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What the frick should I learn to avoid being automated out?

Angular webdev right now


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to code...

to weld

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Can't weld from home

Dont wanna go to work :marseycry:

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learn 2 onlyfans


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Remotecels are first to be automated.

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They're forcing me back into the office soon anyway, getting through the day without micro-dosing drama while stuff builds is going to be a nightmare


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the jew fears the apartment welder

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THAT WAS MY JOKE :marseyraging:

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People skills, but that's probably out of the question, so I recommend suicide

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It's wild to me how quick fads go in and out in programming. I remember when Angular was what you needed to know and every-frickin-thing was Angular. Reminds me of how people told me not learning Ruby on Rails was a mistake. :tayhmm:

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Now it's React. I cant keep up with all the java bullshit anymore

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Plumbing or electrician - mainly construction side. Even if the globohomo starts mandating prefab modular buildings, you probably have a professional lifetime before they get too peepeeed down. On the maintenance side, even AI assistants helping identify problems won't stop people from being too lazy to crawl under their sink or peak behind their drywall.

Of course frick your knees, back, and joints, and you will deal with human shit or exposed wiring and need to understand your social status in that context. But it could be better than being a low rent coder suddenly out of work.

Or you could try to be a big boy coder, but if you're already a web dev, that ship might have sailed.

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Or you could try to be a big boy coder, but if you're already a web dev, that ship might have sailed.

Is a year or two of webdev work really that toxic on my resume? I'm a little rusty outside of it but I started webdev because it's incredibly easy and pays decently, not because I'm totally r-slurred.

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I don't know, I'm just talking shit. I'm only tangentially involved with coders and I know some talk shit about web devs like you're r-slurs.

I would put on your resume that you're a power user on rdrama.net, that'll get you places.

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Frontend and backend coders have fun little smugfights at each other, but it's a fun little rivalry that shouldn't be taken seriously.

If you're an introvert though backend stuff will let you avoid end users more.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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No, it's fine. Pooping on webdevs is just a meme.

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What else

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Become a prompt engineer

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Python so you can become a full-time rDrama.net codecel.

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How's the pay?

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That's the best part: there isn't any!

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sysadmin :marseytrans2:

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I have a cousin who's in a related field and he said it sucks for building your career. You'll just be stuck at a low level and stay there.

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Maybe, but will you get replaced by RoboAdmin? Probably not because people are r-slurred and unpredictable and frick up constantly.

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learn to open your bussy

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Learn to operate a shovel (aNgUlArLy), nerd.

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Learn to build things, then get into inspection.

If anyone builds something (even robots), there's pretty much always going to be a person who checks it.

Once you learn the code, the job is kind of fun. You walk around, showing everyone all the mistake they've made.

Health inspector is a good gig too; If you're OK with never eating at a restaurant ever again.


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learn to proompt ChatGPT to write your Angular components :#marseybigbrain:

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no webdev stuff

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get a :#marseycarpfans:

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Is this a serious question? Do you really think LLMs are anywhere close to automating enterprise software development?

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I know they're not even in the ballpark yet but I'm early in my career and have gotten incredibly paranoid about getting my legs swept out from under me by some sudden LLM advance beyond the usual framework hamster wheel years down the line. Frantically retooling to compete with a tsunami of people in similar situations is a nightmare scenario. I know it's incredibly unlikely but even the possibility is enough to make me incredibly worried. I'm all but certain that if it somehow happens webdevs, frontend especially, will be the first to be culled in droves given the sheer volume of data available and how much is already obfuscated away.

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Most of what you'll be doing is thinking, not literally typing code. Scaffolding software has existed for decades and yet it is always far from sufficient for business needs because businesses always have a million dumbass specifications that need to be fulfilled. I really wouldn't worry about this. Whatever the next automation system is, devs will just be working on top of that, instead.

given the sheer volume of data available and how much is already obfuscated away


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I meant to say "can already be obfuscated away," I was thinking of no code or low code meme tech like unqork and mendix but had a schizomoment

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I've never heard of either of those. Quite frankly, they sound like glorified WordPress. Shit like that always makes bold promises but ends up either requiring dedicated developers to apply gum-and-shoestring modifications or quickly turning into a nonperformant, unmaintainable clusterfrick (sometimes both). I worked in "robotic process automation" for the first couple years of my career. It tried to turn frontend automation into a "simple" Visio-esque platform that regular business users could "develop" with. Not once did I ever see any regular users capable of using it to automate their business processes.

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I made my snapchat AI do hello world in Java and also had it make a number guessing game. These are the two most common things codecels do, so it must be over for them.

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Honest answer - embedded development. No one's trusting ChatGPT to code for missiles or medical devices for a long time.

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seconding this, embedded programming is also easy and fun as long as you dont dive into assembly

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>he doesn't code in assembly for fun in his spare time


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You can't. The codercide is inevitable and I can't wait. :#marseylaughpoundfist:

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How to deepthroat.

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Learn to journo

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if people could accurately describe what they wanted programmed then we would have reached the singularity ages ago.

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Learn how to actually code. If you can write a garbage collector or a file system you'll have a lot more opportunities since theyu're going to be close to the last to go.

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Lol a lot more opportunities? Very few people are writing garbage collectors or file systems.

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it's not the act of writing a compiler, it's ability to be able to write one. People limited to various shitty js frameworks will never, ever write software that's not inherently vulnerable to gpt shenanigans.

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inherently vulnerable to gpt shenanigans

lol wtf does this even mean

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it means gpt get's more systemsy types of questions wrong compared to angular framework questions.

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ChatGPT is effectively another search engine. The idea that most development is on the cusp of being automated is something only idiots believe.

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False, gpt is the herald of the end of webdevs inshallah

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Compilers wouldn't be a bad bet. Learn LLVM, work through engineering a compiler, etc. They're pretty well paid, but it's pretty difficult, and you'd have to work in C++

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I used to think of becoming a quant, but the openai paper that recently came out said its the job most likely to be automated :marseyitsover:

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Get into robotics

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Become a scrum master

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I was a terrible developer now im an agile coach

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Just like my boss :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Learn to mine

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