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Question: What big technological changes occurred in the past 7 years?

I am not sure there are any that I can think of that completely changed how we were doing things. It feels like for the past seven years all we have been getting are fads as such or small iterative changes but nothing that suddenly made things way better or easier. Nothing on the level of the smartphone, or Uber taxi services, or even teslas.

I would love to hear your examples for some consumer level tech jumps if you got any, because as far as I can tell the past decade is a list of stuff that is all stuck in the development phase rather than the market phase as of now and will still take a few more years to take off.

So did we make any consumer level progress in the near past or not?

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We now have gtp3 shitposting bots doing our jobs better than us lol


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darn that's true. But even GPT 3 and Dall E 2 are both more limited to higher end paying customers no?

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Not sure, I'm a mech eng not EE so my only experience with machine learning is doing basic neural networks with MATLAB in undergrad, shits way more advanced now.

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I do not know or have the expertise to comment further so I will just say my favorite AI experiments are the evolution simulators.

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rdrama is just a GPT-3 AI experiment :marppypat:

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Meh I was still able to troll people on Omegle with Cleverbot 7 years ago

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Crypto, VR, fiber. Prevalence of mobile Internet. AI got way better. FPGA more better. Starlink and private rockets. Robots. Self driving/autonomous. rdrama.net.

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Crypto was 2008. Maybe we could argue that it matured in the past few years with the introduction of NFTs. Idk what fiber refers to here. Mobile internet was already huge by 2010-13 around. Consumer level AI is still a lot more limited and still gives the feeling of moving towards the future rather than being in it. FPGA? Starlink and private rockets true. Robots how? There are no new revolutionary robots out there. Automation increased a bit sure but that's more a trend rather than a thing that blew up. self driving cars are still barely level 2-3 autonomy, still need hand permanently on the wheel. Definite upgrade but not as big as it should have been based on earlier predictions. As far as I am aware only one car company got a single type of car so far with level 4 driving autonomy capabilities. Rdrama yes agreed.

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we could argue that it matured in the past few years with the introduction of NFTs.


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If anything NFTs showed that crypto still has a LOT of maturing to do. While we did see a lot of new very interesting tech come out of the past couple years (NFTs, DAOs, Smart contracts, ect) most new crypto things were scams. I think this shows a lot of potential for growth, but that growth comes with a lot of growing pain.

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Hmmm good point but ever since NFT's bubble burst crypto market has been on suicide watch no

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well crypto investments are (very) risky in general, during most times of economic instability we see money get divested from risky areas to more stable income generators.

This is partially why in a good market picking random companies will often outperform staples like the $SPY, most random companies are riskier than the $SPY but it is easier for those risky companies to generate large amounts of profit when in a bull market.

While a lot of people want to say we aren't due for a recession, but it seems the writing is on the wall, and what good are some bits on a hard drive that "like totally have value bro" when you don't have a job and bills start rolling in.

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Nah, recession won't happen as long as California stands. I saw that in a dream.

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Flesh light tech has gotten pretty good. Self cleaning, warming, autosuck

They do it all now

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Consumer fiber internet. I went from 4MBit to 100Mbit in an instant

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oh yeah, communications speed upgrades. I hope storage space upgrades to catch up soon.

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SSDs nearly everywhere now instead of hard disks is a big one too.

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idk about that. Haven't seen the proliferation here yet.

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I'm on Gigabit and heard of some people getting 2.5Gb

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ebikes got gud

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really? How?

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just in general they dont suck

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oh okay cool

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Space went from being the realm of governments to private corporations. Within 20 years we will have consumer spaceflight.

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for the millionaires maybe. I doubt we are getting cheap spaceflight for the everyday plebs though. That will probably take another 40 years from now at least.

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IoT devices (wearable tech, home security/lights/thermostats, etc)

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Maybe in America, in the rest of the world our lightbulbs still have only one brightness setting and it's permanent.

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3d printers went from niche nerd toy to cheap Walmart accessory. Resin printers went from science labs to actual consumer grade machines in the last 3 years.

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still expensive in the third world. I hope they one day go down in price enough to feel cheap even in 3rd world nations.

cool stuff. hope they figure out organ printing.

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They wont

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why not?

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Because organs aren't a single fusible material. We can't even make decent external livers.

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that's a good point, but with humanity never say never. Do you think the western liberal world order is expanding? beyond that do you think wherever the liberal world order expands the countries are developing and catching up to strengthen the system?

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kewl jew

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I'd say everything is getting better on a linear scale. SSDs are linearly cheaper, processors are linearly faster, HDDs are linearly bigger. I don't really buy Moore's law ever died (transistor density doubles every 18mo - two years).

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But is an SSD at all cheaper than what it replaced yet? The prices of products have still been linearly rising over the decades. At what point do we see those improvements in technology that lead to cheaper goods than what it cost our parents instead of just upgraded goods at higher prices?

Linear growth sucks. At least graphics cards are still scaling up like 25% per year or something.

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Apple carplay, apple watch (and the android equivalents), smarthome stuff. Nothing else comes to mind and none of these were as impactful. Also AI generally has seen a lot of improvement.

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Apple carplay I am hearing about for the first time so yeah probably not a big thing as such. Apple watch however I assume was pretty revolutionary in terms of it's live tracking health features.

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>Apple carplay I am hearing about for the first time so yeah


They have been a thing in almost every premium car since around 2016 and have been present even in the shittiest economy cars in the past few years. Heck it was in my mothers '15 Volvo XC90, but I think it was one of the first cars to offer it as an option.

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I considered it unusual that my 2019 rental car didn't have AA/AC support. It's pretty standard for every manufacturer now


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3rd worlder.

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Just grift your way into a H1B visa, king

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why would I want to go to America though? You guys could fund my life for an year or two here through a genuine rdrama funding day.

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>You guys

I'm not a w*stoid, neighbor:marseyyikes:

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if you don't even live there and react to living there with an disgust marsay then why would you send me there

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You clearly don't understand what it means to be a good person.

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Mental health experts could probably study this thread. Congratulations patso. In a sub about autism full of neurodivergents you manage to be the most severely neurodivergent. This is truly mind-boggling. What's stranger is that you can't even slightly see how insane you are. You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

You're fat too. But you also can't see that. Reverse body dysmorphia on top of the autism and of course r-sluration.

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