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looks like it's an exploit in the emojis or something. you know how in markdown image
links you can provide alt text? well apparently the lemmy code just smacked the text into the HTML without doing any sort of check.
so you could do something like
and it'd essentially render
the HTML as
this was used to send multiple requests to some website that is bitching about Ukraine
(I'm not even joking
here, screenshot below) with your cookies.
it also apprently checks for a specific element in the page that would
indicate the user is an admin. apparently they don't set HttpOnly on their cookies, so this script was able to just raid the user's cookie
jar. all and all, seems pretty
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lol of course emojis in lemmy need to have alt text
god forbid all the disabled blind lgbtqia+ members browsing lemmy in a text based browser can't understand a meme
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so two lemmy instances were hacked, do we know if it was some sort of lemmy vuln or just bad passwords?
EDIT: looks like simple XSS
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devs will use rust to prevent memory issues but can't prevent simple xss
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Hmm today I will interpret unsanitized inputs
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Wouldn't have happened if they'd used rust for the frontend
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rust frontend with webassembly
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controversial opinion but if your program is meant to run natively and on the web then a rust frontend is the only good choice from a technical standpoint
sure rust is dogshit for writing ui but a frontend library which can run natively on wasm and raw hardware is objectively superior to electron cancer
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I know it's considered a meme language especially around here for all the
shit but I still think Rust is a really solid programming language, and I'd love to be able to program in Rust rather than C++ for my day job.
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but also, https://tauri.app/
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tauri is better but still inefficient compared to native performance
a language that's memory safe and isn't ugly would unironically be better than javascript for writing frontend cross platform, fight me
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tbh Lemmy could reimplement itself in python and still get better performance
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sorry but python isn't 🚀 blazing fast 🚀
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They forgot not everybody is moral, and that you shouldn't let your users decide where to look for a butthole emoji
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Do rustBIPOCs really
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There is a peepee sized hole in your brain where your ability to create original thoughts used to be. It has rotted out of your head and dribbles out your ears, you have then taken said goo and smeared it across your computer monitor. You have been so thoroughly skullfricked all e-drama looks like a 90's sitcom with 2 directionless plot lines recycled ad infinitum.
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This is unironically going to be a snappy quote
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All I hope is that I'm compensated fairly for my contribution
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I'm sure the mods would be happy to cut you in on their salary
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!effortposters not an effortpost but a good post nonetheless
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why so mean to
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This is what happens when you don't have Egyptians
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Or a CIA honeypot
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isn't lemmings that british game where you dig around with those little guys
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Want to be sad? Here's what modern Lemmings looks like
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Soulless mobile game art
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Actually looks dope thanks friend
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People complained about All New World as well
Although it was pretty easy, I thought it was underrated
Not touching the mobile game tho
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that was a good game
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I still have an early 90s monochromatic brick laptop with Lemmings installed. Sadly it did not work last time I tried to play it.
It was a fun game, seems pretty inventive for the time it was created.
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For a moment I thought it was a glowie Marsey, and the link was meant to steal my Ip.
But it's legit, and the game is even in colour, nice.
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Well that was quick.
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Why is everyone on redditalternatives such strags
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They're all the cute twink
mods who think
they can coral their imaginary userbase onto a new site to strag out on them since they can't do it on reddit
Unlike rdrama, they literally
have nothing
to offer
except for an exponentially increased amount of soy cute twinkry squared
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That sub wasn't too active until this past month when all the seething
invaded it.
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LOL I can imagine that, it was quite chuddy when I used it a couple of years ago and might be how I found rdrama
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Yeah, it wasn't the shit-ton of redditors in every thread on the front page for the past 6 weeks who mentioned lemmy that makes you feel noticed, it's being ddosed
Edit: the redditstrags on redditalternatives couldn't even type "neighbor" without censoring omfg what is happening in the internet 🤣
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Every fricking link has normal discussions aside from reddit. As soon as I opened the redditalternatives link I found:
Orange man bad histrionics
Locomotive hystericals
And your average reddit NPC behavior
The internet guerrila war will just get worse from here, you might even encounter uncensored slurs
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Lol they think anyone at all noticed Reddit had an issue
More people noticed Twitter but everyone whining about it seems to be still on Twitter just as much. I’m skeptical of threads myself.
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Lemmy fricking sucks nuts
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Unironically this
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it must take a real genius to create a good alternative to reddit
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Heres a spicy meme about how they got hacked through a xss attack on the back end
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what was the mp4?
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carp aevann pls pin
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shark, do do do do do do,
shark, do do do do 🎵
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I heard it was hacked by the folks that killed ruqqus
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what was the tasteless mp4?
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Dancingswede perhaps?
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I don't know what this entails but if redditors dislike it then I approve
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archive.ph (click to archive)
archive.ph (click to archive)
E-H discussion:
archive.ph (click to archive)
archive.ph (click to archive)
archive.ph (click to archive)
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Lmao you could load arbitrary code via the custom emoji feature?
Looks like JS devs are just as retarded as our snek devs. They're even using
as a prop name so they've definitely been writing shit python code tooJump in the discussion.
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Shut up,I am more important than this stupid post.. ....
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I'm sure all the jannies that took their ball from reddit and went to lemmy totaly dont regret their decision to stay in that shithole.
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Wtf this has nothing to do with Motorhead
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