read the fricking articles? These children were murdered outside or in their own houses. What fricking ghoulish mindset must one have to try and justify literal children being murdered by a military?

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in their own houses.

Highly doubt those buildings were up too OSHA standards. Their deaths could have easily been due too poor craftsmanship and faulty wiring.

trans furry lives matter

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Holding Israel accountable is antisemitism mmkay

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>You're not making excuses for people who massacred 200 kids at a music festival? YOU BLOOD THIRSTY PIGDOG!!!

Leftoids deserve to be grifted by this guy tbh

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This man is the world's biggest kitty.

Look at him get all riled up when he's behind a screen, but when he has a chance to take action he chickens out

:#marseysamhyde2: :!#marseysnoo: N-n-no I can't fight him. He's a chud!

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He kicks like a baby kitten

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He kicks like a 12 yo with the flu .

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You cant be for solutions while also supporting Hamas. It really doesn't matter if its right or wrong a Hamas run state is never going to be supported by the west, especially after you murder a bunch of American. One state solution is the only way forward

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The zero state solution is the only acceptable solution


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Unironically. If everyone could just agree to move out and leave that cursed butt place behind, that would be the best outcome.

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reminder hasan stands with the brave 9/11 terrorists

@box stand with israel

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No fricking :marseytom: way

You got a link?

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The Young Turks commentator Hasan Piker has said that his comments during a recent Twitch livestream, where he mocked Rep. Dan Crenshaw for losing an eye and said the U.S. “deserved” too be attacked on Sep. 11, 2001, were “inappropriate” and a poor attempt at satire.

“I should've used more precise and better use of the language there,” Piker said during a Thursday night interview with TYT founder and host Cenk Uygur. “It's messed up that @box would even give the opportunity too the right too try too morally grandstand on an issue like this, when they are 100% responsible for all the bloodshed that's been caused.”

@box stand with Israel.

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Fricking :marseytom: heck people in America :marseyargentina: still listened to the r-slur :marseyjoe: after that


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Guess edgy ironic jokes aren't alt right now

Here's another called before the videos and after

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Supporting the 9/11 attacks is perfectly rational. America is a democracy, so its civilians aren't innocent.

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