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EDIT: srspost prediction tiem

in about 20 years most of these things will be AI generated and driven. Human created art will always exist but will be more niche and likely much more expensive as the market shifts to much cheaper and faster produced AI versions.

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Codecels celebrating on this post cause they finally have something to compensate their soulless lack of creativity. Talk about cope :marseysmug2:

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Don't worry creativestrag, when us codecels are soon replaced by AI, it's over... for humans in general


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Nooooooooo this can't be possible art has soul in it only humans can make real art!


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Yes, this was a drawing contest, not an art contest. Good job.


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Artcels in fricking shambles:marseylaugh:

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I wonder why there's no seethe about vocaloid :marseymiku:stealing jobs from singers? Or maybe there is but I'm not paying attention.

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AI can compose too

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"Artists" in shambles.

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"AI will replace artists" is like someone going "we've designed a car people can't ride in. the car is now a lot more durable now that we have no cabin."

like, the point of the car was to transport people... you've missed the point.

AI 'art' is the same way.

What a cope fueled garbage analogy. It'd be more accurate to say that most people are perfectly happy driving their mass manufacturer vehicles than having some expensive vehicle custom made for them. But then that would be the opposite of the point he's desperately trying to make.

The point of successful art is to be pleasing to the viewer. It may or may not illicit emotions, the viewer just needs to enjoy viewing it. Whether it's a person or an AI that does it makes no difference. People are going to go with what they like looking at the most.

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Also does this r-slur honestly think that having autonomous vehicles is somehow useless?

The companies that successfully bring fully functional driverless semis to market are going to make disgusting amounts of money. Even if he hates money, having computers drive gigantic trucks instead of methed out truckers that haven’t slept in half a week is objectively a good thing for society.

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Noooo the point of art is to give a job to artists!!! What do you mean you don't look at paintings are drawings and think "man I bet the guy that did this survived off it for years"?!

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This is the biggest artcel BTFO since photography

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Lol it's over for artcels! Musiciancels your days are numbered!

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It's still got some kinks to work out. Interesting tho.

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This is from more than two years ago, which is like 10 years in machine learning. Once OpenAI switches their focus back to audiogen I think shit's going to get really interesting considering how much better imagegen and textgen have gotten

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AI music sounds really uncanny. It just doesn't sound like it's going anywhere. I hate it

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i think it gets better and better every year. But yeah mostly agree for now


I really like this one:


Edit: The best results seem to be more collaborative which is probably how this tech will be used in the future.

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Interesting name... :#marseycapyexcited::#marseycapylove::#marseycapykiss:

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Style transfer for music :marseybegging::marseybegging::marseybegging:

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sometimes state fairs aren't as competitive as you think

Even in the professional painting category, sometimes the judges go several years only seeing:

Brenda's vase of flowers (2022 edition)

a washed out looking painting of Pam's grand son

Gary painted a big bass hanging from fishing line again this year

Picasso inspired abstract by drunk 40 something with art degree

"impressionist" woman on beach as seen from behind wearing blue bikini


I just read that this is digital art, which means there might only be four other entries :marseypikachu2:

I know people who have won first place in the fair because no one, or only one person bothered entering anything into an obscure category.

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Why are you taking away from their hard earned victory?

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You also didn't mention your main competition is highschool students.

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Most fairs have Youth divisions

and a lot of them have an Amateur vs Professional division for adults

I guess if the Youth Division is split 13-17 instead of something like (11-14, 15-18) and there's a ton of 18 year old high school students :marseythonk:

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Based tbh.

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Someone feed it Marseys

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Tried to set up the image to prompt thingie to get the best prompts to get marseys, but I'm a windowscel and got filtered at the 4th command line (actually 1st because I didn't have git :marseylaugh:). I'll maybe try setting it up on Google Colab but the specific environment may make it bug out.

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Twy onye fwom here: https://pharmapsychotic.com/cowtools.html

Teh cwowlab nywotebwooks nywowadays are much mwore user fwiendwy as cwompared two a few mwonths agwo which is a gwood thing wowl

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Yeah, I saw yesterday that you could do some good UI shit, that's probably gonna help me with getting my work project to be understandable by other people.

Will try one of those then.

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@chiobu will be replaced :marseysad:

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Maybe I'm actually an AI all these while


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Plz be my ai gf

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i whip out my gwock

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My foid says this is "book cover art"


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@Sammael-Beliol is that true?

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Looks like it to me, so I assume it was a drawing competition, not an art competition, just marketing. The third picture is a clear front and back with the space fighters being on the back cover that folds over imo.

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Tbh those look super boring

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Never seen art that wasn’t

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I want to put a print of this up in a gallery somewhere.

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Grant money at work

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no not our jobs!

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bc using AI to harvest the lifework of millions of 'traditional' artists is just his medium, man! I'ts just like u using a PS brush! Why r u gatekeeping when they toiled for tens of - sorry - ones of minutes?

I can taste the seethe

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I'ts just like u using a PS brush!

So "real" artists should never use PS brush?

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the guy probably toiled at least 6 hours if it makes them feel any better

clicking buttons and managing prompts, lol

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Yeah honestly I can kinda understand AI tuning as a pretty time intensive task. Even if the art is artist quality, most professionals will be very particular, and someone willing to spend a few hours getting an AI to behave is probably still worth something.

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Last night I ran a prompt that gave me kind of a good result, so I made 64 more while I slept-- but none of them were as good as the first one

:marseycry: it was a fluke

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Maybe use the good one as a seed or something?

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I love the smell of luddite fear in the morning.

"B-but it makes soulless art! It isn't human!"

Neither are artists


>"Knight in complex metal armor on a battlefield covered in blood"

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No wonder you think artists are getting replaced.

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I love this art :marppypat:

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Thanks, my GPU has a real talent


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Gay fairy wedding I made


Dark ballet dancer with dahlias


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What software?

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Midjourney Beta



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Learn to prompt


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Did you know there are "prompt engineers" selling prompts now? :marseywallst:


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There are similar services for social media managers lol. I tried googling just now and couldn't found the specific site, but it was wild

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you mean like they churn out posts for you? if so there are many sexy Indian dudes on fiverr who will do that lol

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no like a subscription that gives you prompt ideas lol

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lmao i guess we do deserve AI taking over our artists since we're really r-slurred

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When you really want your game to just scream soulless generic fantasy.

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I kind alike that style. Also if I wanna write a game (which incidentally I do where I find the time) I first want to have some graphics at all cause nobody respects pink squares. I fyou have an rpg you either buy an art set, employ half a douzen ohotoshop kiddies oooor you know, the option that just came with it.

Cause having no "Arthurs Blizzard Sword" icon will look rly rly amateurish

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Exactly. Even if you don't use these icons in a final release, it's a fantastic and free way to get good placeholders.

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