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Those FRICKING monkeys stole your stuff! Get it back! :soycry: :!marseymonke:

(Also, remember to leave a comment if you did something interesting :marseylove:)

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Going great for me...


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there's only * and + tho

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yes eventually i figured that one out

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    monkeys = []
    class Monkey:
        items : List[int] = dataclass_field(default_factory=list)
        operation = None
        test = 0
        test_true = 0
        test_false= 0
        inspected = 0

    def consume(s, prefix):
        assert s.startswith(prefix)
        return s[len(prefix):]

    for s in data:
        op, args = s.split(':')
        # print(f'{op!r}: {args!r}')
        if op.startswith('Monkey'):
            assert not args
            _, arg = op.split()
            assert int(arg) == len(monkeys)
            monke = Monkey()
        elif op == 'Starting items':
            monke.items = [int(s.strip()) for s in args.split(',')]
        elif op == 'Operation':
            args = consume(args, ' new = old ')
            op = args[0]
            assert op in '*+'
            arg = args[1:].strip()
            if arg != 'old':
                arg = int(arg)
            if op == '+':
                monke.operation = lambda x, arg=arg: x + (x if arg == 'old' else arg)
                monke.operation = lambda x, arg=arg: x * (x if arg == 'old' else arg)
        elif op == 'Test':
            args = consume(args, ' divisible by ')
            monke.test = int(args)
        elif op == 'If true':
            args = consume(args, ' throw to monkey ')
            monke.test_true = int(args)
        elif op == 'If false':
            args = consume(args, ' throw to monkey ')
            monke.test_false = int(args)
            assert False

    # pprint(monkeys)

    modulo = functools.reduce(operator.mul, [m.test for m in monkeys], 1)

    for round in range(10_000 if second else 20):
        for i, m in enumerate(monkeys):
            # print(f'Monke {i}')
            items = m.items
            m.items = []
            for it in items:
                m.inspected += 1
                # print(f'inspect {it}')
                it = m.operation(it)
                # print(f'worry to {it}')
                if not second:
                    it //= 3
                it %= modulo
                # print(f'worry to {it}')
                target = m.test_false if it % m.test else m.test_true
                # print(f'target {target}')
        # pprint(monkeys)

    top = [-m.inspected for m in monkeys]
    a, b = heappop(top), heappop(top)
    return a * b
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 top = [-m.inspected for m in monkeys]
     a, b = heappop(top), heappop(top)
     return a * b

@JollyMoon look at this shit, me being O(n) instead of sorting the whole array!

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heap creation is O(n logn) tho

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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Did anyone get it to loop through state space correctly? I tried for a few hours but couldn't get it :marseyraging:

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Not that bad today. Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize I needed to reduce worry levels on part 2 though

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That second half took me longer than I would've liked... I understood the problem but I was trying to do crazy stuff with prime factors which were way off-track. Also hard-coded the inputs because fuck that noise.

monke = [[85, 77, 77], [80, 99], [74, 60, 74, 63, 86, 92, 80], [71, 58, 93, 65, 80, 68, 54, 71], [97, 56, 79, 65, 58], [77], [99, 90, 84, 50], [50, 66, 61, 92, 64, 78]]
count = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

def take_turn(i, n):
    div_check = [[19, 6, 7], [3, 3, 5], [13, 0, 6], [7, 2, 4], [5, 2, 0], [11, 4, 3], [17, 7, 1], [2, 5, 1]]
    vals = [n*7, n*11, n+8, n+7, n+5, n+4, n*n, n+3]
    val = vals[i]
    if val%div_check[i][0] == 0:
        return div_check[i][1], val%(2*3*5*7*11*13*17*19)
        return div_check[i][2], val%(2*3*5*7*11*13*17*19)

for n in range(10000):
    for m in range(len(monke)):
        for i in range(len(monke[m])):
            count[m] += 1
            item = monke[m][0]
            monke[m] = monke[m][1:]
            new_monke, new_val = take_turn(m, item)
            monke[new_monke] = [new_val] + monke[new_monke]
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The puzzle in Part 2 was a homework problem when I was in college. Not with the monkeys, just the part where you need to use a ring with the product of prime numbers as a modulus to determine divisibility.

Unfortunately college was more than 20 years ago so it took me a long fricking time to remember that.

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Yeah, fricked up part b. Even though I was quick in trying modulo but i have embarrassingly added all the divisors instead of multiplying them. It took me 30 min for finding that out :marseyspecial:

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let pop = s => {
  if (s === 'old * old')return a=>a*a
  let q = /^old \* (\d*)$/.exec(s); if (q) return a=>a*(+q[1])
  q = /^old \+ (\d*)$/.exec(s); if (q) return a=>a+(+q[1])
let p2 = true
let s = fs.readFileSync('/tmp/input','utf8').split('\n\n').map(a=>/Monkey .*:\n *Starting items: (?<items>.*)\n *Operation: new = (?<op>.*)\n *Test: divisible by (?<div>.*)\n *If true: throw to monkey (?<true>.*)\n *If false: throw to monkey (?<false>.*)/.exec(a).groups).map(a=>({...a, items: a.items.split(', ').map(a=>+a), op: pop(a.op), act: 0}))
let modulo = s.map(a=>a.div).reduce((a,b)=>a*b)
for (let x = 0; x < (p2 ? 10000 : 20); x++)
for (let m of s) {
  for (let i of m.items) {
    i = m.op(i)
    if (!p2) i = floor(i/3)
    else i %= modulo
    s[i%m.div === 0 ? m.true : m.false].items.push(i)
  m.items = []

let q = s.map(a=>a.act).sort((a,b)=>a-b)
let out = q.at(-1)*q.at(-2)

the above has two main sources of bloat: writing out the parser instead of just doing 'eval("old => " + op)' bc eval BAD and actually parsing with a big regex instead of just a.split('\n')[3].slice(5) or whatever

why do they need to create retarded narratives? it's just a 'throwing numbers around in a datastructure problem' that has nothing to do with monkeys. they've all been very boring so far, hopefully it'll get better.

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This is just a dumb brute force solution that's been written out in the most boring way possible. It's not even close to the best solution and it's just a waste of time.

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hey @bbbb what's the big(O) of @ejrqiowae89q8h9 's solution?

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Hey you, what's the big deal with your solution? It's O(1), which is obviously not as good as my solution.

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darn @bbbb has got solutions faster than O(1)?!

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Yeah, well I'm not fricking O(1), so get used to it.

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who r u fricking @bbbb?

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I'm fricking you, you fricking idiot.

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darn really? shit i almost forgot. don't worry, i'll hit u back later @bbbb

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More comments

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Got stuck on part 2 because of big numbers and had to get help :marseygiveup:

Added gcd after getting help

with open('./input11.txt') as infile:
    text = infile.read()

class Monkey:
    def __init__(self, op, test:int, true:int, false:int) -> None:
        self.op = op
        self.test = test
        self.true = true
        self.false = false
        self.items = []
        self.items_checked = 0

    def inspect(self):
        for item in self.items:
            self.items_checked += 1
            item = self.op(item)
            item = item % gcd
            if item % self.test == 0:
        self.items = []

monkeys = []

def parse_op(op):
    _, out = map(str.strip, op.split('='))
    func  = "lambda old:" + out
    return eval(func)

gcd = 1

for m in text.split('\n\n'):
    _, items, op, test, true, false = m.splitlines()
    op = parse_op(op)
    test = int(test.split()[-1])
    true = int(true.split()[-1])
    false = int(false.split()[-1])
    monkey = Monkey(op, test, true, false)
    _, items = items.split(':')
    items = map(int, items.strip().split(', '))
    gcd *= test

for i in range(10000):
    for m in monkeys:

a , b = sorted([m.items_checked for m in monkeys])[-2:]
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>"huh this is taking a long time"

>throw in a random modulo that just feels right

>it werks

:#taysilly: :#marseypartyxmas: :#!taysilly:

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Yes i needed to include an external library to split a string in c++ :gigachad2: and no dont ask me why i decided to make things into pointers or i have struct that only stores one value.

Also at first i assume that all throws needed to happen at the same time. So if Monkey 1 throws to Monkey 3, Monkey 3 will not throw that item in the same round again. This was not the case, and Monkey 3 would immediately keep throwing it further in the next throw.

#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <scn/scn.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

struct Operation {
    char operand;
    std::string rhs;
    int32_t rhs_int{ -1 };

struct Item {
    int64_t worry;

class Monkey {
    int32_t id;
    int32_t divisible_test;
    int32_t items_seen{ 0 };

    std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> next_monkeys;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Item>> items;

    Operation op;

    int64_t do_operation(int64_t worry) {
        int64_t rhs{ 0 };
        if (op.rhs == "old") rhs = worry;
        else {
            if (op.rhs_int < 0) {
                op.rhs_int = std::stoi(op.rhs);
            rhs = op.rhs_int;

        if (op.operand == '*') return worry * rhs;
        if (op.operand == '+') return worry + rhs;
        if (op.operand == '-') return worry - rhs;
        return worry / rhs;

    void simulate_throw(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Monkey>>& storage, int32_t mod, int32_t division = 3) {
        for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end();) {
            int32_t move_to{ next_monkeys.second };

            int64_t worry{ do_operation((*it)->worry) };

            if (mod == 1) (*it)->worry = worry / division;
            else (*it)->worry = worry % mod;

            if ((*it)->worry % this->divisible_test == 0) {
                move_to = next_monkeys.first;

            it = items.erase(it);

auto load_monkeys()
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Monkey>> monkey_storage;

    std::ifstream file("input.txt");
    std::string line;

    while (std::getline(file, line)) {
        scn::scan(line, "Monkey {}:", monkey_storage.back()->id);
        std::getline(file, line, ':'); // skip until : in Operation: {}, ...
        std::getline(file, line);

        std::vector<std::string> results;
        boost::split(results, line, boost::is_any_of(","));
        for (auto item : results) {

        std::getline(file, line);
        scn::scan(line, "  Operation: new = old {} {}", monkey_storage.back()->op.operand, monkey_storage.back()->op.rhs);

        std::getline(file, line);
        scn::scan(line, "  Test: divisible by {}", monkey_storage.back()->divisible_test);

        std::getline(file, line);
        scn::scan(line, "    If true: throw to monkey {}", monkey_storage.back()->next_monkeys.first);

        std::getline(file, line);
        scn::scan(line, "    If false: throw to monkey {}", monkey_storage.back()->next_monkeys.second);

        std::getline(file, line);
    return monkey_storage;

std::string run(bool partTwo) {
    auto monkey_storage = load_monkeys();

    int32_t mod{ 1 };
    int32_t runs{ 20 };

    if (partTwo) {
        runs = 10'000;
        for (const auto& monkey : monkey_storage) {
            mod *= monkey->divisible_test;
    } else runs = 20;

    for (int32_t i = { 0 }; i < runs; i++) {
        for (const auto& monkey : monkey_storage) {
            monkey->simulate_throw(monkey_storage, mod);
    std::vector<int64_t> monkey_seen;
    for (const auto& monkey : monkey_storage) {
    std::sort(monkey_seen.begin(), monkey_seen.end(), std::greater<int64_t>());

    return fmt::format("{}", monkey_seen[0] * monkey_seen[1]);

int main() {
    fmt::print("Part One: {}\n", run(false));
    fmt::print("Part Two: {}\n", run(true));

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es i needed to include an external library to split a string in c++

lmao I just used std::regex :marseysick: (yeah I know) another way would be to use size_t pos; std::stoull(line.substr(18, &pos)) and then recall substr and stoull from position pos + 1 until you're left with an empty substring


If pos is not a null pointer, then a pointer ptr, internal to the conversion functions, will receive the address of the first unconverted character in str.c_str(), and the index of that character will be calculated and stored in *pos, giving the number of characters that were processed by the conversion.

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it = items.erase(it);

Actually found a way to optimize this. erase on a vector is slow because it had to rearrange the entire vector, but since we know that a monkey will throw all items, the vector will be empty at the end and we can just reset it with clear.

With that optimization 70% of the cpu time is spent on doing modulo operations


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Wow, you must be a JP fan.

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me vs snakes vs @everyone

logarithmic scales, each point is the average of three measurements, figures in milliseconds


C++chads simply cannot stop winning @drama_enthusiast discuss



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aight fruitcake, ready for your :marseyl:

plot these assemblyscript stats:

10 100 1000100001000005000001000000

let lsd: i64 = 1;

class Monkey {
  items: Array<i64>;
  n: i64;

  op1: i64;
  op2: i64;
  opAdd: boolean;

  d: i32;
  tM: i32;
  fM: i32;

  constructor (lines: String) {
    const l = lines.split('\n');
    this.items = l[1]
      .split(', ')
      .map((s: string) => i64.parse(s));
    const opStr = l[2].split('=')[1].trim() || '';
    const m = opStr.split(' ');
    this.op1 = m[0] === 'old' ? 0 : i64.parse(m[0])||0;
    this.op2 = m[2] === 'old' ? 0 : i64.parse(m[2])||0;
    this.opAdd = m[1] === '+';
    this.d = i32.parse(l[3].trim().split(' ')[3]);
    if (lsd % this.d) lsd *= this.d;
    this.tM = i32.parse(l[4].trim().split(' ')[5]);
    this.fM = i32.parse(l[5].trim().split(' ')[5]);
    this.n = 0;

  op (old: i64): i64 {
    return this.opAdd ?
        (this.op1 || old) + (this.op2 || old)
      : (this.op1 || old) * (this.op2 || old)

  test (w: i64): i32 {
    return (w % this.d) ? this.fM : this.tM;

const monkeys: Array<Monkey> = [];

export function run(input: string, itr: i32): void {
  input.split('\n\n').forEach((lines) => {
    monkeys.push(new Monkey(lines));

  for (let i = 0; i < itr; i++) {
    monkeys.forEach(monk => {
      while (monk.items.length) {
        let w = monk.items.pop()
        const newW = (monk.op(w)%lsd);
        const newM = monk.test(newW);

    monkeys.map((m:Monkey) => m.n)
      .sort((a,b) => i32(b-a))
      .reduce((p, n) => p * n, i64(1))

here's the calling ts code:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import {run} from '../build/release.js'

const start = Date.now();
const input = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf-8')
run(input, Number(process.argv[3]));
console.log((Date.now() - start));

and the compiled code's actually portable too, u can run it in a web browser.

god i miss closures tho ... not that u'd know what those r ...

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taking double digit millisecond for 10.000 throws :marseysmug2:


Those are average over 3 runs

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if i hardcode the LCM mod number, it is even faster, the compiler then can actually try to optimize it.


here is the final code if anyone cares: https://pastebin.com/hxuNpb0v

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couldn't make it that much faster. tried my own push/pop with static arrays, inlined lcd, inlined all my functions, removed error case branching, swapping forEach for whiles, and got the 1M time down to ~700ms.

almost within spitting distance, but i might be running up against a vm tax here.

you running on anything fancy?

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>you running on anything fancy?

no just an old ryzen 5 2600, that boost to like 3.9GHz

Is there a profiler for this kind of code? The visual studio profiler helped a lot in finding the exact lines of codes that take a while to run.

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probably. there are both rust and cpp front ends to wasm, and both have profilers ... but i choose assemblyscript cause i'm a filthy web app programmer, and i dunno about anything easy to plug and play with that. since when do web programmers care about optimization?

but alas ... today's a work day, i have too much non-programming bs to deal with for fun stuff like micro-optimizing code. who gives a shit about that when ur at a multibillion dollar company?

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huh, hardcoding lcd didn't seem to affect my runtime.

but i'm pretty tired maybe i'll take another look at it when it get up.

did i mention my code is actually portable?

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cpu? I ran my benchmark on a 5800X with conservative as frequency governor. Also I'm benchmarking the whole process' time, not only console.log((Date.now() - start)); kinda unfair

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Also I'm benchmarking the whole process' time, not only console.log((Date.now() - start)); kinda unfair

lol, ok there snowflake. i ran the calling code as js instead of ts and timed the process with the shell time built in.

my 1mil count stats are between 890-910ms. not a big diff. if u want to go add 50ms to all the stats, that's fine. maybe i could find a way to run the wasm directly, and shave that, but i care not.

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apple m1 max, just stock. not plugged in, but that prolly didn't matter.

this is using release build, so max compiler optimizations i think. idk, i never used assemblyscript or webassembly before this ... i just installed and darn i'm impressed.

data structure awareness helps. going from a shift() to pop() on my item processing saw 30% reduction in my 1mil count runtime.

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Nice work king but,

  • replace std::list with a higher performance datastructure

  • Replace obsolete types for example: long long vs int64_t

  • split that biggest line and make it more readable

  • use avx-512 instructions to further humilate the competition :marseytrollgun:

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i forgot that i was mutating the input for part 2 and was wondering where i was fucking up for a good hour and change. i also shamelessly stole the old = monkey[0] % maximum because 4096+ digit ints dont really chooch u_u


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k it wasn't that difficult I just had to re-think about discrete math n shit


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You'll need to find another way to keep your worry levels manageable.

:#marseyhmm: :#marseybug2:

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Yeah I just used amd64's 1024bits register extensions


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mathcels seething rn :marseynerd:

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Unfortunately, that relief was all that was keeping your worry :marseyveryworriedfed: levels from reaching ridiculous levels. You'll need to find another way to keep :marseykys2: your worry :marseyveryworried: levels manageable.

At this :marseysharksoup: rate, you might be putting up with these monkeys for a very long :marseylongsurfing: time :marseywait: - possibly 10000 rounds!

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I knew it! All I need were 2048bits registers!

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hey bro one of your comments say "Money ID" instead of "Monkey ID" please fix kthx

Hint : check overflows

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my first time getting zozzed


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Tidied up version. Not all that different from my live solve, aside from switching to eval for the Monkey Operations because it's funnier to use eval, despite it being noticeably slower.


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you can take out the eval to make it faster, because here it will call it everytime you call the lambda function instead of only doing the eval once for each function

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import * as fs from 'fs'
const monkeys: {
  items: number[],
  op: (old: number) => number,
  test: (num: number) => number,
  n: number,
}[] = [];
let lsd = 1;
fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf-8').split('\n\n').forEach((ls) => {
  const l = ls.split('\n');
  const opStr = l[2].split('=')[1] || '';
  const d = Number(l[3].match(/\d+/)?.[0]) || 0;
  if (lsd % d) lsd *= d;
  const tM =  Number(l[4].match(/\d+/)?.[0]) || 0;
  const fM = Number(l[5].match(/\d+/)?.[0]) || 0;
    items: l[1].match(/\d+/g)?.map(Number) || [],
    op: (old: number) => Number(eval(opStr.replace(/old/g, String(old)))),
    test: (num: number) => (num % d) ? fM : tM,
    n: 0,
const round = () => monkeys.forEach(monk => {
  const items = monk.items;
  monk.items = [];
  items.forEach(w => {
    const newW = monk.op(w) % lsd;
    const newM = monk.test(newW);
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) round();
console.log(monkeys.sort((m1, m2) => m2.n-m1.n).slice(0,2).reduce((p, m) => p * m.n, 1));
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Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with it for the past three days. I have been sleeping a lot from the semester ending and stuff. Will probably catch up later :marseyill:

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butt : washed

did most of the obvious optimizations (thanks profiler) so it's down to 3.5 seconds of runtime

No, I will not use something other than a bajillion cell arrays


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wat? my js runs in < 0.7.s for the full 10,000 cycles, and that's just how i wrote it ... wtf r u doing even?

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It's probably just matlab jank, and maybe a poor choice of data structure since I'm not sure what are the fastest ones to use.

I'm not a programmer, just a scripter (for physics) so I just keep using high level languages (Matlab, python and some embedded C) because I don't want to bother with low level shit when I don't need it.

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yeah low shit sucks, but js is about as far from low level as u can get.

but i'm surprised u wouldn't want to be experienced in basic algorithmic runtime complexity cause if ur doing simulations, that's going to determine speed of the simulation.

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I do have some experience in complexity, it's just that I can't exactly do anything when the language just mostly sucks butt in pure speed, or I don't have the specific knowledge to optimize it. We only ever got into coding either very formally with the math behind complexity and proofs, or very liberally with what's basically the bare minimum to put the language on your CV.

We have no "real" CS class so I just gradually learn what is usually the fastest shit to use when I find info on it. Like a few months back I saw that the string to int conversions were horribly slow in matlab and tried shit until I stumbled upon remnants of C with sscanf, which does the job infinitely faster, and now I can't do without it.

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anyone who wants nice :marseyfingergoodjob: data :marseychartgaussian: prep code... lol no

from y2022.scaffold import *

class Day11(Day):
	def __init__(self):
	def day(self): return :marseymonke: 11

	def prepare_data(self) -> Any:
		data = self.get_data().split('\n\n')
		#data = open('y2022/day11test.txt').read().split('\n\n')
		data2 = []
		for i in range(len(data)):
			key = i
			monkey_raw = data[i]
			monkey_raw2 = data[i].splitlines()
			monkey2 = SimpleNamespace()
			monkey2.number = key
			for j in range(len(monkey_raw2)):
				#if i > 7: continue
				if j == 1:
					if i == 0: monkey2.items = [59, 74, 65, 86]
					if i == 1: monkey2.items = [62, 84, 72, 91, 68, 78, 51]
					if i == 2: monkey2.items = [78, 84, 96]
					if i == 3: monkey2.items = [97, 86]
					if i == 4: monkey2.items = [50]
					if i == 5: monkey2.items = [73, 65, 69, 65, 51]
					if i == 6: monkey2.items = [69, 82, 97, 93, 82, 84, 58, 63]
					if i == 7: monkey2.items = [81, 78, 82, 76, 79, 80]
					'''### TEST :marseyitsrigged: ###
					if i == 0: monkey2.items = [79, 98]
					if i == 1: monkey2.items = [54, 65, 75, 74]
					if i == 2: monkey2.items = [79, 60, 97]
					if i == 3: monkey2.items = [74]
					### END TEST :marseyitsrigged: ###
					#if i > 7: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception("TOO MANY :marseymanysuchcases: MONKEYS!!!!!1")
					#idx_start = monkey_raw.find('s: ')
					#idx_end = monkey_raw.
					#items = monkey_raw.split(',')
					#items[0] = items[0].replace('Starting items:', '').strip()
					#monkey2.items = list(map(lambda x:int(x), items))
				elif j == 2:
					idk_anymore = monkey_raw2[j].replace('  Operation: new = old ', '')
					monkey2.op = 'o' if 'old' in idk_anymore else idk_anymore[0]
					idk_anymore = idk_anymore[2:].strip()
					monkey2.operand = int(idk_anymore) if not 'ld' in idk_anymore else 111111111
					#r = search('Operation: new = old {} {:g}', monkey_raw, evaluate_result=True)
					#if not r: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception("COULD NOT PARASES DAHFADGAHGFSG")
					#monkey2.op, monkey2.operand = r[0], r[1]
				elif j == 3:
					r = search('Test: divisible by {:g}{:g}', monkey_raw, evaluate_result=True)
					if r:
						r = r = (int(r[0]) * 10) + int(r[1])
						r = search('Test: divisible by {:g}', monkey_raw, evaluate_result=True)
					if not r: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception('parse 2')
					monkey2.divisible = int(r[0] if not isinstance(r, int) else r)
				elif j == 4:
					r = search('If true: throw :marseypuke: to monkey :marseybrasileiro: {:g}', monkey_raw, evaluate_result=True)
					if not r: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception('parse 3')
					monkey2.throw_if_true = int(r[0])
				elif j == 5:
					r = search('If false: throw :marseypuke: to monkey :marseybigfoot: {:g}', monkey_raw, evaluate_result=True)
					if not r: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception('parse 4')
					monkey2.throw_if_false = int(r[0])
			monkey2.inspected = 0
		return data2

	def a(self):
		monkeys = self.prepare_data()
		# level of monkey :marseybigfoot: business after 20 rounds
		# multiply the top two together
		for round_no in range(SIMULATION_ROUNDS):
			debug = True
			for monkey :marseysopa: in monkeys:
				while monkey.items:
					#if debug:
					#	print(monkey)
					value = int(monkey.items[0])
					old_value = int(monkey.items[0])
					try: operand = int(monkey.operand)
					except: operand = value
					#if debug: repl(locals())
					if monkey.op == '+': value += operand
					elif monkey.op == '*': value *= operand
					elif monkey.op == 'o': value **= 2
					else: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception(f'Unknown operation type {monkey.op}!')

					if debug:
						#print(f"{old_value} {monkey.op} {operand} = {value}")
						#debug = False

					monkey.inspected += 1
					value //= 3

					if value % monkey.divisible == 0:
					del monkey.items[0]

					if debug:
						debug = False
				#print("--------- SIMUL ROUND ----------")
		# 59760 is too low, 63000 is not right :marseyhesright: agbhdsjfsf
		#s = list(monkeys)
		s = list(sorted(monkeys, key=lambda m:m.inspected, reverse=True))
		for item in s[:2]:
	def b(self):
		monkeys = self.prepare_data()
		max2 = 1
		for monkey :marseysopa: in monkeys:
			max2 *= monkey.divisible
		for round_no in range(SIMULATION_ROUNDS):
			if round_no % 2500 == 0: print(f"SIMULATION ROUND {round_no}")
			for monkey :marseybigfoot: in monkeys:
				while monkey.items:
					value = int(monkey.items[0])
					try: operand = int(monkey.operand)
					except: operand = value

					if monkey.op == '+': value += operand
					elif monkey.op == '*': value *= operand
					elif monkey.op == 'o': value *= value# % max2

					#value //= 100000000000
					value %= max2
					#value %= monkey.divisible

					monkey.inspected += 1

					if value % monkey.divisible % monkey.divisible == 0:
						monkeys[monkey.throw_if_false].items.append(value)# % monkey.divisible)
					del monkey.items[0]
		s = list(map(lambda m:m.inspected, sorted(monkeys, key=lambda m:m.inspected, reverse=True)))
		for item in s[:2]:
		## TOO LOW  8100990030
		## NO HINT :marseywink: 14400239965
		## TOO LOW 14401560030
		## NO HINT :marseywink: 14400959980
		## NO HINT :marseywink: 19203834231 (139343/137817)
		## TOO HIGH :marseycocaine: 22037989580
		## TOO HIGH :marseyrick: 27846764496

no comments removed because fuck :marseyracistgrandpa: you

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My favorite part is how monkey2 represents an arbitrary monkey in a loop and not actually monkey #2.

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me too

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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When do we break the news about the bunkey?

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was part 2 supposed to take a while to calculate?


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it does for me

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Got a late start, fun problem

import numpy as np
def monkeyOp(num,x):
    if num == 0:
        return x*19
    elif num == 1:
        return x+1
    elif num == 2:
        return x+8
    elif num == 3:
        return x*x
    elif num == 4:
        return x+6
    elif num == 5:
        return x*17
    elif num == 6:
        return x+5
    elif num == 7:
        return x+3
def mOpTest(num,x):
    if num == 0:
        return x*19
    elif num == 1:
        return x+6
    elif num == 2:
        return x*x
    elif num == 3:
        return x+3
class Monkey:
    def __init__(self,string):
        lines = string.split('\n')
        self.monkeynum = int(lines[0].split(' ')[-1][:-1])
        self.items = [int(i) for i in lines[1].split(':')[-1].split(',')]
        self.test = int(lines[3].split(' ')[-1])
        self.ifTrue = int(lines[4].split(' ')[-1])
        self.ifFalse = int(lines[5].split(' ')[-1])
        self.inspecs = 0
    def test_result(self,num):
        if (num % self.test == 0):
            return self.ifTrue
        return self.ifFalse
    def doOp(self,x):
        return monkeyOp(self.monkeynum,x)
lcd = 7*2*19*3*13*11*5*17
f = open('AOC2022Day11.txt')
lines = f.read().strip().split('\n\n')
monkeys = [Monkey(s) for s in lines]
for _ in range(10000):
    for monkey in monkeys:
        for item in monkey.items:
            monkey.inspecs += 1
            level = monkey.doOp(item)
            #level = level //3
            level = level % lcd
            newM = monkey.test_result(level)
        monkey.items = []
lst = sorted([m.inspecs for m in monkeys])
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I didn't know about python's eval() function :marseycry:

Thankfully, hardcoding took like 2 min

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Hardcoding sucks if you have bugs and want to switch between the provided example(s) and the actual problem.

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don't worry too much, because eval mostly shouldn't be used, and it seems to be slow

idk if there's a way to do it without hardcoding but without using eval

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oh boy its going to frick me in the butt with the parsing dildo again isn't it/?!

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learn regex?

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I did, but then I never used it and now I don't remember even 15% of it, just the basics. Anyway done. Thank frick for c# pattern matching

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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one-off error edition


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and ANOTHER one on part 2, but this time it's not supposed to bug out since it's the same code (my 'puter can run it just fine on matlab, optimizing scrubs need not apply)

on round 20 of the example, I have a 2 diff compared to his


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no I'm just r-slurred it was the point of the p2

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It breaks when I try running it in python without the fix. The point is that the worry number will grow too large for the computer to deal with, but all the comparisons are the same if you choose the least common multiple of the tests.

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yeah that was it, it's just that matlab somehow doesn't tell me it overflows

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