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:marseygigachad: "You nerds can talk to people if you want" :soyjaktantrum: "No it's literally impossible"


Wow. This is an incredibly insular, and empathy devoid take. The author's binary assumption that introversion and introversion are choices are incredible. Go and do some research on neurodivergence, and then go and have a think about how harmful this advice is.

Remember, shyness, like fatness, is totally determined by your DNA, and your choices have nothing to do with it.

For me it isn't just a matter of "I'd rather be in front of a computer", going to a big social encounter is extremely stressful. And the idea of approaching and talking to someone I don't know fills me with terror.

Lots more computercel cope in the thread

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They use introversion as an excuse to not grow. What they don't realize is - everyone is an introvert and everyone is an extrovert. It's often an unconscious choice we make. For some, it is easy and natural, for some it takes a bit more effort.


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Reported for neurodivergence-phobia


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"neurospicy" (the spice is being annoying and pathetic)

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I still prefer "r-slurred", TBH... :tayshrug:

Just like how "refried beans" are doubly-fried, "r-slurs" are doubly-tarded.

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I've always thought the whole introvert extravert thing was some psychology fart huffing. I always get like 100% introvert but I like hanging out with the boys. I vastly prefer doing things with other people compared to alone. I just don't like hanging out with normies. I choose to not go to social events because every time I do I think about how much better I could have used that time by just staying home. I'm not scared of going out either like some soys in there. I just go out, realize I am not enjoying it, and don't go out again. :marseyshrug:

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People who have severe socially anxiety have deluded themselves into believing they are introverts when really they are just afraid of interacting with others.

Yours is actual introversion, not whatever these anxious freaks use as an excuse to be shut ins.

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Ah yeah that's probably the case. I always thought t was hilarious that there are large online communities of people talking about how introverted they are or whatever but basically nothing for extroverts. I wouldn't be surprised if most 'introverts' were just shy people copeing.

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>how much better I could have used that time


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:marseyindignant: Instead of going out to eat at a restaurant I could have grinded in a game making myself more powerful for if I ever play it with friends in the future. Clearly a better use of my time.

I do have one example where time was spent more effectively though. I was talking to a girl and she started sharing music with me and asking my opinions on it and whatnot and she was really into it but I was SUPER bored cuz I don't even really listen to music. So I made up an excuse and ghosted her so I could work on my side hustle instead. And that side hustle grew to be decently successful. Although I still feel bad about ghosting her. I actually find a girl excited to talk to me and I immediately get bored and ghost her in favor of sigma grinding. :marseysmugautist:

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This nogga is afraid of females :marseyskull: :marseyskull: :!marseyrofl:

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:marseyindignant: I'm not afraid I'm just severly neurodivergent

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:marseycry: I wish. Unfortunately I am definitely a straggot.

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>the whole introvert extravert thing was some psychology fart huffing.

"Here are two categories and you'll feel really special as you decide where you fall." Psychology is Buzzfeed.

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:marseyhesright: I have the same feelings about MBTI. I still remember when I first went to college we had a mandatory 'intro to college'' class about studying and interacting with people and whatnot. And everyone had to do MBTI and 90% of people got INTP despite it saying it was the rarest type.

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The whole introvert/extravert thing was only ever intended to be about whether you gain/lose energy from social interactions, nothing more. So an introvert would be more than happy to go to a party, meet new people, and socialise, but would be tired by the end of it and need to spend time alone to regain that energy, whereas an extravert would get tired from spending lots of time alone, and would regain that energy through social interactions.

Any analysis beyond that is pseudoscientific garbage mainly said by people who are coping about their own lack of social skills

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That's fair but tbh I just don't buy the energy thing. That's not how I work and afaik it makes no sense biologically. Like what even is 'energy' in this case?

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Mental energy? Or is it even worth trying to explain it to someone so neurodivergent they don't even really listen to music?

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Or is it even with trying to explain it to someone so neurodivergent they don't even really listen to music?

True, maybe I'm just too neurodivergent to get it. :marseyautism:

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I am a very friendly and sociable person. I'm the life of the party but being around people is exhausting and I prefer my alone time. "Extroverts" would find being around people energizing

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Introversion means you enjoy being alone.

It doesn't mean you self isolate because you have anxiety.

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>me in my fortress of solitude


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That gives me anxiety. The person in a horror movie who desperately needs help, can see the help, but can't get their attention before getting caught/killed. I was shown Ghostbusters as a kid and it was all horror and no comedy at that age.

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I'm a contractor and have to chat with strangers all the time. I get people asking if they can make money without ever talking to people because muh anxiety and social things and ADHD and things, and I tell them just to get a job. Wtf do you expect to sell if you can't even have a conversation over zoom with someone? Then I get told I'm mean on Reddit but the neurodivergent disappears because I'm right.

I'm an introvert but learned the art of small talk and chit chat from talking to so many different people. Just talk to people and you get better at it. Also, you have to remember that the weirdos are on the internet but most people are just doing what they got to do and are just normal people without all the hangups you see online.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I am in outside sales. I will always loathe making sales phone calls but I love going to businesses and talking to old white guys.

It's the Indian and Persians I hate dealing with, with the Chinese are pretty pleasant

Black business owners, while rare even in a relatively black city, are the best.

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I got a 1pm with a jeet today lol. Jeets annoy me too but I have this sick sense of entertainment from talking to them. They don't have money for me but I guess I like hearing their negotiation skills and stupid comments. Some of them rage at me that I will never get the money I want from a contract, which is strange cuz I do. lol I guess I get some entertainment out of these calls that will never result in a sale.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I learned you got to insult them a bit

Call them unserious buyers or say things might be out of their price range

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If introverts and extrovert aren't real then how come I sweat every time I talk to a woman?

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That's not introversion, you are just r-slurred :marseysmughips:

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That makes sense thanks @Borpa

I missed the weekly fitness thread so I'll tell you now that I got a kitty pad for Christmas, did 4x12 empty bar hip thrusts yesterday and can't walk today.

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You're not holding the bar with your peepee? :marseyconfused:

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That's not introversion, you are just Indian :marseytunaktunak:

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>Just talk to people bro, it's easy. Just make friends. Just pick up new habits and hobbies. Just do it, bro. You want to do X thing? Just stop procrastinating and do it. That's all you have do to.

Oh gee, why didn't I think of that before? Kill normies.

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He's not wrong. You're probably just lazy and making excuses.

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Not lazy, I want to work hard, and sometimes do, but I have basically zero sustainable control over my impulses and emotions. Life feels like I'm trapped in my own head.

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Well that sounds dangerous.

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Literally do anything differently than you do now. You're stuck in a rut, the only way forward is to change.

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Literally why don't you tho? What's stopping you? Muh feelings?

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What's stopping you from not being a manlet or liking peepee up your butt? It's all in your mentality bro :marseybrainlet:

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If you can't find truth in this statement and realise that you can just talk to people, you're more of a loser than me: a poster on rdrama.net

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Just practice, bro. It'll suck and you'll suck at it but it's a skill you can learn to be better at, bro. But that doesn't happen if you don't try, bro. That's the main thing you have to do.

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There's no such thing as "shyness," that's learning society thinks you're a fricking loser. You're afraid people will be mean because they are because you're a loser. You learned your lesson, now learn your place.

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takes one to know one?

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Eh. I am introverted but can talk to people. It's just hard to gauge people these days. I feel like I'm walking on glass talking to people my age. And older people say dumb shit but act like big babies if you try and dish it back. So I'm just going back to working on side hustles next year.

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I've learned to love a morning run,

Parenthood's chaos became kind of fun,

Even javascript became a dream,

But my social skills became immutable the day I turned thirteen.

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Plot twist there's a cure for autism

not for the neurodivergent

for the real people. The therapy is to train you children how to cope with being around adults, and suppress your tantrums. The therapy is not hide in front of your computer all day FYI

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>just tell your kids to not be neurodivergent


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this unironically worked on me, thanks mom :marseymotherhugger:

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Nah it's legit a behavioral therapy I learned about on rdrama.net where the article was linked. Apparently its bigly controversial to make it so where neurodivergents can live a normal life, according to people who make a living "treating" autism

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OMG imagine using that disgusting language over RUST. As a proud rustacean, I'm going to inform you: that's blasphemy. You can do better. Grab cargo and start using a beautiful memory managed, statically typed, comfortable yet low level language with a spectacular packaging system. No more memory leaks. No more makefiles. End the weird bugs caused by unrequested type casting. Easily find libraries. AND ALL OF THAT IS BLAZING FAST (at C/cpp-level speeds - yay compiled langs and llvm c:). Why wouldn't you? The syntax is spectacular as well; extremely clean, much better than anything else out there. Those match statements are so extremely pleasant, and the looping conventions are orgasmic. And the compiler is the most useful and polite you'll come across; no more endlessly scrolling segmentation fault and template errors. It's amazing and I love it and you should switch now because it's far superior to literally everything else, all those gross languages you're used to using. Come to rust and you'll never look back, it's so versatile and cleeeeean. Graydon Hoare is literally a god. The rust book is my bible. this is my religion now. USE RUST



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I don't know how to talk to people without a stepping off point and I completely shut down in groups of like more than 3 or 4 :marseygiveup:

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When ever the introvert/extrovert conversation arises, i can only think of a giant prolapsed vagina collapsing in a wet mess down a staircase like some cronenberg slinky.

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>And the idea of approaching and talking to someone I don't know fills me with terror.

This isn't just being an introvert you have a mental illness you fricking r-slur.

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Has anyone tried phenibut for social anxiety?

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Reddit (and other nerd sites) made me so second hand embarrassed of being an "introvert" that I decided not to be one anymore

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y would u enjoy being alone other than anxieties?

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I can handle talking to people. I manage all professional relationships fine. Its just hard to get people to want to be around you if it isn't required or there is no benefit for them. I just so tired managing an endless number of aquamtainces because you need to always be doing stuff or you are a bad person. Any social interaction is fine for an hour but hour 3 of a party where normies are talking about stupid shit and watching tik tok is heck.

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