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Samsung "space zoom" moon shots are fake, and here is the proof : Android


An actual decent reddit post in /r/toopoortobuyaniphone for once, and a good Saturday morning thread to drink a cup of Joe with. :marseycoffeemug:

Many of us have witnessed the breathtaking moon photos taken with the latest zoom lenses, starting with the S20 Ultra. Nevertheless, I've always had doubts about their authenticity, as they appear almost too perfect. While these images are not necessarily outright fabrications, neither are they entirely genuine. Let me explain.

There have been many threads on this, and many people believe that the moon photos are real (inputmag) - even MKBHD has claimed in this popular youtube short that the moon is not an overlay, like Huawei has been accused of in the past. But he's not correct. So, while many have tried to prove that Samsung fakes the moon shots, I think nobody succeeded - until now.


  1. I downloaded this high-res image of the moon from the internet - https://i.imgur.com/PIAjVKp

  2. I downsized it to 170x170 pixels and applied a gaussian blur, so that all the detail is GONE. This means it's not recoverable, the information is just not there, it's digitally blurred: https://i.imgur.com/xEyLajW

And a 4x upscaled version so that you can better appreciate the blur: https://i.imgur.com/3STX9mZ

  1. I full-screened the image on my monitor (showing it at 170x170 pixels, blurred), moved to the other end of the room, and turned off all the lights. Zoomed into the monitor and voila - https://i.imgur.com/ifIHr3S

  2. This is the image I got - https://i.imgur.com/bXJOZgI


To put it into perspective, here is a side by side: https://i.imgur.com/ULVX933

In the side-by-side above, I hope you can appreciate that Samsung is leveraging an AI model to put craters and other details on places which were just a blurry mess. And I have to stress this: there's a difference between additional processing a la super-resolution, when multiple frames are combined to recover detail which would otherwise be lost, and this, where you have a specific AI model trained on a set of moon images, in order to recognize the moon and slap on the moon texture on it (when there is no detail to recover in the first place, as in this experiment). This is not the same kind of processing that is done when you're zooming into something else, when those multiple exposures and different data from each frame account to something. This is specific to the moon.


The moon pictures from Samsung are fake. Samsung's marketing is deceptive. It is adding detail where there is none (in this experiment, it was intentionally removed). In this article, they mention multi-frames, multi-exposures, but the reality is, it's AI doing most of the work, not the optics, the optics aren't capable of resolving the detail that you see. Since the moon is tidally locked to the Earth, it's very easy to train your model on other moon images and just slap that texture when a moon-like thing is detected.

Now, Samsung does say "No image overlaying or texture effects are applied when taking a photo, because that would cause similar objects to share the same texture patterns if an object detection were to be confused by the Scene Optimizer.", which might be technically true - you're not applying any texture if you have an AI model that applies the texture as a part of the process, but in reality and without all the tech jargon, that's that's happening. It's a texture of the moon.

If you turn off "scene optimizer", you get the actual picture of the moon, which is a blurry mess (as it should be, given the optics and sensor that are used).

To further drive home my point, I blurred the moon even further and clipped the highlights, which means the area which is above 216 in brightness gets clipped to pure white - there's no detail there, just a white blob - https://i.imgur.com/9XMgt06

I zoomed in on the monitor showing that image and, guess what, again you see slapped on detail, even in the parts I explicitly clipped (made completely 100% white): https://i.imgur.com/9kichAp

TL:DR Samsung is using AI/ML to slap on a texture of the moon on your moon pictures, and while some think that's your camera's capability, it's actually not. And it's not sharpening, it's not adding detail from multiple frames because in this experiment, all the frames contain the same amount of detail. None of the frames have the craters etc. because they're intentionally blurred, yet the camera somehow miraculously knows that they are there. And don't even get me started on the motion interpolation on their "super slow-mo", maybe that's another post in the future..

The input article in particular OP links to is egresses :!marseyneat:

Is the Galaxy S21 Ultra using AI to fake detailed Moon photos?

The gist of the article is 3 sources say it's abilities are real, 3 say they're fake, so input does their own test pitting a S21 Ultra vs Sony A7R III w/ 600mm telephoto lens. It's really funny and I suggest you read it as I can't do it justice.

But if you're lazy and don't want to read it here's the ending of the article.

3,500-something words into this investigation and I feel confident between my own comparison, the lack of Moon overlay photos or maps within the camera’s software, and Samsung’s own detailed explanations that there is no faking going on with 100x Moon photos. The S21 Ultra's doing a ton of correction on a 100x photo of the Moon and I have no reason to believe any addition of third-party imagery is happening. The S21 Ultra’s 100x zoom (with intelligent software tuning) is really that impressive and gives it a considerable edge over other phones.

But I also want to include one caveat: the S21 Ultra’s Scene Optimizer will not suddenly make all 100x zoom photos look as crispy as the Moon. Samsung flat-out says the Scene Optimizer can recognize “more than 30 scenes.” That includes the following according to a spokesperson:

Food, Portraits, Flowers, Indoor scenes, Animals, Landscapes, Greenery, Trees, Sky, Mountains, Beaches, Sunrises and sunsets, Watersides, Street scenes, Night scenes, Waterfalls, Snow, Birds, Backlit, Text, Clothing, Vehicle, Shoe, Dog, Face, Drink, Stage, Baby, People, Cat, Moon.

Scenes and objects that aren’t recognized by the Scene Optimizer will likely look like grainy mush at 100x zoom. So take that into consideration when using the S21 Ultra’s max zoom.

Honestly, I can’t believe I spent this many words debunking such a silly conspiracy theory. But consider the case closed (for now). Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to return to my regular scheduled programming that consists of dunking on flat earthers and people who believe in UFOs.

Key take away/s: AI technology has easily been able to fool some tech journ*list and pop-tech YouTubes reviewers who don't have an understand of either technology or physics.


orange site discus

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But I also want to include one caveat: the S21 Ultra’s Scene Optimizer will not suddenly make all 100x zoom photos look as crispy as the Moon. Samsung flat-out says the Scene Optimizer can recognize “more than 30 scenes.” That includes the following according to a spokesperson:

Food, Portraits, Flowers, Indoor scenes, Animals, Landscapes, Greenery, Trees, Sky, Mountains, Beaches, Sunrises and sunsets, Watersides, Street scenes, Night scenes, Waterfalls, Snow, Birds, Backlit, Text, Clothing, Vehicle, Shoe, Dog, Face, Drink, Stage, Baby, People, Cat, Moon.

How in the frick can you post this, but also come to the conclusion that the zoom is real? It's practically screaming at you "yeah we trained our software on these common objects so it can make up details".

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Yeah this is a cool feature, its what this sort of upscaling AI was meant for

They are giving a preset list of stuff lol

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to be fair, your brain literally does the exact same thing lol

filling in details where there are none

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In that case why not just use your eyes instead of an overpriced phone?

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i can't put an SD card in my optic nerve :marseycry:

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Honestly, I can’t believe I spent this many words debunking such a silly conspiracy theory. But consider the case closed (for now). Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to return to my regular scheduled programming that consists of dunking on flat earthers and people who believe in UFOs.

This is what's meant by post-truth. There is no Truth, just positions with associated identities. Conspiracy theorists are the Other, so if you can frame AI photo editing as a conspiracy, anyone on the Right Side Of History must deboonk it.

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Tell this guy that earth is the only place in the universe with life and watch him cope about how that’s mathematically impossible or some shit. “Earth is the only planet with life” sub might be good to ensnare redditors who’ve been told by the science that it’s mathematically guaranteed to be life somewhere else, will sneed like crazy when you tell them there is zero evidence of that being the case. It’s better than flat earth because the science™ side is the one without the evidence

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I came out to my friends as flat-earth curious and they were really accepting :marseywholesome:

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I feel confident between my own comparison, the lack of Moon overlay photos or maps within the camera’s software, and Samsung’s own detailed explanations that there is no faking going on with 100x Moon photos.

The "tech" journo literally thinks an AI would keep training data inside of the phone

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Having any clue about what you’re writing about is fascism.

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Look man, Samsung said they don’t do it so they don’t do it.

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I know this is a little out there and not a huge concern, just navel-gazing here, but it's a little creepy the phone can recognize and "clean up" text given the obsession with sanitizing the world of anything offensive. How long til your phone recognizes and "cleans up" photos by changing them rather than optimizing them?

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Yesterday, dipshit

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All these doomers who don't know tech is already there for their 1984 orwelliak nightmare. Literally tomorrow could be 1984 if the government bombed the USA and subjugated the survivors

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How in the frick can you post this, but also come to the conclusion that the zoom is real? It's practically screaming at you "yeah we trained our software on these common objects so it can make up details".

Yup. I always knew one day some r-slur would replace the zoom function with AI, I jsut prayed I'd not live to see it

Whatever imma stick with my s5 for the next few years anyway

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Stop being so AIphobic

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