windows still in tact
fire after impact
video showing the 200 500 800 bodies
windows still in tact
fire after impact
video showing the 200 500 800 bodies
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that parking lot must have been packed tighter than a travis scott concert to hit 500 kills
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Isrealis baited gazans into a jam-packed electro music festival for peace on that lot
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Hmmmmmm every not hospital place in the city is getting bombed. Where should I go?
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the frick would
you go when your city is bombed and you are wounded
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Aww man i go to sleep for like an hour and you guys bombed a hospital? SMH i always miss out on ourdrama's best raids
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Okay this was probs HAMAS sharpnel, I imagine a proper rocket would have fricked way more things at once.
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I can say with absolute confidence that my political opponents are at fault for this.
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This could all be over if Palestinians and Jews learned to bond over their shared love of lying.
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Darn I thought it would have been more gruesome. (
@YouveBeenEatenByAGrue -some get it)
but even in that last clip in you're post @PeepeeButtKiss dont see any bodies or is @PeepeeButtKiss trippin?
trans lives matter
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The bodies were completely vaporized by the blast. Thousands have been turned into dust.
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Sources say there were 50,000 vaporized Palestinian babies.
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Is that?... Does that car.. have a... WOODEN DOOR?
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so whodunnit
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Looks like it was a misfired rocket from somewhere in Palestine, an Israeli missile would have made a crater, caused more damage, and would have caused all glass in the immediate area to shatter completely. All the damage looks like it was done by fire not an explosion.
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Yes obviously thats the case, and they are lying about the casualties
Trans lives matter
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Have you seen the damage to the dead kids? It's not burns.
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He's obviously talking about the structural damage, not the exploded fricking people you r-slur.
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What is the difference, dumbshit? When there's a plane crash where bombing is suspected, the bodies of the victims are one of the key pieces of evidence. Why don't they matter here?
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Obviously both Hamas and Israeli missiles can explode people in its immediate vicinity why are you acting as if someone has said otherwise? He suggested the difference is an Israeli strike would have caused more widespread structural damage. It's really simple.
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The obvious resolution is for israel to bomb the same spot so we can compare the damage.
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The IDF's whole argument is that the damage was done by fire from burning rocket fuel, not just explosives. Can you please at least learn the talking points of who you're trying to shill for?
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Nobody is saying there was no explosion. There can be both an explosion and a subsequent fire.
Look, I don't know for sure if it was an Israeli strike or a Hamas missile or something else but what you're saying is a total strawman of the argument. You're refusing to even engage the actual point which is a basic analysis of the state of the area in the daylight aftermath photos and video. Ie, the damage to the environment is minimal and appears to be largely caused by fire or to put it another way it appears to be the scene of a fatal but relatively small explosion which caused a fire. The argument is thus "if it were an Israeli strike the damage would look different".
This is what an Israeli air strike looks like (no visible death):
Now look back at the hospital photograph. Does that look like the aftermath of what you just watched?
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Yes, this is why I keep saying that the fire indicates it was a rocket. But there had to be a very powerful explosion to kill that many people. So what gives? Maybe there weren't really 200 killed?
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Omg they have rockets that behead babies now?
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I'm unironically not sure if you're serious and really don't know how bombs work after interacting with some users here.
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I think we all know...
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They're trying to get us to destroy each other so they can move in.
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We hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade back in my boomer times with precision weapons because the maps were wrong. Israelis make this kind of mistake all the time.
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Lmao wasnt that just an excuse. I thought they bombed it cos the chinks were trying to buy the f117 wreckage
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it's not fair to ask us to pass up an opportunity to bomb the serbs and chinese at the same time
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The one alternate theory I've heard from someone reputable is that the Serbs had a radio station there sending orders to their military, which would have made it a completely legit target.
The F117 wreckage was gonna get sold no matter what. And it was probably getting obsolete.
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That was 25 years ago, these days google maps knows when a roundabout in mongolia has construction work going on.
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You greatly underestimate how tarded people can be when following bureaucratic procedures.
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I know how tarded they can be, it's certainly possible, but I trust israeli precision strikes orders of magnitude more than gazan missiles made out of shit they find in trashcans.
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How many bombs did Israel throw at Gaza and what's the average fail rate of their bombs ?
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idk but i'm sure JIDF will tell us
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It's been hilarious seeing /r/news and /r/worldnews at war over this conflict, and hurling insults at each other.
Maybe Reddit isn't as monolithic as I thought?
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the world needs more people hurling insults at each other
maybe everyone would stop being such huge girl peepees then
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Car windshields are obviously made out of a different kind of glass than the windows in your house. Notice how they're intact but so fricked-up you couldn't see through them.
If it was just a rocket hitting a parking lot with 20 cars, how did it kill 200+ people? If this is the best the Israelis can come up with, that's pretty darning
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Did it kill that many?
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This war sucks
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I want to go back to Desert Storm when life was simpler.
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Good question. I've been thinking that myself. Generally both sides in Arab-Israeli conflicts are actually pretty honest about their own casualties because both sides have to answer to the families of the martyrs. But in the first hours and day after this attack, they could be accidentally counting people twice, etc.
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Or there's 250 people there with butane stoves, which is really common in places without reliable electricity. That would explain the fire but probably not the initial fireball.
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after hospital
bombing... still fewer casualties tgan morning
after pill
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Wait a moment, Palestinoids were saying this missile packed enough of a payload to completely level an entire hospital and that's why it obviously couldn't have been Hamas. I'd generally agree with this logic... But now I've come to learn that it didn't hit a hospital building at all but landed in a crowded parking lot.
There was a point in the Russia Ukraine conflict where I realised the combination of the fog of war and opposing propaganda machines running at full capacity made discerning true information next to impossible in the short term. I think the Hamas Israel conflict has taken that realisation to its final form. You honestly cannot trust anything.
And with that in mind the only the only solution is to eliminate one side of the propaganda machine so I don't have to think about it

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The walk of shame
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i pray palestinians r*pe and kill every single israelite
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THIS but opposite
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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