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Every down vote here is a typetard tear falling down because they just can't reasonably defend TS.


TypeScript community is a bunch of toxic crybabies forged by advertisement who usualy know absolutely nothing beyond what the propaganda says or about the most basic programming concepts, and want to look like they know something. All arguments in favor of TS are always the same old fake propaganda that Microsoft was laughed about when TS was launched. TS is extremely slow and bloated, it forces stupid practices, and present no real value for any level of expertise, it's basically useless, and serves only for Microsoft to increase their market share. That's why reasonable projects are consistently abandoning it, as popularity pushed by propaganda alone has no real value.

JS is very fast, expressive and flexible enough to allow any amount of strictness you need. TS is just propaganda oriented programming that naive devs and overconfident juniors following the hype of the week use to try to look less stupid and avoid FOMO.

Every down vote here is a typetard tear falling down because they just can't reasonably defend TS.


and serves only for Microsoft to increase their market share

oh please. the "mIcrO$oft is eVol" stuff is lame and tired. it makes the rest of your arguments sound conspiratorial. what business plan entails building out an open-source language with ZERO tie back to your core offerings: Office and Azure?

it's adoption was driven largely due to Angular, not some secret "propoganda" from Microsoft (what a ridiculous word to use in this case).


Thanks for proving my point. If basic common everyday business strategy of multi billion companies sounds conspiratorial, you're the very target for my comment. Cry louder, it seemed to me that even your words were distorted by your crying. xD


If basic common everyday business strategy of multi billion companies sounds conspiratorial

sound real stupid not being able to articulate why releasing an open-source language that DOES NOT TIE TO THEIR CORE OFFERINGS is "everyday business strategy".

Cry louder, it seemed to me that even your words were distorted by your crying. xD

ur the b-word on a tirade


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most competent and professional Javascript developer.

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expected typetard comment

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web "developers" are subhuman

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Type systems are a meme. Just make everything a string, brah.

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why isn't my code working?

adds isinstance checks anyway bc they're a brainlet



type 'a tree = Leaf | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree

let rec tree_map f = function
  | Leaf -> Leaf
  | Node (value, left, right) -> Node (f value, tree_map f left, tree_map f right)

always as expected


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I always thought you were a biowoman :marseythonk:

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I am. I am doubly cursed by God: first as a woman, and second as a data engineer.

CSV. It's all CSV. :marseypuke:

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data engineer

Every day we fall farther from god.

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have you heard of this neat program? you don't need to use "python" anymore https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Haha this guy is great, wish he posted more regularly. JS developers need constant reminders that the world they chose to live in is a suboptimal one. :marseywebshitgenocide:

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The problem with TypeScript is that its type system is leaky like Carp's dad's asshole.

For example:

let this_is_a_string_or_at_least_it_should_be : string;

// this line would understandably cause a type error:
// this_is_a_string_or_at_least_it_should_be = {"foo": "bar"}

// but this works:
this_is_a_string_or_at_least_it_should_be = JSON.parse('{"foo": "bar"}');

// outputs: {"foo": "bar"}
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Imagine a js programmer having to be aware of an oddly specific corner cases

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true, just use purescript if you're serious about being a typetard

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Complete or sound.

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i should probably start using TS but i don't really want to

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>TS is extremely slow and bloated

>JS is very fast

TS just compiles to JS though :marseysquint:

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if what would take 1 operation when written in Javascript turns into 4 operations when it's compiled to Javascript from Typescript, it'll slow it down significantly. It ends up running Javascript, but it can end up running worse Javascript.

same way C# and C++ both compile to assembly, but C++ can be more performant, because C# has to do a bunch of extra stuff to handle all its quality of life features and that results in a lot more work in assembly than the equivalent C++ would be.

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Good point, I just assumed TS would spit out good code.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go slap together some atrocious webshit.

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He said "propaganda" 30 times on the first 4 pages of his account. Based schizodev

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This is too funny XD

I'm sorry if I ever offended you, 'cause you clearly don't need anyone to offend you, you do it by yourself xD

After being humiliated by your own intellectual capacity, your question now becomes "how typescript relates to azure or office" xD

As if it makes any sense at this point. You surely don't know what you're asking, you don't know what you're talking about, you don't know how to express the propaganda you've been exposed to and indoctrinated, you don't know any type of rethoric and are trying really hard to sound less stupid, but the main thing you don't know is: you're the worst enemy you've got, and everyone around you can see it but you.

Keep crying, or put yourself together boy.

Needs moar :marseyxd: otherwise we might suspect :marseyseethe:

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Every down vote here is a typetard tear falling down because they just can't reasonably defend TS.

Snappy quote please

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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JS is very fast


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the JS guys I know seem to be like the Java guys of yore. They punch in at their 9-5 and don't care much for "programming" "communities".

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Basically programmers who dont give a shit and are the first to whine when laid off.

They end up working at some shithole company with ancient software stacks who refuse to migrate off java.

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What do you mean by give a shit?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I mean they no longer care about learning new technologies, advancing their career, or even about programming at all.

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I mean, yeah, it's a job.

People work jobs to make money by accomplishing business goals, not for some higher purposes of "caring about programming" or "new technologies" lol.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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If you work a job that requires learning new shit you can't just clock out like a 9-5 barista and not expect to get replaced or at best relegated to some mid level position the rest of your life.

That is just how it be. :marseysigh:

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Are the Java, C# and now JavaScript behemoths going away sometime soon?

I don't think most devs are working on very interesting stacks.

I doubt you'll maximize your compensation working on the same Java CRUD line-of-business app day in and day out but it's a perfectly viable middle class job :marseyshrug:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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This reminds me of how I felt as a perl monk while python was taking over. I already know perl by Larry Wall, why the frick should I learn perl by Fisher Price? But alas, the winds of change blow strong and my perl skills have been left to rot.

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How much of your old code can you read? Be honest.

Also, why did they make the object system so r-slurred and slow?

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I can read all of it motherlover because I don't write my code like its a golf contest. Object oriented programming in perl is for strags but you can use moose if that's how you were born.

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Final question:

What are your thoughts on raku?

And I use ruby so it doesn't really matter :marseywholesome:

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I don't know much about it. Perl 6 looked interesting at the time, but people who use perl are interested in getting stuff done, not jerking each other off and that was a wild 10 year jerk-off session with no orgasm. I know it was spun off but its too late to care. I only use perl for some fancy command line stuff now.

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the fact that perl was so unmaintainable that people left for python says a lot.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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javascript is fast

- "programmer" who has written code in JS and maybe python

Trans lives matter

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what is orange site saying

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You should have an LLM do your type checking and also write your code and have it write tests for its own code while you're at it.

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Don't need tests with a modern type sustem.

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Mayocide Ayy Lmao


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