These people … denying even when the Red Cross itself confirms it
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) March 14, 2023
“verdacht van diefstal” so they didn’t had any proofs that he committed the crime but they rushed and gave him a sentence
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Literally both sides of this war have neo nazis in their ranks. Why does your side continue to push the narrative that it's only one side? Your Russian friends r*ped civilian women, r*ped their own soldiers, and shot and killed innocent people. By supporting the Russians you are supporting r*pe. You're a self-proclaimed incel so it's not a far stretch that you support male feminists.
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First of all, bigot, being an illiterate male feminist horde is a longstanding Russian/Red Army tradition, and 80% of all Germans alive today have them to thank for their genetic lineage
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Only one side publicly endorses nazis, also there is no evidence of r*pe by Russian soldiers.
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Literally both sides have shown soldiers with neo nazi tattoos and symbols.
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Show Russian ones (excluding that one hohol who defected in 2019) please. Even if neonazis could be tolerated prior to 2022 right now if you express any neonazis sympathy in Russia, especially in Russian army, you will be very lucky if you just get your butt beaten up.
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Like I said, only one said celebrates nazis and has holidays to celebrate nazis (ukraine)
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You keep bringing up something that no one cares about. Both sides have pockets of neo nazis in their military ranks. The fact that they celebrate some fascist who fought the commies isn't a reason to invade a country. Maybe you should march with the anarkiddies and punch anyone who disagrees with socialism.
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you dont care about it because you are a nazi sympathiser, not everyone is as morally bankrupt as you
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Your support of Russia and its neo nazi soldiers makes you a nazi sympathizer just the same. A commie nazi sympathizer lol.
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Is this your new cope? Get better ones, this one sucks
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I dont support them, I hope they die fighting, I support the rest of Russian soldiers
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A yeah academy award gave oscar to navalny a literally nazi who Putin jailed. That dude was calling to kill all brown people in Russia hire a example he also told many time central Asian can’t read have no souls are animals and etc and Ivy university choice him as future leader of Russia, like come one mate ain’t that hilarious?
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I can tell when you're getting angry because your English gets worse. You're moving the goalposts here. No one mentioned Navalny yet you brought him up. All you're showing me is a Russian who's racist. You know that isn't hard to find right?
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“both sides” cope is my fav cope
R*pe r*pe r*pe
“UE investigation: Former ombudswoman Lyudmila Denisova told fictional stories about r*pe to “help Ukraine”*pe-to-help-ukraine
Like I told you multiple time you ain’t smart. Come post your “
” like you do after every time I own your childish argument.
If there were any legit proofs of Russian soldiers r*ped anyone the west would been dancing around but all you can do is dropping empty accusations.
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Multiple accounts of civilians have claimed r*pe. The ICC has already begun investigations of other war crimes as well. Your side has no moral high ground. When this war is over and Russia has gained nothing except the world's contempt, I hope you brag to your fellow Finns that you supported Russia's invasion. Let's see how well you're accepted within your community, but reading your opinions on women and the pride of being a sexless incel likely means they don't think very highly of you already
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Yes same people who claimed hohols crucified an infant in 2014 claim Russian soldiers r*ped them, they'll claim Biden came in a UFO and gave them an anal probe next. Very reliable evidence
Russia buttfricked NATO, got experience fighting a real war, got a ton of useful intel, and gained a shit ton of strategically important, natural resource rich land. Meanwhile EU lost billions of dollars with nothing to show for it, and an average europoor is now paying double/triple for his utilities. I still pay the same for gas as before the war
Get fricked fatso, once the war is over I'll be sure to rub it all in again in your fat piggy face

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If you repeat nonsense enough times it becomes real I guess, you're like those Twitter zoomers who scream "KILL ALL MEN" 40 times in a tweet and call that activism

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Just because you are stupid enough to believe fairytales doesnt make them true little buddy
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