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why is LGBT so pro AFD? | r/GenZ discusses the homo Germoid menace




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:marseyhomosupremacist: @ThePhantomBussy @RiverSong explain urselves










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!zoomers !lgbt !gay


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Why would gays vote for a party ran by a lesbian woman who promises to kick out all the Muslims threatening to stone or behead them for being gay back to their shitholes? I just cannot figure it out :marseybeanquestion:

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!chuds !commenters not making this up:

An university art hoe foid relative of mine told me that AfD won the election in Germany and the Fourth Reich was proclaimed, and so Brapzilians who want to immigrate to Germoney should just give up because the Holocaust Part II will start this year, useful to mention that she is the most basic blonde VVhite as snow social media e-foid, but given her terminal Americanization and internet addiction, she considers herself Latinx (she doesn't uses the X but still calls zxerself Latinx because she wants that social credit for when she moves to NYC) :marseywomanmoment:

I said that they didn't, CDU won, and for her to stop doomscrolling on TikTok (physically impossible for foids), since being terminally online culture war r-slurs is genetic in my family, in both of leftoid and rightoid relatives (:autism:), and I also pointed out that even if AfD won, they are led by a lesbian woman married to a Sri Lankan immigrant, and have a very high contingent of LGBTQIAP2SBIPOC voters, they are not the bona-fide Nazi Party resurrected.

She said that well yeah, they may be led by an interracial lesbian couple (:marseycoomer2:) and voted by LGBTQ folx, but when the Nazis seize power they will turn against the foids and gay folx because.... because they just will okay?, history repeats itself just like in the MCU! :soyjakferal:

This is what you can see with redditors - every single time they will say "well yeah Muzzies may want to kill LGBTQ folx, but so do the KKKhristfascist Nazis!, so it doesn't matters you let the Muslims win or the Far-Right win, because the results will be the same! :soysnooseethe:"

And then, once again, when I tried to explain to her that modern-day Europoor Far-Righters are not identical to the Nazis of the 1940s, it looked like an rDrama.net comment section irl - she used the fricking Handmaid's Tale novel as an example of that :marseyxd:, of a part of the novel where a Far-Right chud foid who supported Gilead wanted to be treated as an exception and be allowed to learn how to read and write, but then Gilead tortured her instead because she wanted foids to be literate or something, let me use a fictional foid novel as an example of why this will happen, chud (if this was 2019 she would 200% have cited Harry Potter instead) :marseywomanmoment2: :marseyxdorbit:

Like how @g*merchad said, since shitlibs live in a superhero adventure world, they seriously believe that the actual Nazis will come back with Red Skull :soysnoo4: when they get into power, enslave foids, and Holocaust LGBTQIAP2BIPOC folx and Jews, if the AfD is the Nazi Party incarnate, then they should also become extremely anti-Polish and anti-Russian, and wish to invade all of Eastern Europe again - no, not anymore, the modern Europoor Far-Right admires Slavs and Eastern Europe to an almost existential level, and view them as fellow Europeans, they no longer view them as Untermensch.

The original Nazis also had quite positive relations with Muslims, and saw them as trustworthy allies in their fight against the British and French, unlike now that Musloids are of course public enemy number 1 of Eurochuds.

!chuds !r-slurs !macacos

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can't help but notice that single females are the leftoids biggest contingent.

Maybe it's because they're the dumbest and most easily led by their emotions?

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She is not single though :marseyshrug:

Also !foidmoment !chuds another :marseygossipsmug:

1. In 2016-2017 she got sucked into the Amerimutt Tumblr cult, came out as Bisexual, dyed her hair blue/green, and said that she was sooner or later going to marry a woman (she also self-harmed and was severely depressed :marseysadge:).

2. Since 2021 or 2022 she has been dating a blond bodybuilder gymbro mechanic that looks like an NPC from The Sims. :chad:

3. She never dated a woman at any point in time from 2016 til 2021-2022 as far as I am aware of, she has always been exclusively attracted to masculine and muscular White moids. :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseywomanmoment2: :heartbeat: :chadnordic:

Poor girl is a walking, living stereotype :marseysadge:, but at least her gymbro mechanic BF is a fellow social media leftoid like her, he is not a chud despite him being a working class bodybuilder dudebro, so she does not falls in the "self-hating White female liberal who dates racist White chuds as long as they're hot and muscular" category :marseyshrug:

Her leftoid dudebro bf is pretty cool and we're buds tho!, we even played Marvel Rivals together a week ago! :brazilaryan::chad: !g*mers

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!foidmoment !chuds !anticommunists oh and also she loves watching Hasan, but seems to be unaware of the drama surrounding him, she once recommended to me a YT video of two r-slur tourists visiting Pyongyang and acting like r-slurs on a public pool to prove that North Korea is a heckin wholesome socialist utopia being defamed by AmeriKKKan CIA propaganda or something, and her bf watches commie Brapzilian breadtubers who say the same, such as Ian Neves, who said that there is no anti-Christian persecution in North Korea, because there exists a single propaganda church in Pyongyang - remember, it's always in Pyongyang. :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Dunno what the frick happened after 2019 when Brapzilian commies suddenly started to shill for North Korea, before that even they admitted that it was a failed lolcow shithole who did not represented socialism as much as Pol Pot, and who even removed mentions of communism from their constitution, replacing it with the religious Juche. :leokay:

Ditto with China, before 2019 it was a revisionist state capitalist hellscape full of sweat shops that betrayed Maoism, but now probably due to Chinxbux they vociferously defend China, thinking that it is the second coming of the Soviet Union who will spread communism in the entire world, and not just a generic Asian capitalist country that does not gives a shit about spreading its ideology other than trade deals, and is full of moids who refuse to procreate because they're addicted to hentai gacha. :marseymanysuchcases:

She is also very anti-Russia because it's full of homophobic pro-Drumpf Christian Nationalist chuds, but pro-North Korea because they're atheists and not White so they're heckin valid :marseyconfused2: :marseywomanmoment2:

Haven't told her of Norks fighting for Russia in Ukraine yet, I might do it when I get to talk with her again, but I do not behave like an r-slur in real-life like how I do here, so I avoid bringing up unrelated politisperging when chatting to my relatives.

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So, I guess they both love Lula?

The Chinese and Taiwanese CCP sympathizers all loved Lula because he is equal and fair to PRC and their ilk.

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Also welcome back Pepperglue!, I miss you so much from the /r/Drama days! :marseyheart:, are you still around on other websites and the like?, I just really love /r/Drama oldtimers so much and I want to keep in touch with them! (but of course respecting their privacy, and not bothering them if they do not want to chat with me)


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Thank you :marseyembrace:

I don't hang out in the sub anymore since it was broken by the admins. This place is nice, so I try to commit myself to the radical centrism here.

I am not particularly socially active, so I don't really reach out to people. But feel free to message me if you want a chat every now and then.

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So, I guess they both love Lula?

If I say yes I would be doing so in a heckin bad faitherino.

They are not politically active outside of university photoshoots for Instagram clout, and just like me, their entire political "career" and worldview comes from social media, influencers, and their university friends, they have a very simplistic and superficial worldview towards both Brazil and the rest of the world so they view that Lula is good because he is left-wing, and left-wing means good, and Bolsochuds (i.e. Nazi gigachuds) hate Lula, therefore Lula good, the same applies to my rightoid relatives (i.e. Lula leftist, leftism means Communism, and Communism bad, therefore Lula bad and Broxonaro good :brazilmutt::chudtantrum:)

Like, you are trying to find consistency in a foidbrain who praises North Korea but also admires Kamala Harris, and cited her as her favorite woman of the year back in 2022, because BIPOC girlboss fights against Drumpf Gilead Fascists :marseyitsallsotiresome: (they both did participated on a Landless Workers Movement rally, despite being both unemployed at the time :gigachad::gigachadqueen: !neets)

Again, this is not a "SEE?, KKKAMALA VOTERS ARE KKKOMMIES! :chudexplode:", it is just that she is a perpetual teenager who never grew up past her experiences on Tumblr in 2017, we Brapzilian are a very low IQ people, so the black-and-white us vs. them tribalism of Amerimutt politics just gets dialed up to 11 in here !macacos !foidmoment !chuds

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GOLDEN TIRED MARSE :#marseyxdorbit:


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I see. That makes a lot of sense.

At least they are not completely rotted by politic.

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>I do not behave like an r-slur in real-life like how I do here

:#marseypikachu2: :#marseyspit:

Is it possible? Is @BWC a responsible, upstanding, and non-neurodivergent member of society?!?

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He's an incredibly respectable person who you want to frick your sister.

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North Korea is unironically a fascinating country and should be respected. They have equal, potentially superior military capabilities to their rivals with twenty times their gdp/capita. The govt has kept total control through age of mass comm, when almost every other true authoritarian regime crumbled and survived through the twenty years of american hyperpower without submitting, when even China was lukewarm and Russia was in no position to help. It obviously has an educated class to make nuclear weapons, submarines and ICBMs but they don't seem to have the corroding effect those have on every other authoritarian regime, whether Russia or even China. Esp with SK speaking and broadcasting in the same language right next door, I think they do watch SK movies and stuff but it doesn't seem to affect regime stability much.

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They have equal, potentially superior military capabilities to their rivals with twenty times their gdp/capita.

Sexy Indian dude IQ dipping below 80 with this one.

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And when this is all derived from


Its impressive


Bangladesh has a defense budget around $4B. They have 200k army, 500 tanks. North korea simply is impressive.

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How the heck does America influence girls in Brazil to go all blue hair psycho

Don't you guys have real problems over there like not getting stabbed in some favela?

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!macacos outro canalha que acha que o Broxil é um Rio de Janóia gigante :marseyxdorbit:

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I saw the movie City of God that's Brazil in my mind

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I watched Robocop and the worst of Detroit represents the entire US in my mind

https://media.tenor.com/FPWdM1DeELgAAAAM/robocop-robot-dance.gif !macacos !kino

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Both of these statements are true

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Cmon there's like a ton of other American set movies and shows. You never watched Seinfeld?

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Robocop 1 and 2 are all time greats


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dumbest and most easily led by their emotions

This is the funniest r*ghtoid delusion. Highly educated and smart people are overwhelmingly anti-r*ghtoid sweaty 😘

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or so they tell themselves

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Highly credentialed sure

You can be smart and still be easily led around by your emotions. Trust me!

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Gigacope. Republicans are in denial of basic facts in literally every single field because there's always something that hurts their feelings.

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What like le climate change? That's a thing to deny because it's just a way to introduce communism, like all leftie causes

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Like everything just pick a fricking random field and republicans are fricking in denial of some basic fact there

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Pure projection. From IQ to evo psych to basic pedagogy, libs live in a anti science fantasy world

What's a woman btw Borpa? Can libshits like you get even basic bio correct? LMAO

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Longerpost time?

AfD is not close to the Nazi party in any way. The NDSAP was the main political arm and has several non-political propaganda / "security" organizations which usually had sub organizations leading to further sub organizations, even if they were basically unused.

The NDSAP and other rightoids had a lot of sympathy from both government and judiciary, and many of the early public stuff wasn't excessively violent mostly being drunken brawls, the SA founding units used to spend most of the time drinking, riding bikes to an Inn to hang a swatstika, annoy some Jew owner's until they got hit with canes then got angry being arrested for basically drunken disorder. Only after more competent and experienced leaders of these sub organizations loyal to Hitler did they radicalize and increase in violence to the point of terrorism, proper weapons and standard uniforms.

The AfD isn't anything close. They don't engage in violence, they don't use intimidation unless A.I videos with pop music count, they don't have a charismatic leader with many charismatic leaders

under command, they don't even really have a main message. It's very diluted and works, being just no more immigrants, but that's not close to the same purity and dedication the Nazis wanted from society as a whole.

Hitler used to be able to host a meeting in a beer hall for a couple hours speaking to a bunch of men and youngster's and get them riled to the point of action and to believe further in a cause that seemed like a pipe dream.

I don't even think people know the name of the AfD leader despite all the hubaloo about her

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My biggest supporter

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libtards came off as smart when they were the cultural minority and had to whet their arguments. They've been atrophying for well over a decade now.

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Liberals sounded a lot more reasonable when I was young and stupid...

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now ur old n stoopid


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Brainrot sets in at an early age

Make sure to sussid kids

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I said that they didn't, CDU won

nitpick: It isn't as straightforward. CDU got plurarity, but they would like to partner with another party to have a majority of seats to govern more effectively. There is still a small chance that CDU will govern together with AfD, which would probably mean that they will get their way regarding immigration, which I would count as a win.

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I can fix her

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>figure it out

Don't. :marseywrongthonk:


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Hey! According to her, she is NOT GAY. Just HAPPENS to be married to a woman. Keep up.

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Because all strags are suicidal

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