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Ukřаínе оffíсíаļļу řеtřеаts fřоm Kuřsk

Thеу wоnt


Rеtřеаt rоаd ís fuļļу undеř řussíаn fířе соntřоļ, thеřе nо еsсаре аnd thеу аřе Ukřаíníаn еļítе sо nо suřřеndеř орtíоn аvаļíbļе sínсе řussíаn hаvе аļřеаdу muļtíрļе tímеs mоřе сарtuřеd роws thаn Ukřаínw hаs.

But wеstоíd dоnt wаnt а stоřу hоw thеу аļļ wíļļ díе

@Tonberry аm Ι říght ? :marseyjanny2:

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i saw a reddit post today that said ukraine was suddenly breaking through on that front last night and that's why orange man canceled their intel :marseyxd:

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