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:marseychingchong: Asian take on Ukrainian conflict




So Japanese guy stars:

What Russian soldiers are doing is exactly what you say Japanese soldiers did. So why is China supporting Russia?


Japan wiped out 26 millions civilians

And they compare it to an conflict with barely any civilians loses


13k civilian dead in 10 years


Like Israel does a better job wiping out civilians from a territory 20 times less populated than Ukraine.

Those r*pe stories were also bullshit


Japan scored more civilians kills than Hitler. They are very lucky that world decided to ignore them and focus on Hitler.

Tons of people in China are pro-Russia because Ukraine has been considered as a U.S. puppet state. Many see this war as Russia vs US, which is still true. The more popular rhetoric is U.S. is meddling the "brotherhood" relationship between Russia and Ukraine, geopolitical strategy to isolate Russia.

  • Op:

I am Japanese. So you support the Russians even after they have committed such terrible acts. But you curse at Japan?


He copy pasted that sentence 5 times and in one he added this

If that's the case, I can imagine that the reason you curse at Japan is not because of Japan's atrocities, but because it's for your entertainment. That makes your behavior understandable. In the past, it was anti-Japanese dramas, and now it's the release of treated nuclear water from Fukushima. Is it fun?

You would think he must be a troll but he just hatting China and Korea for 2 years on Reddit and promoting Japanese food



Dude are you a bot?? I feel like you're just rage-baiting. You clearly dislike China. I'm not even sure why you're even posting here.

People even questioning him

I don't care if I'm a bot or not.

More importantly, what do you think?

Is the criticism of Japan and the Japanese caused by the war?

Or is it because it's fun?

:asianchud: :marseyjapanese:

People ask he why he only targeting China when other trade with Russia

coz chinese bad attitude :asianchud:

Why are they specifically targeting Japan with their insults? :japanesefemjak:

They are friendly towards modern Russia, but strict towards Japan 80 years ago. :marseychiitan:

When Japan colonized Korea, it was after winning the Sino-Japanese War. The Qing Dynasty had weakened and the Korean Peninsula was an uncivilized land. At that time, it was certain that Russia would invade the peninsula. Given Japan's national power, it would have been difficult to maintain the Korean Peninsula, but a buffer zone against Russia was essential. There was much opposition to colonizing the peninsula within the country. Ito Hirobumi was at the center of this opposition, but for some reason, he was assassinated by a Korean.

:marseyjap: :marseyjapanese:

For example, the Allied Powers (the US and China) dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, killing tens of thousands of civilians. At this time, the date for unconditional surrender had already been decided. The Allied forces called the Japanese cockroaches, and when surrender had already been decided, they dropped the atomic bomb.

:itsoverjapanese: niphon will be evenged

Japanese nationalist are something, picking up what is basically money laundering with barely any civilian loses to Japan wiping out 26 millions and ads actually Japan not so bad

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darn Japan had 25 aircraft carriers

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And they were mostly absolute pieces of shit, and that's going by the relative standards of the time.

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No matter what alt you use you're still r-slurred

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80% your comments are Slav war related. You were so happy in the beginning when Ukraine had some success, retrospectively it's so hilarious when you tried to prove that I am wrong and looking at how things ended.

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Kiev in three days

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80% your comments are Slav war related.


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