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orange site

:marseyclippy: :marseyitsover: :marseycodecel: :marseygunshotsuicide:

orange sight:

It's a pretty interesting story but the tldr is that anyone can buy fentanyl precursors or pre-precursors from China at bargain basement prices and have them shipped to their door in the US or Mexico. These precursors can then be trivially turned into fent (a Mexican who dropped out of school at 12 years old told them how easy it is lol). It's hard for regulatory agencies to keep up because fentanyl isn't particularly chemically complex so when they ban or restrict one precursor the sellers just switch to something else.

@ACA aren't you a chemist? rdrama themed line of fentanyl when



:marseygossip: VC Gossip :marseygossip: EDIT: SACKS GOES INNNN

Sacks responds:

First of all, I've never met you or had any dealings with you, and you weren't involved in the events that you're purporting to know something about, so your antipathy towards me is strange. I heard first-hand from an impeccable source that in the wake of the Gaza debate, you…

— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) July 25, 2024
Reported by:
  • Assy-McGee : This should also be in /h/peakpoors
the rare HN win: unironically this is good writing advice
:chudjakdancing: They hand out :marseyswear: n-slur passes on X dot com these days :marseyracistgrandpa: :smugtranstwittergenocide:

Taken from

@Landlord_Messiah you should :marseynorm: apply

E: deboonking

The entire timeline and context of the Sacks/Paul Graham drama

get an X account straggots


Here's another seethe from reddit

Mark my words this is the new political angle for 2025 and beyond.

:marseypeanutbrain: :marseyflagnorthkorea: :wolfbrainlet: :smileyretard: :marseyrofl!:



>I boughted a 13700k last November :marseycry:

>It has never been more over


  • leaker at "Intel Customer" timestamp

    • Over 8 million 13th gen CPUs possibly affected

    • Actual failure rate of 10%-25%

    • No information on 14th gen products

  • Other leaker timestamp

    • Expected to affect units from March of 2023 through April 2024

    • Infos

      • Fabrication issue where anti-oxidation coating is improperly applied

      • Intel working on microcode to decrease frequency, will not fix root cause but might work around it

  • Leaker 3 timestamp

    • Reducing max frequency for boosting was able to work around the issue?

    • Documents saying customer is purging its inventory as a result of issues

  • Allegedly leaked documents timestamp

    • Change to officially supported ram speeds DDR5-5600 reduced to DDR5-4800 ignoring XMP
  • List of affected customers includes hedgies? timestamp

  • Intel claims 0.035% failure rate in messages with OEMS timestamp

    • "This is in conflict with the OEM we spoke with which said 25%-50% failure rate" :marseyxd:
  • Leaker - "Either Intel is lying to us or they don't know the real failure rate. Until last month, they reported to us that 10% of their [production] was still having the 'oxidation' issue" timestamp

  • Multiple sources - Intel is beginning what it calls "Vendor Remediation" for OEM customers timestamp

  • "Medium-sized system integrator" timestamp

    • "We reduced out [harder to pass] failure requirements because of concerns of degradation. We're currently failing 12% of Intel CPUs during intake QA."

    • QA deets in this - certain tests are failing more often, this is why different companies are failing different %% timestamp

  • OEM source - considering limiting turboclocks to 5.4-5.5GHz to limit RMAs timestamp

  • General Platform Instability + Voltage timestamp

    • Microcode update could fix this?

    • The T series CPU failing doesn't make sense with this since it's low voltage or something

    • Potential memory Speed update timestamp

Root Cause

  • Root Cause according to leaked document timestamp

    • "The root cause of this mechanism is due to a random defect mode in the fabrication process of the Raptor Lake CPU during the via formation steps which could cause high resistance vias due to oxidation"
  • Possibly affected processors timestamp

    • Not copying all these down but even the 13600k(f) and 13700T are hit :marseyxd:

  • Start of Intel's duplicity, some quotes from customers and a quote from a Failure Analysis lab timestamp

    • Some details about ALD and how it works, possible failures that can happen during it

In a shock move, Google abruptly confirmed on Monday that its long-awaited killing of Chrome's dreaded tracking cookies has just crashed and burned. The company was struggling to agree on an approach with regulators that balanced its own interests with those of the wider marketing industry—but no one expected this.


Based on extensive analysis of Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors returned to us due to instability issues, we have determined that elevated operating voltage is causing instability issues in some 13th/14th Gen desktop processors. Our analysis of returned processors confirms that the elevated operating voltage is stemming from a microcode algorithm resulting in incorrect voltage requests to the processor.

Intel is delivering a microcode patch which addresses the root cause of exposure to elevated voltages. We are continuing validation to ensure that scenarios of instability reported to Intel regarding its Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors are addressed. Intel is currently targeting mid-August for patch release to partners following full validation.

Intel is committed to making this right with our customers, and we continue asking any customers currently experiencing instability issues on their Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors reach out to Intel Customer Support for further assistance.

Other link -

Intel statement on via oxidation

Short answer: We can confirm there was a via Oxidation manufacturing issue (addressed back in 2023) but it is not related to the instability issue.

Long answer: We can confirm that the via Oxidation manufacturing issue affected some early Intel Core 13th Gen desktop processors. However, the issue was root caused and addressed with manufacturing improvements and screens in 2023. We have also looked at it from the instability reports on Intel Core 13th Gen desktop processors and the analysis to-date has determined that only a small number of instability reports can be connected to the manufacturing issue.

For the Instability issue, we are delivering a microcode patch which addresses exposure to elevated voltages which is a key element of the Instability issue. We are currently validating the microcode patch to ensure the instability issues for 13th/14th Gen are addressed. - Intel representative via Reddit.



The post is full of gems, but this is probably the best part:

stable stable, which is consistently growing, consistently profitable, and paying employees $5k to $10k per day at current full comp market rates. These are largely flying under the news radar. These companies aren't Google or Apple, but rather some tractor company or heavy manufacturing company just churning out results for years without destabilizing the world. Stable stable companies do that thing where every quarter they "beat expectations" on their stock reports by a coincidental $0.01 just to prove they are always growing.

He seems to think that people working at manufacturing companies are making $10k per day.

BTW, this is what antirez wrote about the author 10 years ago:

One thing I did not liked was Matt Stancliff talk. He tried to uncover different problems in the Redis development process, and finally proposed the community to replace me as the project leader, with him. In my opinion what Matt actually managed to do was to cherry-pick from my IRC, Twitter and Github issues posts in a very unfair way, in order to provide a bad imagine of myself. I think this was a big mistake. Moreover he did the talk as the last talk, not providing a right to reply. Matt and I happen to be persons with very different visions in many ways, however Redis is a project I invested many years into, and I'm not going to change my vision, I'm actually afraid I merged some code under pressure that I now find non well written and designed.


There might be some good points buried in this post, but all I get is bitterness without much self-reflection. They seem like they'd be difficult to work with and would blame you for it.


He's looked at

He even links to it from his resume.

His problem is that he thinks L10 is the benchmark to compare against, when the vast, vast majority of engineers (including many with decades of experience) would never make it to L10.

Wow, indeed, in his resume under "Waiting for AI Apocalypse / Available for Employment", he links to page for L10 Google Engineer ($3M total comp).

I deserve a $3M salary and if I don't get, it means the whole industry is fricked :soycry:

The author's tone is condescending, angry and entitled. If everyday interactions with him followed the same tone, I would argue that he is the exact type of person behavioral interviews are meant to screen out (technically competent but a nightmare to work with).

If this guy has reasonable technical chops, he seems like someone who would be great to work with.

It's always, always good to have people in your group who are willing to call a steaming shitpile a steaming shitpile. It's also always good to have people in your group who can fairly rapidly turn a steaming shitpile into something that's fit for purpose and reasonably maintainable.

HNers are absolutely terrible at recognizing smart people. I think that's why they often heavily upmarsey beginner-level projects like "I made Redis in Python (meaning: I wrapped a dict with a simple API)" or "I made a desktop in HTML/JS"


A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors. What's the problem really?

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