Back again to show kino footage I happened to come across
Back again to show kino footage I happened to come across
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Andriivka fallen around that time but Wikipedia still copes
How come I knew I was going to teabag you in the end on this post ?
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Only the end results matter and in the end Ukraine will lose
So your cope videos won't change the end results:
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Alexa, compare pidor and hohol casualties.
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Nazi soldiers had huge advantage over soviet soldiers and Nazi had an 1,2-1,4 KDA advantage yet you think khohols that are not just lower iq than Germans but also than Russian
with huge disadvantage in everything having an 5 KDA advantage.
Western media was also telling there was no stalemate during legendary spring counteroffensive and calling it big success yet Ukraine lost more territory in January than they gained during 6 months of spring counteroffensive and they are radio silent
So keep eating propaganda while I again was correct that this picture has only 1 person left
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So what is the most probable KDA in this current war then?
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0,8-1,2 other that this range would mean one side fully dominates other.
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I'm not denying it doesn't happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and frick all day in costume is a massive fallacy.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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