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Day 450 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: comprehensive analysis of the war to date

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wait til ukraine starts getting f-16s lol. You're really gonna see some vatnig seethe then.

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I didn't seethe, I let that happen.

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We just need F-16s, trust me two more weeks and Russia loses


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two more weeks and Russia loses

It's hilarious how vatniks went from "Ukraine will fall in three days" to "Russia won't fall to Ukraine" :marseyxd:

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Literally no one in or around Russia said that

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quotes in and around your mouth

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My man with the receipts :marseykneel:

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Your man is as homosexual as you he listed non of official statements like how Zelenskyy told about spring counter offensive and bakhmut won’t fall.


You two rеtards legit deserve each others :marseyxd:

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Don't you have some scrap metal you need to be scavenging?

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:marseytrain: and tankie lol

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All of these are either by non-russians or say over 3 days, nice goalpost moving tho

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Russian name

speaks Russian

Russian publication

:angryvatnik: NOT RUSSIAN

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Where does it say 3 days? The only "Russian" on the screenshots said 30

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Why are you ignoring the video? :marseyhmm:

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TIL Russian state TV is all sexy Indian dudes. And ziggers (including Putin) have always been saying shit like this about half of Europe

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This one doesn't say 3 days either and it's not even about Kiev

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BIPOC its literally in first video i posted. But yes, they mostly say 2 days, only 3 days appearing in the clip is "one and a half to three days".

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3 days, 3 years. What's the difference?

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Overwhelming strategic receiptfriend victory

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so nobody is denying that russia will fall?

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It’s interesting in retrospective seeing how khohols lost 5 jets in one day who are better ground fighters than f16 and would get like 30 f16 while you were acting as f16 will do magic 9days ago. and as I predicted Russia will put multiple s400 in belarus and basically covering the northern ukraine and that Polish Ukrainian boarder and those s400 will interlink with all Russian radars :marseythumbsup:

Burgers will lose this conflict have no doubts my homosexual friend

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ITS OVER FOR HOHOLCELS LMAO :marseysaluteussr::marseyputin::z:

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Cyrillic characters are so ugly

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I don’t know how they fricked up the beautiful Greek alphabet so badly.

Should have just stuck with the Glagolitic script

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The Greeks sent their schizophrenics to teach is my theory

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I think there's just something in the Dniepr' water that makes you act like that

It was joever for the greek monks the second they crossed Moldova

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Russians aren't known for their taste

Just look at the goofy butt Kremlin/Red square

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Does US has anything better looking ?

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You mean in terms of gaudy architecture built >100yrs ago? Every time I visit new states they always seem to have beautiful capitol buildings.

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I’m in DC right now and even though I pretty much hate it I have to admit it’s really beautiful and grandiose.

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Oh shit, really? Want to meet up?

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I would unironically but I’m in DCA about to board my flight back to the best coast

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Here's the capitol building of west Virginia. Those are the cousin fricking mountain dwellers of the US. Somehow it is less gauche than Moscow.

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No wonder European saying burgers have no architecture and just brand labels postered everywhere

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That reply had nothing to do with the contents of that picture. Are you a bot?

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Should've kept their original glagolic script, it has much more personality and is less reminiscent of Greek alphabet in my opinion

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benis alfabet :-DDDDDDDD

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like 3/4 of those are either peepees or peepees going in asses

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Cursive Cyrillic is so pretty, a shame the typed font is so ugly.

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F-16s won't change the course of the war, it's already set - Russia's in a quagmire but too arrogant and proud to back down now that the world is watching. What f-16s do is allow Ukrainians to kill more Russians and trash more of the pride of Russian technological accomplishment (that the west was supposed to cower in fear of) on the way to that inevitable end.

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Ukraine got their f16s long ago pizza where is the promised vatnig seethe

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I vored it.

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Lmao you're so r-slurred if you think the F-16 is gonna make any difference to the Ukrainian war effort and not get absolutely fricked by Russian AA.

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Russian AA is sub 3rd world tier.

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Sure thing bud. I'm sure the latest Western wunderwaffe (a fricking 4th gen fighter) will manage to turn the tide of this war just like all the others did. :#marseysal:

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Literally every time western fighters have gone up against russian aa theyve won.

Russia already lost the war over a year ago pal.

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>Russia already lost the war over a year ago pal.


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Yeah. Do you they rolled into the country planning on a multi year long meat grinder in which they lose thousands of troops/tanks?

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I don't deny that the Russians were banking on Kiev capitulating early on, and that they severely underestimated the Ukrainian resistance. That still doesn't mean that Ukraine can come out of this in any or shape "victorious". Heck, it'll be a miracle if there's an Ukraine left when all is said and done, considering the vast destruction of their infrastructure and economy, and the fact that an enormous amount of people left the country most likely to never return, or outright died/grievously wounded.

It's unironically a battle they can't win, and the fact they are entirely dependent on Western help to keep not only their war effort but also their economy alive, proves it. Good luck outproducing Russia in military armaments, too.

Anyway, I'm enjoying your transformation into an unhinged neocon. It's almost poetic, in a sense.

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Because you took casualties successfully defending yourself it means really you lost

What would the threshold for claiming a Ukrainian victory even be then lmao? Occupying Moscow?

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J-just wait until the new wunderwaffe hits the battlefield bro!!! It will definetely be over for Russians this time!

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le unstoppable Kinzhals



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How is patriot bussy doing ?

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Operable and shooting down hypersonic meme missiles?

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Can you do cost analysis ? Burgers can only build 150 patriot type3 missile a year and they lost over 30 that night + 5 launchers and 1 radar. Also you enjoyed your trained soldiers getting blown up by convicts in bakhmut it’s almost like in Afghanistan your trained soldiers were blowed by Taliban. Mb teaching being homosexual like you shouldn’t be prioritized ?

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  • The United States: $26.854 trillion (PPP).
  • The Russian Federation: $4.989 trillion (PPP)

    Looks like we've got a few more dollars to spend.

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    took like 2 days to fix and return to service, spent more time hauling it to and from where it got fixed than actually fixing it.

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    A person that saying it took 2 days to repair it must be r-slur that doesn’t have engineering knowledge. If damage was minor khohols would had showed pictures but let’s ignore it. That system cost a billion, it has tons of very sensitive tech inside that you ain’t gonna just duck tape. Even if that system had no visual damage (US admitted about damage so it’s destroyed) there would been a lot of testing going on to make sure every component it’s working such test would take weeks.

    So you must be literally an idiot that you believe such system can be repaired in a day. (Official version ain’t even 2 day just one day)

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    not destroyed, LOL

    the missile was just a near miss

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    i dont know what that means :derpwhy:

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    ukraine shot down like six of russia's "unstoppable" hypersonic missiles

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    Are they hypersonic or “hypersonic”

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    the latter i think

    transgender_spez was insisting it was impossible for a patriot to intercept one because patriot missiles are too slow :marseylaughpoundfist:

    patriot missiles travel at mach 4 by the way

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    :marseysquint: aren't you a woman? Debating military equipment specs is extremely male-brained :marseyautism:

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    It never even began for ziggers

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    This shit is without a doubt your most r-slurred take and you need to stop.

    Oh okay let's give them an entire air force. All they need is billion's worth in planes, a separate billion's worth in training, reallocating a shitload of their soldiers (while their biggest advantage is manpower) to become airmen to fly, maintain, and coordinate the aircraft. And all we need to do is send them all the fuel they need to train their pilots and then use the jets operationally when we're barely keeping our own above currency. Then we just give them all of our missiles that we haven't been building hardly any of in years. They can use this to, what, invade Russia? Why do they need the jets when they're already winning?

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    The pilots are already being trained and we have a ton of f-16s to give them as most f-16s are being replaced by f-35s.

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    I mean its a cool plane and if they have aim120c or d russian planes wont be able to do much offensively but theyve been useless as frick so what does it change


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    Glide bombs.

    Air launched cruise missiles.

    The ability to use air power in a more offensive manner.

    Like do people really not think 100-200 f16s cant cause serious damage to the russian military?

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    Imagine thinking Ukraine will get fighter jets by the 3 digits :#marseyxd:

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    We'll see.

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    Russian started using their jets since they wasted Ukrainian AD so those jet suppose to counter it. Will it work ? Nope since Russian AD covers from Russia big chunk of Ukrainian territory and Ukraine can’t attack Russian soil with western weapons so they will be limited a lot

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    Russia uses one or two jets behind their own lines to fire off meme missiles that get shot down by Ukrainian air defense. These planes frequently also get shot down by Ukrainian air defense or Russian friendly fire, both of which is hilarious and embarassing. Very cool air supremacy.

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    Take a rope my friend. US can’t out produce Russia in AD production. They can only build 150 patriot type 3 missiles a year, khohols fired minimum 30 at that night. Every single of that missile cost more than Russian kinzhal and Russian have even cheaper missiles they now mass producing combined with super cheap drones. Ukraine AD won’t hold long that’s why they getting f16. So memes missiles are very effective, they don’t even need to hit the target to be considered success, cool right ?

    Now take the rope, your cope was most pathetic I seen

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    Pac3 is 5million told by US

    Kinzhal cost 10 million told by US

    Why you so smart ?

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    Why would we undersell our own missiles? The patriot system isn't some top secret superweapon, we've sold them to over a dozen of our allies. The costs are all public information, domestically and abroad.

    Also, Kinzhal is 1 million as told by an estimate from a pro-russian source. To be honest, if russia can't afford to use more than a dozen 1 million dollar missiles in a day, I think that's worse.

    But this is all pointless to talk about - funding isn't the issue, production is. The US is ramping up production. Logically, Russia should have already been at near 100% when the war started.

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    Ukraine can’t attack Russian soil with western weapons

    yes they can, how do you think things keep exploding in russia?

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    It’s not western weapons if it was they would been bitching about it. So why did you find necessary to prove my point and your r-slurrness ?

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    with F-16 they can do nightly attack runs against bryansk, blogorad and rostov-on-don to start fricking with the russians

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    I'm really not seeing any neonazi/Russian genocide in Ukraine stuff before 2021...

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    then you are either blind or a tard

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    The two words that destroy the Russian bussy:

    citation please

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    Wait, isn’t this the guy that thought the donbass conflict was fake news?

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    He think I made the Azov batallion up, actual reality denier

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    Sorry hun I don't get my views on reality from pro Russia propaganda :marseynails:

    Long live the CCP for pegging the zigger!

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    Citation please.

    Long live the CCP for pegging the zigger!

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    Ah yes.

    That is le objective and unbiased Wikipedia.

    Can I use it to cite the Uyghur genocide and Tibetan genocide?

    Or is it suddenly 'muh fabrications and propaganda' if I do so?

    I'm also not liberal lmbo. I'm just not a brainwashed commie.

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    I think the fact both the right sector and azov battalion use nazi insignia in their official banners is pretty concerete proof u tard

    >also arguing wikpedia is pro-ru


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    Pretty sure rDrama was also called a 'neo-nazi' website. You shouldn't really cast the first stone...

    Funny how they appeared out of thin air once Crimea has 'voted to join Russia'. Nothing sus there, no...

    >also arguing wikipedia is honest source


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    they appeared because of maidan coup, crimea didnt vote to join Russia, it was annexed. Also you havent challenged the claim of their nazi banners...

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    I’m also not liberal lmbo. I'm just not a brainwashed commie.

    We can tell you’re a conservative. Even liberals aren’t this stupid.

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    Lol I don't affiliate with any of the main US parties.

    To quote @whyareyou,

    ah yes, wikipedia, the unbiased source of all wisdom

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    Face the wall please, hitlerite. :#marseydarkcomrade:

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    I love those guys! I would join them if I was into hard labor and stuff

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    Pros: You get too shoot putinites

    Cons: You only exist in the mind of the zigger

    Long live the CCP for cucking the zigger into a losing war!

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    No email address required.Дело_о_преступлениях_батальона_«Торнадо»

    Most of these don't even have English translations lol. Just admit you don't know shit and shut the frick up :marseysneed:

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    no accusations of war crimes committed by them

    Quote from the article

    >Also no mention of nazism whatsoever

    I'm sorry, you can't just say "here's a source that concluded this never happened" and be like "AHA see it happened"

    You thought if I can't read cyrillic I won't read the source and find out that it's saying there were just allegations and made up BS.

    Frick off zigger. Do better.

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    >Russian genocide

    I guess they were killing and torturing random eastern Ukrainians so technically not Russians (at that time) :marseyshrug:

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    @Budgerigar is confused.

    Are you claiming eastern Ukrainians are Russians?

    Or that they were turned into 'ethnic russians' overnight?

    And proof of genocide has too say that the party was convicted, not just accused.

    Long live the CCP for pegging the zigger!

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    No email address required.–Syria_incident

    Bear in mind that Israeli f16 is more modern than anything Ukraine gets

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    The cluster bombs will probably be enough to rinse those trench lines that are giving them issues. That's mainly what I'm worried about atm

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    You can’t be this stupid

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