Kakkoi :marseyshook: :marseyshooting!: :marseydrone:

I say this as a feminist ally god that's peak war. Man vs machine and man wins :marseystrong: The age of bronze, the age of iron, of steel and now of chips all will pass but man will remain the true warrior.

That's so wholesome :marseyhomofascist:



After they couldn't continue denying that Russia :marseytrotsky: captured that city factory they decided just to paint :marseybraveheart: the factory in red without linking any territory :marseymanifestdestiny: to it :marseythumbsup:

In this post almost 2 weeks :marseysal: ago I talked about mythical :marseykirin: Ukrainian :marseyazov: counteroffensive where :marseydrama: Ukraine :marseyrussianmutt: supposedly kicked Russian :marseydarkcomrade: out. Ukrainian :marseyazov2: source :marseymissing2: back then confirmed that it was 14k Russian :marseyreze: versus 38k Russian :marseyreze: and Zelenskyy :marseyazov2: now almost 4 weeks :marseysoonretarded: ago told Ukrainian :marseyazov2: had 8kd advantage over Russian :marseyvatnik: and killing :marseymegalodon: them in that direction 1000 every day so even when he mentioned it, it didn't made any sense why are Russian :marseyputin: still there :marseycheerup: and makes even less sense now.

To me this moment :marseycringe2: is interesting :marseylaying: because when Russian :marseydarkcomrade: opened that front :marseyviewerstare: everyone :marseynorm: was screaming :marseyletsfuckinggo2: that's it's a trap that Russian :marseyputin: just way to pull Ukrainian :marseyazov2: reserves and Zelenskyy :marseyazov2: was also saying this. So Russian :marseyvatnik: did the show and after 5 days started digging :marseyminer: hard. So what Ukrainian :marseyazov2: did ? They pulled 18 brigades and even their CIA brigades to try to kick Russian :marseyrezebite: out

And they fallen :marseyfallenangel: for it and now lost their main assault brigades in that battle :marseywhiteflag:

Obviously some people didn't wanted to believe :marseyparappa: into my obvious :marseyoctopus2: pointing :marseynoyoupedo: skills and wanted to dunk on me so I give them that opportunity



@i_only_downvote_coomers <- this one got yesterday at me especially mad




Just a derbie bro

B2 flying :marseybird: to Cuba


It even had teasers like this:

The Russians will do everything to ensure that there are as few leaders as possible at the Peace Summit.

They will do everything to gain legitimacy

There was no summit.

The vile Russians banned world leaders from coming to the mega-forum. It's not us who screwed up. It's them.

Ukraine invited 180 countries but only 78 told they will send some one. (By someone for example Australia send some pension minister and not a global pension but some ultra niche shit don't remember, US will send Kamala because Biden wants to warm his heart by staring at George Clooney)

From 78 countries 42 are European. China, Pakistan, SA, Brazil, Saudis and etc

But for Saudis Zelenskyy had a surprise, he unannounced visited them :marseythumbsup:

But what's important, Zelenskyy had to remove like at least 3 out of his 10 demands because many countries told they won't visit him if he doesn't remove those

6. Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities

1. Radiation and nuclear safety (withdrawal Russian soldiers from NPP)

7. Justice (Russia to pay for Ukrainian reconstruction)

So 3 most important points got removed :marseythumbsup:

4. Release of all prisoners and deportees

Ukraine proposes the release of prisoners – “all for all”, and the release of all children and adults who were illegally deported to Russia.

This one also won't happen because Russia despite of Ukrainian epicly winning with KD of 15+, Russian have a lot more Ukrainian pows captive than the other way. So it doesn't make any sense for them to even agree on this.

Anyway a trailer for l'epic peace talk without other side of the conflict

2024 iq baby

Like why was I even surprised if Ukraine release trailers of every action they do, so shouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they release trailer “Fart” and show Zelenskyy is about to fart soon


Trust the plan

Thats some epic gymnastics

So a blown up missile in air, falls on a warehouse and blows up it. Then it falls on gas station and it blown it up.

And there are multiple warehouse building in different cities

And they can't blame it on Islander M since they claiming it hit Odesa but of course it didn't hit the intended target.

Also the guy is peak r-slur, calls him self battle mapper, never update maps :marseythumbsup: Ukraine lost 2 villages today, but why update the map ? Never updated the lost of rabotino or urozhane and etc

Why are western sanctions enough to destroy North Korean economy but not enough to destroy Russian economy

The economy of North Korea never grew with Western sanctions. North Korea has the support of China.

The economy of Iran still hasn't recovered to 2012 levels, they lost 2 decades of growth at least. They have support from China.

Russia still hasn't reached past it's 2013 peak, they have the support of China, they will likely lost the least number of years from western sanctions, 15 years.

Out of these three nation states Russia appears to be doing the best even after mass western sanctions.

Theories for Russian resilience:

1. USSR remaining resources keeping Russia afloat. While Russia is no where close to as great an empire as the USSR, they do retain all the knowledge from that era which is still good enough to build a middle income economy on.

2. Russian oil reserves. They are far closer to China so its far harder to blockade their sales of oil like in the case of Iran.

3. Russians just being more competent than Iranians and North Koreans. The failed slav is still more competent than the average arab. Making Russia capable of getting 33% further under the same harsh conditions.

Russia's median age has already hit 39.2. Based upon historical trends with other nation states, we can expect to see economic decline by 2035 based on this metric alone.

In addition, Russia only gets to trade with two major world economies, while all the other major world economies get to trade with every other major world economy. This puts Russia in a position where it is unable to grow its per capita income to levels similar to Mexico or China. Which puts them in a position where they cannot expect their GDP per capita to even cross 20k per capita before it falls into stagnation or decline.

In conclusion:

Russia's GDP growth is less sustainable than Mexico's but more sustainable than Iran's. This guarantees Russian economic decline within the next ten years fast forwarded by their war with Ukraine. GDP growth will decline year on year from now onward. Russia GDP per capita will never cross 18,000 USD nominal.

Fun fact:

Poland has a higher GDP per capita than Russia

Bulgaria has a higher GDP per capita than Russia

Kazakhstan has a higher GDP per capita than Russia

Russia is ahead of Turkey barely.

The peak upper limit for median age while a nation state can still keep growing appears to be 41-46 years for a developed economy in 2023.

China's median age by 2035 will be more than 45, which again sets 2035 as the deadline for when China will stop growing above 2% GDP growth rate.

US median age remains at 38.5 years old. Growing 1.5 years every single decade. This is younger than China's current median age of 39 in current year.

China will be too old to grow economically long before the US. Russia is dependent on China for its economy to grow.

Russia will be primarily dependent on Indian economic growth after Chinese growth stagnates, which would make things worse for Russia as India would not be able to provide as many resources or as much trade as China for quite some time.

Russia is cooked at some point between 2028 and 2035.

This post rests on native land.



Second video

son you hear me


can you go to shop ?


buy food for the cat ?


why you again answering like an r-slur, are you again playing you gay games ?

>yeah, you almost guessed

Be your self in pick your class at Ukrainian army :gigachad2:

But best part barely any gaymer nowadays knows how to use soldering gun. And if you enlist and pick your class/unit you can still be enlisted as assault trooper because army ain't forced to give you what you want :marseythumbsup:

Anyway gaymers deserve it


I love how hard they trying to avoid the word nazi

it was barred about a decade ago from using American arms because U.S. officials determined that some of its founders espoused racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views, and U.N. human rights officials accused the group of humanitarian violations.

But it doesn't mean much since in 2023 supposedly Russian battalion that is Neo Nazi attacked Russian soil with U.S. gear

Then this year were using black hawks and lost one near Belgorod


They also used og f16 price from 1974 so those 14 millions today would been 89 millions. But for real comparing a bomber with a mostly fighter jet :marseybrainlet:

But on one side he is correct, Ukrainian f16 won't do much fighter jet activity and will mostly be used as anti missiles platform and half assed A10/su25


I bet this guy will now have huge motivation fighting in some tranches knowing the guy who beaten his mom just walks around somewhere safe.

They also stolen her stick and that's why she was holding her son

Reported by:

It's all cool and shit but he misses a tiny detail

The important places are under Russian control so by this guy logic Ukraine needs to push Russia out and now that's impossible

Only Redditors can create fantasies about Russian running away from Crimea.

Even Zelenskyy is not delusional about capturing Donbas and was aiming at Crimea (also stupid idea since Russia just will use nukes to protect this). Donetsk is like giga fortress at this point it's like mega Avdiivka and it took Russian over 100k soldiers to take it so to take Donetsk Ukraine would need millions soldiers and it just ain't going to happen

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