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Druze man with German :marseybarbarian: citizenship moves to Israel, goes on a stabbing :marseyvargfinnselfdefense: spree, murders 70 year old Palestinian :marseyisiscry: man


article that states :marseykamala: name of murdered :marseydead: victim, you can see it in the first :marseywinner: paragraph even behind :marseylookingbackthong: the paywall

Hamas has already praises the attack :marseymodernwarfare: and called it "heroic" lmao

Meanwhile the guy was killed, and Israeli :marseygoy: Druze authorities have put put statements saying they will not allow him to be buried :marseysarcophagus: in a Druze cemetery, they say he moved to Israel :marseydayan: from Germany :marseyhitlerjew: a year ago and believe :marseyparappa: he might have been radicalised towards Islamic :marseymuhammad: terrorism :marsey911: in germany :marseygerman:

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Poor Druze patriot family had their son radicalized in Berlin, international leftoidism is unironically praying on the youth now. Gas Redditors NOW

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