Russians BTFO

IDK anything about this, I don't even know what they are saying but I like the Bong flag with :marseycrusader:s there so

cc @carpathianflorist @WeihnachtenSalvador @NotMichaelDouglas and other slavshit enjoyers


Drones were shot down in Belarusian air space.

So khohols pull out its troops from Belarusian borders attack Kursk region, after 96+ hours they still didn't captured Suzha (the first cross Road Town) and they attack now Belarus :marseyclappingglasses: :marseychefkiss:

It's seems like their goal now is legit escalation in hope west will show up to defend Ukraine.

Lukashenko @DeletedAccount told that they will bomb back Ukraine and bringing new troops and gear to the border.

So khohols asked Belarus not to attack them in June. Gets a promise from Lukashenko. Pull its troops from Belarus border, send them to Kursk, attacks Belarus


Somehow yesterday khohols made 0 progress and then suddenly jumped 80km and entered a nnp

But I not disappointed that @pizzashill showed up he like to tell what an expert he is in warfare

Best part the khohol that post this is a scammer and probably lives in Burgerstan


One of them is a fat manlet

Russian Firearm Training

new video out of Z-land

:#marseyshooting: :#marseyrussianmutt::!#marseyshooting: :#!marseydeathpose:

hohols jerking themselves off over it:

bonus old chinese ones

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Today was the most disinformation day

Khohols tried the whole day sell the story that they captured Sudzha

Because they entering 3rd day without progress

They selling 3 days ago pictures as they captured that town

They selling pictures inside Ukraine as they reached Kursk city.

Jihad Julian had to double triple confirm that khohols didn't captured that town.

Why this town matters for Ukraine ? Because the road to north goes from that town so if they lose it gg and even if they also don't capture it is also gg since they have less resources than Russian

That's the tactic Ukrainian used. Basically bypass any checkpoints and continue moving and that's why they post this map

They tried to do Kharkiv offensive but they pulled Russian 22 offensive in Kiev. Because this time Ukraine didn't had manpower advantage to pull this so all those heroes that moved to much got killed just like all the marines that are now dying in Kilburn

Bypassing multiple checkpoints without behind you enemy groups being destroyed you just end up to far into enemy territory without any supply and retreat options so this is real front:

And as you see they getting pushed back slowly

Ukraine lost tho 4 villages today 2 in Sumy and 2 in Donetsk

Western media is now very excited

You see how they put Sudzha every where ?

This one is fresh just 30 minute old and as you see they still can't find explanation what Ukraine did

if we talk about territory they captured less than Russian Kharkiv offence in 24 hours but local homosexuals live in fantasy I don't want to point fingers but it's @Cobra_Commander. But Russian offensive in Kharkiv had goal to pull reserves so Ukrainian didn't attack Russian in Ovhayne so they could continue the push towards Pokrovsk. If that was Ukrainian goal than they failed since Russian had enough reserves to stop Ukrainian and didn't pulled out any from Donbas. It's basically 15k "elite Ukrainian" vs 45k Russian and unlimited non contractor forces they can use. So holding territory also won't work. Pushing towards NPP is also lost opportunity.

After capturing several small settlements the last few days, Ukraine was battling to take full control of a town near the border and sending small units to conduct raids farther into the southwestern Russian region of Kursk.

Kinda ironic that last 40 hours Ukraine lost 3 towns

Perhaps preparing for retaliation, Ukrainian authorities on Friday said they were evacuating 20,000 people from the Sumy region, which sits across the border from Kursk.

Around 4 villages already lost in Sumy last 40 hours and those that supposed to protect Sumy are now struggling in low land in Kursk

Because who thought that Russia would build its defence line 15km from border

But military analysts have questioned whether the operation is worth the risk, given that Ukrainian forces are already stretched.

The Ukrainian military has enforced a policy of silence about the operation, and it has not publicly acknowledged launching a cross-border attack.

Kyiv's allies in the past have been wary of Ukrainian incursions in Russia, fearing that it could escalate the war, but there have been no public indications from Western capitals that they oppose the assault. The United States has said that the Ukrainian incursion does not violate American guidance.

However, senior American officials have said privately that they did not get a heads-up about the operation and were still seeking clarity about its logic and rationale.

This was such an r-slur move that west had to let Ukraine use himars and shadow storm and even saying they can use f16 because if this genius move of Podolyak fails. Ukraine will be at its lowest point

The Ukrainian military has enforced a policy of silence about the operation, and it has not publicly acknowledged launching a cross-border attack.

Of course they do no public because a lot of military personal saying if this shit fails they want Sirsky head and that absolutely what I need because 2 weeks ago I made a bet with my khohol pal that Sirsky will be fired

I was right about Zaluzhnyy and seems I will be right about Sirsky tho Zelenskyy really likes Sirsky.

The officials said they understood Kyiv's need to change the optics and the narrative of the war, but that they were skeptical that Ukraine could hold the territory long enough to force Russia to divert significant forces from the offensives it is pressing in eastern and southern Ukraine.

"It's a gamble," said one senior administration official.

Still, Mykhailo Podolyak, a top presidential adviser, was upbeat about the international response. "Most quietly approve," he wrote on social media on Thursday evening, adding that a significant part of the world now considers Russia "a legitimate target for any operations and types of weapons."

Mr. Gady and other experts said the main question now is whether Ukraine can maintain the momentum and turn the success on Russian territory into useful gains. The Ukrainian Army has few reserves it can pour into the fight, and it continues to suffer from shortages of weapons and ammunition, analysts say.

It also remains unclear what Ukraine ultimately hopes to accomplish. A senior Ukrainian official who spoke the on condition of anonymity to discuss the operation said the goal was to draw Russian troops away from other parts of the front line where Ukrainian units are struggling. But military experts said that Russia would likely be able to respond with reserves who were not fighting in Ukraine.

"Does it really solve any of the larger military strategic problems that the other parts of the front line are suffering from?" Mr. Gady asked

Even when it was clear that spring counteroffensive was dead I didn't seen so much doubts from western media. Khohols for real did something magical

Mick Ryan, a retired Australian Army major general and a fellow at the Lowy Institute, a research group, said one objective may be to boost morale in the Ukrainian population. "Given the past eight months of defensive operations, constant aerial attacks on infrastructure and ongoing power shortages, the will of the people will be at the forefront of the Ukrainian government's considerations about the trajectory of the war," he said.

It absolutely didn't since soldiers that were bombed in Donbas are still getting their daily bombs and retreats while they were begging for months for reinforcements

In particular, the Ukrainian Army has entered Sudzha, a small town of about 6,000 people six miles from the Ukrainian-Russian border. On Friday, Ukrainian troops claimed in a video that the town was under their control. The claim could not be independently verified.

For frick sake when they stop mentioning Sudzha

Mr. Kastehelmi said Ukraine could not continue further north without widening its flanks and exposing itself to Russian counterattacks. "Time is also running against Ukrainians," he wrote. "Russians won't be disorganized forever."

Time already run out 2 days ago I already wrote if next day Ukraine doesn't gain something meaningful it's gg

But retrospectively it's interesting that they actually could had captured Sudzha if they didn't continued moving in every direction from that town without securing it. Like for real why didn't they thought they could pull Kharkiv offensive when they were outnumbered Russian by 4 and had solid foreign legions back then and first and only good branch of soldiers that completed training in the west. This time Russia also has drones advantage so that just not risky but R-slurred. They have around 4k more soldiers that they can drop in Kursk that mb help them capture Sudzha but it won't push Russian out by much and won't help them hold that territory for long.

Basically khohol IQ

Edit: since the day ain't over khohols continue post disinformation

Showing a woman saying she is from (for frick sake when does it stop…) Sudzha… And asking her what do she thinks about Ukrainian army liberating her she told she is supper glad. I kinda got confused since hold is clearly from somewhere where there is a sea.

She is Ukrainian living in Odessa :marseyxd:

And whole fricking day khohols post shit like this

*unsecures your nuclear facility* :marseysailormarsey: OwO What's This? :marseycatgirl:

Maybe lining them all up like this is a bad idea? Especially since half of the vehicles are just civilian cars and the other are unarmored? But what's the worst that can happen, right?

The result - lots of dead russians :marseydead:

Before that ruskies were very confident that their undefeated army will come and crush those khohols! :marseysmug2:

They are a lot less happy now :ziggerseethe:

(Stole this from /k/, which is a very funny place right now btw)

But since Putin is telling us that the ukrainin army has been already defeated three times over then the situation must be under control. Which is why he declared federal emergency over Kursk. Ukronazis have been totally defeated, they are totally not advancing further and haven't bombed ammunition deposits and airfields along their trek through Russia :angryvatnik:

But let's not be mean here, Russia is still advancing in Kharkiv and it's taking down important strategic military targets, like this random supermarket. This will show the West the might of the russian army! :marseyputin:

Edit: video with the column getting hit as seen by ukrainian radars


Seems like they continue krinky tradition


They have no food, water, no army, and most importantly, no help coming!


Western media continues trying to find excuse for this operation. But we got their full plan

It was to capture this black line that would connect from one Ukrainian territory to another and help move himars closer to the lines and push towards NNP

And as I mentioned yesterday, today Ukraine progress would be slowed down and it was. Reality is Ukraine did pushed in low land only

And even lost some position in north from yesterday. So in last 24 hours they captured nothing in Kursk while they today lost those 3 towns that Russia controlled yesterday late by 50% in pokrovsk and 2 villages in Sumy.

Khohols trying same tactics they used in 2022 in Kharkov. Back then Russian were short on manpower were outmanned by Ukrainian didn't used aviation and didn't had drones. Today it's absolutely different story.

Meanwhile Yermak mastermind of Ukraine talking Ukraine will use that territory for fair peace trade. Assuming Russian out of shock will give up because Ukrainian did in February 2022…

That's why hardest Ukraine fan boy even as BBC can't explain what Ukraine is doing.

Khohols whyyy :soycry:

Brutal how even BBC expect this event to end in fights inside Sumy.

So khohol IQ


Pro Ukrainian map showing things to be even.

That would mean that Pokrovsk is like 12 km away from that location and Russia is about to enter a city.

But Ukraine launched an epic attack towards Kursk that nobody seems to understand

Ukrainian shelling and bombings have targeted Russia's border regions of Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk, but cross-border attacks have been rare. The first such attacks reported took place in May of last year, carried out by anti-Kremlin Russian fighters aligned with Ukraine. A similar ground attack took place this March.

On both occasions, the attacks were seen as an attempt to unnerve the Russian public and undermine President Vladimir V. Putin's efforts to insulate them from the war.

But Rob Lee, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, wrote on social media that those attacks "had little effect on the fighting" in Ukraine and "did not have serious domestic political ramifications for Putin."

He and other military experts said that if the aim of this week's attack was to draw Russian troops away from other parts of the front, it had little chance of succeeding.

"Russia already has greater forces/conventional capabilities in the area, better command and control, and it has conscript units that can be deployed, which are not used in Ukraine," Mr. Lee said. "It is unlikely this operation will force Russia to pull significant forces from Ukraine."

Mr. Paroinen said that a few hundred Ukrainian troops, supported by armored vehicles, had most likely crossed the border.

Military analysts said the attack could be an attempt to divert Russian units from the front lines, thus relieving the pressure on Ukrainian troops struggling to contain Russian advances. But they added that Russia's Army had ample reserves of troops to commit to the fight and that the attack risked further stretching Ukraine's already outnumbered troops.

"Operationally and strategically, this attack makes absolutely zero sense," Mr. Paroinen said. "This seems like a gross waste of men and resources badly needed elsewhere."

And today at 20:00 in Ukrainian time they announced evacuation in Sumy region

So Ukrainian now expect to be kicked out from Kursk and start fighting in Sumy region

Khohols are genius

Now Podolyak saying that such operations will push Russian to peace talk

If Ukrainian goal was to capture Russian NPP they failed at it since the lost the effect of surprise and now the fight has slowed down they will either pull back or continue pumping men in that offensive because entrenching will be hard now especially when they lost majority of AD they used to cover them self

This guy described the situation good. It's just another Krinky for Ukraine.

It's interesting that for Ukraine morale is more important than gear and soldiers lives

There is kinda also hunting season opened since mercs that ain't fighting in Ukraine are rushing to fight Ukrainian in Kursk

If Ukrainian won't have any meaningful progress tomorrow it's gg

Just noticed that they actually lost also 60% or so control over another town

Z Bros…
Marsey wanst PROOOOOOF

Proo proo prooof?

@CountNosfarakeet say this as a feminist ally

Glovesarefinallyoffbros, we are SO back

this kursk larp is so funny lmao


Ukrainian trying to evacuate broken tech

Ukrainian walking past broken Bradley's in Kursk and calling it death road

Another column of Ukrainian destroyed

Put hardly can keep his laugh at Ukrainian genius operation

Genius move from Ukraine to wipe out its reserves from Belarusian borders

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : gg op got the whole squad seething

Apparently Putin isn't happy about Ukraine taking as much of Russia in 24 hours as Russians have managed to take of Ukraine in 3 months.

How the frick is Russia still a country? :marseyxd:

Apparently the invading ukrainians bought anti-aerial defense with them so they are now cucking Russia out of using planes to protect it's own borders :marseyrofl:

Possibly 11 villages captured :marseydarkxd:

Ziggers are furious!

Something of this magnitude has not occurred in the Soviet Union/Russian Federation since June 22, 1941. Think about it. Putin's 3-day war is going into its 3rd year and he has an invading army on his soil.



Guys like him don't like negative news about Ukraine even when they are factual. Like I wrote 3 days ago that it will come to this. Supporting Al Qaida was never good idea when the goal was to improve relationships with Africa and global south

Only frogs can suggest such thing


NAFO: Yeah, Kursk is burning.

Ukr. soldiers: Makes no sense. We need to stabilize our front in Donbas.

NAFO: Common! It's so funny, killjoy!

Ukr. soldiers: Yeah. We just do this for your entertainment.

NAFO: Bah. It's just villages in Donetsk.

Ukr. soldier: It's Ukraine.

Ukraine is sending 2 brigades to Kursk and they lost like 6 tanks already, 2 missile defence system and countless other gears

But main reason it's so low iq is that they are outnumbered hard. Russia can use its conscripts, regular army, police and etc to protect Russian land so they picked a fight with someone that don't take part of the fight in Ukraine while Ukraine is short on manpower.

I guess khohols didn't wanted media to talk about

How New York has fallen and Russian shooting at running away Ukrainian

I never told you this

@duck Honestly I didn't expected New York to fall so suddenly

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