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EFFORTPOST Today is big day for Ukraine

It's been 2 years since Russian retreat from Kherson. There are a lot of "technically" stuff like it wasn't a battle, Wikipedia don't call that event a battle, Russian retreated from Kherson earlier and etc. But if we go very technically we will end up with Ukraine winning 0 battles.

So it's been 2 years since last time Ukraine liberated a something bigger than a village

:marseyclapping: :tayclap:



What makes this even more special that it was before Ukraine got all the game changers nato stuff.

Like first leopard enter Ukraine in March 2023.

Let's remember some hype


The first shipment of Leopard 2 tanks from Germany has been sent to Ukraine, the German defence ministry says. Eighteen cutting-edge main battle tanks were delivered after Ukrainian crews were trained to use them.

Since the Ukraine received around 300 leopards 2 tanks and around 500 leopards 1 tanks that Ukraine for some reasons doesn't use much.

Abrams didn't had any fancy stories. Only interesting story is that when Russia captured like 10 of those and there was visually confirmation of more than 20 of those destroyed it was announced that Australia is about to give Ukraine 49 more.


So it's clearly gov don't tell the real number to public.

Like for example people still believe Ukraine has only 108 Bradley. But early this year it was already assumed Ukraine got way more than 300 of those

Kyiv also has 31 Abrams tanks — a fraction of the more than 300 Bradleys it has received as of early July, according to Pentagon data.

Popular believe is also Ukraine getting old junk.

This is false since stuff Russian captured showed all the tech got deep modernisation and very recent one like Bradley's Russian captured in 2023 had 2023 date of modernisation.

For stuff like artillery and AD, Ukraine gets those straight from factories.

Many countries in east Europe like Poland gave majority of its stuff to Ukraine.

Last time Ukraine captured a village was during legendary spring counteroffensive, they liberated back then exactly 1 village and couple of hamlets. They lost it all since then. Lazy to check exactly dates but it's been over a year since they captured and lost.

This is how map looked when I left in August

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17313440027882066.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17313440034688718.webp

This is how it look after my return

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17313440041459746.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17313440047461348.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17313440054023504.webp

Added deep state map since its official government and military sponsored and it shows things even worse for Ukraine


So what we see Ukraine is losing ground at increasing speed and speed faster than Ukraine been losing ground in April 2022 or March 2022. A sign that attrition starts playing a role.

Western media now doesn't hide that Ukrainian don't want to fight and that Ukraine has hard time finding men


Redditors been telling Ukraine should mobilise women for month tho


So since my absence Ukraine lost multiple towns and cities as you can on the map (they also lost stuff in other directions) and now about to lose Kurakhove an strategic city because there are barely anyone defending it and since Russian are already near Pokrovsk.

@Cobra_Cranberrymander <- this homosexual been telling me Russian won't reach Pokrovsk until 2028 because he calculated Russian movement with his epic math. I told him he is homosexual.

Russian would be able to relatively easy capture Pokrovsk and mirnohrad (combine their population is 160k) since there won't be any danger to get hit from flanks for Russian and after they capture pokrovsk there is nothing on Russia way until Dniper river since Ukrainian didn't build any defensive lines. Why because they are at media war where them building in dnipor region defensive lines will be seen as losing.

They losing huge chunks there

They of course love to lie since why would Russian blown up something that they without doubts will capture, they could had destroyed it long time ago but according to Ukrainian statements it happened in last days of that city being under Ukraine :surejan:

So the main question becomes what's Ukrainian goal in Kursk oblast. As you see in the maps, that place has no named settlements beyond Sudzha.

We heard their goal was to capture NPP, didn't happened.

To trade some soldiers, happened but Russia ended up capturing more Ukrainian soldiers in that Ukraine did and exchanging all their conscripts and now have an no prisoners rule in Kursk. Reason for it that Ukraine wants to trade only their elite soldiers and far rights.

Then other goal was to pull Russian soldiers from Pokrovsk, also didn't happened and it's seems they pulled soldiers from North Korea.

Then to humiliate Putin, that's a childish argument especially when Putin act like the good guy. Ukraine send all their elite stuff to Kursk to capture some 5k people town and ended up losing all its mines in Pokrovsk and from country that export coke/coal to a country that will import it. On top of it giving Putin an example that Ukrainian ain't good guys since they been telling about defensive war and then invade.

Western media in September already told Kursk invasion was a mistake and Ukraine should pull out side they are at hard disadvantage and wasting their best soldiers against Russian cops and soon against NK.

So why they still in Kursk ? Just to save face. Or mb hoping to hold it until Trump will be official president and get some trading chip. But it won't work out especially when Republicans showing sign they want election in Ukraine. Putin also pointed he won't deal with an unelected person.

Zelenskyy is mad at Trump because Zelenskyy won't survive without a war. The peace deal will be for Ukraine worse than one from 2022 and people in Ukraine already questioning why he didn't signed it.

But Trump is saving Ukraine because Ukraine now has no power to stop the grinding and no weapons will do it. Zelenskyy still has one fantasy though, getting nuked since it mb can bring burgers boots to Ukraine.

But last time I ended my long post with


About them doing something stupid.

So here my favourite story since my absence

Guy named: Captain Oleksiy Mes, call sign 'Moonfish'. He was one of top Ukrainian pilots that did some excellent performance during first days of this circus he basically became the proto ghost of Kiev


He became the poster boy for demanding f16 and like long Ukrainian tradition, after coming from Burgerstan he died on his first mission. Ukraine gov refused to comment saying oh he crushed but we will find the real reason and got rid of that case. But many saying it was friendly fire.

And that's why I believe in Khohols. Who destroyed first Leopard, first Bradley, first Abrams, first challenger ? So of course they destroyed the first f16 so Russian couldn't flex


Ukraine basically lost all their best pilots from friendly fire and crushing

The situation is also extra stupid because Ukraine got Israeli modified mig29 that can use all f16 arsenal and more, those jets are better than the f16 they got so they waste their best pilots training for inferior jet just for propaganda reasons :marseythumbsup:

It's just a bit sadly that pro Ukrainian ignoring this big day, since it stopped being a celebration day and more of reminder that they had 0 success since then with all their high hopes


Thank you for reading

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Ngl @Tonscarry missed his copepost fellas

Trump for prison

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It's so fricking funny because every post is basically

>Look how weak these guys are, it's been years of war and they haven't won yet :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

Without a hint of irony that "these guys" are a $150 billion GDP shithole and their opponents are a $2 trillion GDP "military superpower".

Neighbor this is not the own you think it is. If I were a vatnig I would be avoiding the subject of the Ukraine war AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. It's such a point of national shame and not even on a moral level, but on a pure performance level.

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Why you didn't mention that US inflation adjusted gave Ukraine more aid than lend lease to Soviet Union ? Or that total aid to Ukraine is more than combined lend lease to every country during ww2 ?

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I'm not even going to factcheck you because I find it hilarious that you think it's a good point that the USA can put 3% of its military budget per year (60b in total since 2022, 30b per year average, 920b total military budget) in the hands of some corrupt slavs and that is enough to hold off the full force of the Russian Bear focusing on a single tiny 1000km stretch (the rough size of the front line) attached to its own borders. 3%. :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseylaugh: Have a consolation upmarsey.

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Since there are a lot of idiots like you. The total aid from US to Ukraine is over 200 billions. Gov try play around like saying when they build new patriots that they are going to send to Ukraine that the money will stay in U.S. when in reality the end product will be given for free to Ukraine so it's pure lost value.

Soviet lend lease was around 10 billion, that's 180 billion in today money.


This graph is before Biden signed the 60 billion aid for Ukraine for 2024 and Biden gave Ukraine this year more than 60 billions since he is trying to find new methods to give Ukraine more money.

See you guys don't want to see that it's west that told they will stop Russia and bring the world order back with its powerful economy and military. It failed just like your cope

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Lend-Lease... those were the days. My grandmother told me about when a Russian ship came here to pick up some cargo. She said it was the oldest most run-down ship she'd ever seen. On the deck there were a bunch poor wretches huddled around a fire and a dog running around. Even then Russians were way poorer and more pathetic than anything she'd seen in the Great Depression.

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Speaking about their shit ships :marseyderp: We had an incident a few years ago, before the war, where one of our cargo ships encountered a russian warship in our territorial waters. The ruskos tried to bully them out of the way since they were in a warship while our sailors were screaming at them to frick off back into international waters because they're not welcomed anywhere near our country. Despite being the only two ships around they collided because everyone in Eastern Europe is a stubborn r-slur. The russian warship sunk, ours was unharmed and they basically had to fish the ziggers out, and deposit them on a rock for another russian ship to come pick them up. We picked a rock outside our territorial waters for that too :marseygiggle:

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State department website said it was $62b since the invasion so I went off that but sure let's just use your number instead (175b) and I'll just re-do my post. Oh and since it's actually closer to 3 years now, not 2, I'll have to correct that part as well. Here we gooo.....

I'm not even going to factcheck you because I find it hilarious that you think it's a good point that the USA can put 6% of its military budget per year (175b in total since Feb 2022, 63.6b per year average over 2.75 years, 920b total military budget) in the hands of some corrupt slavs and that is enough to hold off the full force of the Russian Bear focusing it's entire military might on a single tiny 1000km stretch (the rough size of the front line) attached to its own borders. 6%. :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseylaugh: Have a consolation upmarsey.

Oh woooow now that you've totally factchecked me your point definitely seems way more coherent and impressive :marseybrainlet: !r-slurs !commenters

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Yes it owned you really hard since you even had to call your backup for emotional support

Half of world GDP can't stop economy smaller than Italy one. After all the big talk of restoring the world order :marseyxd:


I understand you don't want to be loser but US didn't win majority of its conflict during 21 century and Ukraine will be a solid L to power of U.S. world order

You also went out with a cope since I clearly wrote total aid, and if we going to be really serious about all then total aid for Ukraine will be close to an trillion

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WRONG. Russia is struggling while burgers barely looked at the bill. @Z is 100% right. If you don't have the balls to admit your mistakes, then at least have the decency to keep yourself safe

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Then why Burgers about to stop supporting Ukraine ?

West can't save Ukraine when U.S. can produce max 500 patriots missile a year and they can shoot down only 166 targets in best case scenario. That's only 2 days of dedicated bombing of Ukraine

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Let's assume Russia wins literally today and keeps their gains. Now they have the shittiest part of a country that made Albania look like a paradise even before the war all for hugely depleted equipment reserves, 15% of their GDP frozen in hostile banks, wacky inefficient supply chains, reduced profits from oil as countries take advantage, etc.

If you're optimistic about your country's situation then you're well and truly r-slurred. So checks out that you're Russian.

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shittiest part

Can you folks even do some research before arguing


I don't have near an English map but трлн is trillion and other is billions.

Donbas is also most populated region in Ukraine


Russian are only 15km away or less from entering dniper region and its wealth is in eastern part.

If Donbas was poor region Ukraine wouldn't fight for it, its population is legit against Ukraine and majority are living under Russian.

If Russian decide to go after Sumy, Ukrainian won't fight as hard for it.

So that's problem with your guys, you are stupid who believe they are smart, that's worst kind of people. You probably thought you are smart when you wrote your personal opinion, you were also so confident that you are right because you watch western media and other shit that makes you feel comfortable, you ain't different from Redditors living in their echo chambers

15% of their GDP frozen in hostile banks

You don't even understand the global effect of freezing Russian money. Banks are build by trust what west did is an illegal move that very strongly benefits China and pushing of de dollarisation. You really think they didn't thought it out when they started that Ukraine adventure ? Especially when since 2022 Russia was the most sanctioned country ?

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60b in total since 2022

Are you a fricking idiot ?

30b per year average

You are definitely an idiot

In 2024 even Redditors ain't that delusional as you

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Ukraine is being supported by the US with material and Intel. Acting like a war that's lasted 3 years is too long is a joke considering the last few US wars have all been decades long engagements.

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It's a nice one, especially considering the ukros are still in Kursk :marseygiggle:

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When all logic says they shouldn't :surejan:

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No one ever accused slavs of being too smart and cautious :marseyshrug:

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