":sigmacap: notation in math feels like unnecessary gatekeeping :marseynails:, proofs must be written in pseudocode for-loops :marseyagree:"




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Literal :marseybrainlet: energy right here.

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I love Twitter for amplifying the most brainlet takes under the sun. If sum notation in math is to hard to understand unironically get the frick out of math.

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What if plus signs are too hard to understand too? Math needs to stop ableistly gatekeeping people of sub-80 IQ.

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Lol nvm actually let these morons have degrees in math without understanding basic notation, only gonna accelerate how little a degree means

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Implying a degree means anything anymore, has been like this for years already

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It means I'm not a dropout like you :#marseymajorgeneral:

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the only point of my math degree is to prove im not a mouthbreather who did poli sci or some shit, plz dont take that away form me

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You can denote the additive operation in a field with any symbol you want bro

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just use a ring bro, you dont need a whole field

save the planet

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Back to fundamentals. Addition as set operations on sets containing the empty set

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I saw this on Twitter yesterday, very relevant


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The follow-up's even funnier


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Funniest shit I’ve read today


Laughing at r-slurs is my lifeblood

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this absolutely perfectly describes my attempt to understand category theory

"As you know, sheaves are very important, and you are dumb for not knowing them. Go away."

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dumbest mechanic :marseymechanic: :marseykingcrown:

you inspired me to mull over ncatlab [1, 2] for an hour

i think i'm starting to get it, the contravariance jibes with the probing analogy

but did they really switch from an example with notation X↦[X,ℬ nU(1)] to an example with notation U↦[U,X] :marseyretard:

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I’m absolutely hopeless. I was trying to understand topoi and I don’t remember why. I think it was some nerdy gay foundations shit.

Category theory is extremely important for :marseymechanic:

(Actually that second link is pretty helpful now that I’ve taken the time to read it, that’s a really good explanation, I’m now closer to understanding that I will never understand sheaves tyvm)

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My neighbor Yoneda

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Its stacks of sheaves all the way down. The fact that more than 0 people here know sheaves is alarming at best.

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Arent those integrals divergent?

Im not gonna do the msth but they look divergent also the notatuon is wrong

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first one i dont know enough about tensor calc but the second line looks like a standard gaussian to me and first noticing the integrand is even and then doing the whole fubini theorem trick

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The second one diverges so you cant integrate it defined

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Im confused, is it not just this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution

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Woohoo 3d real sequences.

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This is the equivalent of I FRICKING LOVE SCIENCE :soyjakfront: but for math.

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Guy definitely went into programming because he was afraid of the big scary :integral:

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Hurr durr integration is basically addition

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wrong, its more like subtraction

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turn the side on its side and straighten it out a bit, idiot

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I just don’t want to piss off the Greeks

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If you can't write mathematical proofs or react applications using a series of ratios then you might as well keep yourself safe :marseyropeyourself:

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Nothing like the Anglosphere pride in being mathematically illiterate.

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Srly? that's their symbols for loops? wtf.... Also how the heck is one suppose to google these symbols if you don't know their name.

I'm losing braincels by reading the responses holy frick :marseytinfoil:

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Person used to reading code finds math symbols confusing. Wants math symbols replaced by code. Somehow unaware that people who are used to reading math symbols would find code confusing.

In other news, I think French speakers should be made to speak English, because I find French very confusing, and English seems so easily understood by comparison. So we'd actually be helping them.

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I agree, we should make francs speak a real language like English.

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I posted my reply here without actually reading the Twitter conversation. And now I have, there's a guy posting this:

This is like an English speaker being mad that a movie is in French.

Why did we both independently pick on French speakers?

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No, I do not want to understand what the french say

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Code monkeys too dumb to understand why DSLs are useful.

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how is that even possible lol ? its in the name. they are good for sucking peepee :marseylaugh:

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I would like to see how he writes his calculus exam in pseudocode lmao.

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Function Main
    Output "Hello world!"
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I literally did stuff like this. When I was in high school, graphing calculators were fairly new, and we were allowed to use them on tests. Many of the teachers didn't realize or didn't care that you could program all the formulas into them, so that's what all the programmercels did. It's not cheating if you exploit a loophole they didn't ban yet

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LPT i used a ti89 with symbolic diff/integration through hs. OP

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tbf if you programmed it yourself you probably retained it better than your classmates and learned something like programming which is a win for society too.

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English speakers will not stop until we colonize all Romance languages


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Half of Anglo-Saxon gibberish is already french :marseybong:

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actually we used to define computational logic in math symbols,

but that's a terrible way of writing logic that's understable, so we stopped doing that very quickly.

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The :chudsey: "writing logic in code is easier" dramanaut vs the :marseychadthundercock: Kenneth E. Iverson:

Mathematical notation provides perhaps the best-known and best-developed example of language used consciously as a tool of thought. Recognition of the important role of notation in mathematics is clear from the quotations from mathematicians given in Cajori ' s A History of Mathematical Notations [2, pp.332,3313. They are well worth reading in full, but the following excerpts suggest the tone:

By relieving the brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and in effect increases the mental power of the race.

The quantity of meaning compressed into small space by algebraic signs, is another circumstance that facilitates the reasonings we are accustomed to carry on by their aid.

-Charles Babbage


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tisms say the darndest things literally nobody cares about

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No you still see standard math notation in computer science papers all the fucking time, this guy's just incredibly autistic

If nothing else, typesetting pseudocode in a paper takes at least a thousand times as long as a_i\in\mathbb{Z}\ \forall\ i\in\{1,2,...,x\}\Rightarrow\exists\ \{b_1,b_2,...,b_x\}\in\mathbb{Z}\ :\ (\prod_{i=1}^{x}a_i\lambda(n)+1)=(\sum_{i=1}^{x}b_i\lambda(n)^i)+1, which is already ugly enough, and god forbid you have to rearrange it at some point

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Using simple math logic symbols makes things so much clear and understandable. The math notation produce so much less clutter and shit than pseudocode.

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I don't even know how you would show a logical inference in pseudocode either. A implies B is kind of a cornerstone of any math worth writing out :marseyfacepalm: Or do we need to learn a new syntax with different kinds of equal signs that no one will even agree on :marseysigh:

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....you mean this?

A | B |A->B

T | T | T

T | F | F

F | T | T

F | F | T

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Yeah, but the problem with simple math logic symbols is that you have to do the work. With pseudocode, you just type it in, and the machine does all the work.

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there are plenty of latex packages for coding that are super easy

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If you're looking for something easy, you're in the wrong place. Coding is hard work and takes a lot of dedication. If you're not willing to put in the effort, you might as well give up now.

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Coding is hard work and takes a lot of dedication


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true that’s why i work at F@gman

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Why don't you go work at McDonald's if you're so unhappy with your current job?

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And also don't fit any publication's style requirements :marseydoomer:

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if self publishing is enough for flat earthers it’s enough for codecels

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rdrama natively supports LaTeX when?

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Yeah like has he never read a paper on ML or recsys or anything tangentially related? They love their notation.

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The whole point of math notation and writing everything in Greek and Latin was that so anyone who bothered to learn what those symbols meant would have to learn, at most, a few dozen symbols and words instead of having to translate entire phrases of one language into another.

The r-slur doesn't realize it's actually more accessible than just turning things into written English like "for all x from 0 to 10, add 1 to n" or some shit

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In other news, I think French speakers should be made to speak English, because I find French very confusing, and English seems so easily understood by comparison. So we'd actually be helping them.

I agree both with the OP and u

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I think French speakers should be made to speak English

You're more tolerant than I am. I think French speakers should be executed

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I would totally have published some unique insights in topological theory if it wasn't for those inscrutable mathematical symbols.


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The comment syntax for math is totally broken. How am I supposed to know what part is the proof and what part I can safely ignore?

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This is a great post to show the limitations of the human brain.

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Domain dependence

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Yes thats how your "for loops" were accomplished before computers, you dweebs.

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For loops also aren't inclusive


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I call the multiplication notation smegma (sigma but with a “M” for multiplication) and basically my entire signals class started using the term too

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That's really sad that you have to resort to making up stupid names for things in order to feel superior. Grow up and learn to deal with reality.

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That's literally capital Greek Pi for product though. Not the hardest thing to remember.

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The problem is that it’s just called product which kinda sucks for explaining verbally to people. Tbf though most proofs make 0 sense explained out loud, you have to read them to follow.

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you mean Pi for product?

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:sigmacap: and :picap: are defined and always do the same. If I see those I know what they do.

If I see a for-loop I have to look at it and read it to understand it. Because not every for-loop can be replaced by a math symbol.

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For loop can always be replaced. If there is gonna be a known amount of iterations. If you don't know use another form of iteration

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Why would you want to replace a for loop with something else if it's going to be a known amount of iterations? That doesn't make any sense.

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I mean by the sigma notation. Then it is different thing about readability

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You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

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You can do it. Looks like shit and barely readable. It be sum function that doesn't sum anything. But just does other shit inside it.

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Yeah, well maybe if you actually knew how to code you wouldn't be such a fricking moron. But since you're clearly an idiot, I'll spell it out for you: your code is garbage and barely readable because it doesn't do anything. So maybe you should learn how to code before you try and write any more.

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Are you referring to loop unrolling? Because that would mean I have to even more code to notice if there's a small change from the "short" version.

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