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Actually, it's already over : "Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed"


You live in a (((bad country))))? Sorry, we can't trust your device.

You have been using the internet in (((bad faith)))? Sorry, we can't trust your device.

You are posting (((dangerous))) content and (((disinformation))) online? Sorry, we can't trust your device.

Remember, you do not own this device.

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Lol, Apple sucks. Reminder that many applecels consider their shitty devices to be status symbols. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/status-insanity-why-the-i_b_5801748


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but their shitty devices are status symbols whether that jives with your personal rendition of 'status' or not.

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What status does it impart on the users? Being a heroine user is a status symbol too, a symbol of low status.

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it shows you have disposable income to spend on shiny overpriced electronics

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Ah, the more money than brains look

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:marseycope: An iPhone 14 is the same price as a Samsung Galaxy S23 with Facebook spyware preinstalled in the system folder. :chadstevejobs:

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that's the point. It's a flex. Like bourgeoisie spending millions of dollars on a piece of art, or chair, or plate.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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both are expensive as frick but every poorcel knows the apple logo, so you can flash your wealth

it's something like Rolex and Patek, every zoomer boomer and :marseyclueless: person has heard about the brand, even if the other one is just as good and expensive it doesn't flaunt as well.

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letting the poors know that your rich is how you get robbed and bussy blasted

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Yes, status is empty in and of itself.

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a nice house is a status symbol.

a "status phone" plan costs $30 more per month than for a non-status phone.

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yeah but we're talking about r-slurs here

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It’s hard to wrap my head around the idea that people buy their phones in installment plans.

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we're talking about people who think iphones are status symbols here.

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I guess Im talking more specifically about the juxtposition between how much self esteem iphone users derive from their device versus android users.

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"The self perceptions of a group of people is not as negative as I would like it to be, so I'm going to waste the time of some strangers until they agree with me" great stuff, who gives a frick, apparently u

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!dramatards, we've got a good burn on a dramaturd.


Hit context and scroll down too. @butthole really has a bug up his butt. :marseylaugh:


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false, I have a very clean butt. Though I appreciate you thinking about me so much, keep on :marseyoverseether:ing

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Show @TheOverSeether you're "clean" butthole.


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More so that apple users think that their inferior devices somehow make them superior to android users simply because "its an apple", much of the reason they think that being a deliberate result of the way apple markets there products. Its more so that Im wasting time mocking them rather than teying to win anyone to my way of thinking if you want to be specific. If youre disastisfied with my commentary/think ots a waste of time, why waste your time engaging?


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I wanted to let you know how genuinely stupid the idea "These people have an inflated opinion about their stupid phone and im on a quest to take their dumb asses down a notch" sounds to me, hope you have a great day.

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I wanted to let you know how genuinely stupid the idea "These people have an inflated opinion about their stupid phone and im on a quest to take their dumb asses down a notch" sounds to me, hope you have a great day.

Huh, why would/should I care what you think? You come off is stupid, so how am I to trust you to identify what is or isnt stupid? Sorry but I'm going to remain skeptical of what youre saying.

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>how does spending lots of money give status??

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Great point , heroine is an expensive habit.

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its not really, that's why rich people do coke

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its not really

at first maybe

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Apple products are good and they just work

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It's true, my grandma got one on ebay last year when her nth android stopped working normally she quit having phone problems all the time

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:marseysquint: you and @sirpingsalot type quite similarly. Are fricking you two secretly the fricking same person, b-word?

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I hope not

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No, we are similar personality types on different ends of the political spectrum

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The status of being an iCuck?

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Foids largely decide what status is, that's why your social status is mostly determined by how much money you waste on useless shiny baubles.

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I think Android is the better OS, and generally prefer flagship Androids, but the anti-Apple sneed from "tech" people is even more annoying than Zoomer Apple elitism.

They genuinely mald that Apple's SoC's are faster (some years dramatically so), have more maximum storage than Android devices, and have better cameras (specifically API access 3rd party apps).

I have a Galaxy Fold and iPhone. I just use Bluebubbles to sync imessage between them.

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have more maximum storage than Android devices, and have better cameras (specifically API access 3rd party apps).

idk what SoC is, but what apple has a 108mp/8k camera with 50xzoom? Also storage? I can put as big a microsd card in my phone as I want. I hear you on the overseethe from tech people, but irl i run into way more apple elitism specifically with the green text box, but also more than once to my face "why dont you have an iphone" when im holding a $1000+ galaxy and they have a 5year old cracked iphone. So I guess im butthurt about the unwarranted apple elitism. The main reason i wouldnt buy an apple phone tho is bc of the adcard thing and right to repair(tho ive heard apple is trying to walk back their anti-right to repair track record).

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You're unironically r-slurred and I've had this conversation 1000 times with people smarter than you.

>sd card

There aren't SD cards on flagships anymore. You can only get them on cheap, shitty phones.

Literally the only Android OEM who still includes an SD card reader on their flagship is Sony. They only release the Xperia in 2 East Asian markets at this point.

Samsung, Oneplus, and Google, the only 3 OEMs who release premium Android phones in America anymore don't have SD card readers on their flagships. Samsung dropped them in 2021 (lines like the Galaxy Fold have never had them), Google literally only had an SD card slot for one generation, in 2010, and Oneplus has never had an SD card reader on a flagship.

The SD card isn't even a perfect solution. You want it in addition to large internal storage, not to replace it. In years like 2016 every Android phone stateside only had 32GB of storage. The Galaxy S7, LG G5, and HTC 10 all only had 32GB with microSD expansion. The biggest SD card on the market in 2016 was 200GB.

The iPhone 7 in 2016 had 256GB of NVME storage (most Android phones today still max out at 256GB) you could get the most premium Android phone, the largest SD card on the market and still have less total storage than the iPhone 7. It was also split between much slower EMMC 5.1 or 1st gen UFS versus the iPhone's NVME.

>idk what SoC is.

Of course you don't, lmao. You're literally wrong about everything you wrote.

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KEEP YOURSELF SAFE, I'm dunking on room temperature IQ chuds.

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All I know is that I have 512gb internal storage and 1tbsd card and my phone is fast as frick with a better camera than any iphone Also my android can be an xbox(xbox game pass) and it works great with all my other non applet electronics. Im glad that you enjoy your iphone tho. Good luck with that.

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I'm typing on a Galaxy Fold 4, you r-slur.

The iPhone has 1TB of NVME storage. They've had it since 2019.

The only Androids you can get with 1TB in America with 1TB are the S23 Ultra and Z Fold 4. Both can only be bought with that much storage directly through Samsung on the OEM unlocked SKU.

You can walk into any Apple or Carrier store and get a 1TB iPhone.

What phone do you have?

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The iPhone has 1TB

hmu when they got >1.5tb

>What phone do you have?


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Budget phone, gotcha.


I want 1-2TB and an SD card on top of it. One faster unified NVME pool of 1TB is better than 512GB of UFS + a much slowe 1TB sd card reader.

The speeds on the handful of phones that do exist with a reader now are atrocious. IDK any current generation phones that have 512GB of storage and a reader. You're probably using a 2019-2020 Samsung phone for that SKU to even exist.

Samsung started shrinking storage from 2020-2022 and also dropped the SD card slot in that time frame. It was infuriating.

The $2000 Z Fold 2 halved the storage from the Fold 1 with no option to buy more storage. Just a single 256GB version. In 2020, in America if you wanted a current generation flagship with 512GB the only phone you could get was an iPhone 12 Pro/Pro Max. It was ridiculous.

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Yeah, times they are a changing. Im hoping my budget phone lasts, because i dont want to upgrade with whats out there.

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There aren't SD cards on flagships anymore


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Unironically? Penny-pinching.

I loved SD cards, I would always buy the max possible storage, and the biggest SD card on the market. Not either or. Your average person legitimately never used the slot. The couple cents they cost to add per unit saves OEMs millions when dropping the slot. Premium Android phones have made cuts the past several years (SD cards have largely vanished during this time period). Samsung reduced the base, and maximum storage on all of their phones for several years.

The S10 5G generation had a base 256GB SKU, went up to 1TB on the S10+. They halved all storage tiers and didn't offer 1TB again for 4 years. It was only after Apple globally offered it for 2 generations that they finally brought it back, for limited markets. Samsung reduced the RAM on all of the S series (S, S+, and Ultra). The Ultra used to have 16GB of memory with the S20/S21 Ultra. It has been reduced to 12GB for two years now. The base Galaxy S/S+ used to have 12GB of memory. It has been 8GB for 3 years now. The base S/S+ were QHD from 2015-2020. From 2021 onwards they reduced the screen resolution there to FHD. The $2000 Z Fold 2 halved the storage to 256GB from the Fold 1, with no option to buy more storage.

Google refused to upgrade storage for over 6 years. The Nexus 6P had 128GB of storage in 2015. It took until 2021 with the Pixel 6 generation for Google to finally offer 256GB and 512GB SKUS. Apple had offered 256GB since 2016 and 512GB since 2018. It was ridiculous. The Pixel 5 literally had a weaker processor than the Pixel 4. Went from a Snapdragon 845 to 765G. It was a weaker CPU and dramatically weaker GPU. Downgraded screen resolution and no larger "XL" model offered that year.

There are dozens of other examples. Apple has never done a straight spec downgrade year over year. It's a consistent trend in Android land.

I'm saying this as someone who prefers Android.

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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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SoC is basically the CPU+GPU.

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Wow, you sure convinced me. My next phone will for sure be another Apple iPhone Pro


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convinced me

thinks i was even talking to them


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This nerd meme hasn’t been true or relevant in like 20 years. Have s*x, incel

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There's an applestrag in my friends group that literally WONT STOP CRYING about me having an Android.

He says Androids are for poors, so I just alpha amog him treat him like a toddler. I would tell him to frick off, but he's one of the few people in my friends group wealthier than me, so I tolerate him.

Speaking of Android shit, I literally can't log into this site with my Pixel 7 WTF...

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They do this with people in tech companies who want a linux laptop instead of a "Macbook Pro". It's not about workflow efficiency or program compatibility. It's about conformity.

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I use apple products because it makes poors and dweebs like you seethe

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