


Poll closed! @Lascaille won, and the banner looks great with the css!

Poll will be open for 24 hours, what banner should we switch to, or should we keep the current one?

Here are the submissions:

Submission A

Submission B

Submission C

Submission D

Winning submission gets 1500 DC. If the original banner is kept, everyone who participated gets 100 DC.


Apple's iOS 17.4 update is now available, introducing new emoji and a cryptographic security protocol for iMessage, alongside some major changes to the App Store and contactless payments for the iPhone platform in Europe. Apple is making several of these changes to comply with the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA), a law that aims to make the digital economy fairer by removing unfair advantages that tech giants hold over businesses and end users.

iOS 17.4 will allow third-party developers to offer alternative app marketplaces and app downloads to EU users from outside the iOS App Store. Developers wanting to take advantage of this will be required to go through Apple's approval process and pay Apple a “Core Technology Fee” that charges 50 euro cents per install once an app reaches 1 million downloads annually.

iPhone owners in the EU will see different update notes that specifically mention new options available for app stores, web browsers, and payment options.

The approval process may take some time, but we know that at least one enterprise-focused app marketplace from Mobivention will be available on March 7th. Epic is also working on releasing the Epic Game Store on iOS in 2024, and software company MacPaw is planning to officially launch its Setapp store in April.

iOS 17.4 allows people in the EU to download alternative browser engines that aren't based on Apple's WebKit, such as Chrome and Firefox, with a new choice screen in iOS Safari that will prompt users to select a default browser when opened for the first time. While no browser alternatives have been officially announced, both Google and Mozilla are currently experimenting with new iOS browsers that could eventually be released to the public.

Apple is also introducing new APIs that allow third-party developers to utilize the iPhone's NFC payment chip for contactless payment services besides Apple Pay and Apple Wallet in the European Economic Area. No alternative contactless providers have been confirmed yet, but users will find a list of apps that have requested the feature under Settings > Privacy & Security > Contactless & NFC.

While Apple previously revealed it was planning to drop support for progressive web apps (PWAs) in the EU to avoid building “an entirely new integration architecture” around DMA compliance, the company now says it will “continue to offer the existing Home Screen web apps capability” for EU users. However, these homescreen apps will still run using WebKit technology, with no option to be powered by third-party browser engines.


Hackers Testifying at the United States Senate, May 19, 1998

Back when computers were cool.


Too early for reactions tho. I want to see how pro establishment you all are.

The Soy Searching vs. the Chad "Just Knows"

rDrama Advent of Code Day 14: Hump Day Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)


:marseysuit: Dramatard Public License :marseysuit:

Basically a rewritten and overly worded Bantown Public License.

I genuinely ran out of ideas for the conditions, please send more.

The name itself also probably needs a thinking, but the license already has a great start with the r-slurred preamble and absurd conditions

eGPU tards with unrealistic expectations

I've been looking at eGPU enclosures/boards for fun (there are super cheap decent barebones ones on Aliexpress now apparently) and I keep coming across the same rsluration in every thread about them. Without exception, every thread will contain at least 1 rslur trying (and failing) to use a TB3 eGPU setup with a TB2 apple computer from over a decade ago.

Why is this such a common situation to end up in? Why are so many of these idiots trying to attach RTX3070s to iMacs with 5th gen i5s? Enlighten me, slackers.


im gonna frickin :leexcited:

make a reddit frontend for bluesky :soysnoo4:

this is the proof that it can be easily done, the api naturally gives me the tree

"Just because you can, does not mean you should" -some loser

it's gunna be fricken awesomesauce :marseymars:


bottom text

Custom electronics for home automation. :marseyautism: :marseyheart:

This is good for Bitcoin.

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