Chad breaks stupid thinking machine, causes many emails to be sent

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of the human mind"

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I don't really watch the NFL, but assuming he broke a Surface tablet, I'd think Microsoft is all about the free press.

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Microsoft threatened to sue the NFL when commentators kept calling them ipads :marseyxd:

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Lol you and @Dramamine said the same thing at the same time lol

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Great minds think alike @Dramamine

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Microsoft should have been threatened with my peepee going down their throat when my 13 month old Surface Pro 2 turned itself into a melty brick

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He's broken at least 3 of them.

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I used to be a hot head and would always be snapping clipboards across my knee.

Looking back it's pretty embarrassing, one year for Christmas my coworkers bought a metal clipboard. One day I tried to break it, I couldn't and ended up throwing it and it got stuck in the sound proofing shit on the wall.

I'm chill as a cucumber now though.

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Breaking and throwing shit is based. It lets people know you're serious. Not quite on the level of punching holes in walls but you're a real respect magnet.

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Not in this case, I was a mid level engineer with a bad case of unwarranted self importance who couldn't see the bigger picture.

Things work much better if your subordinates are more worried about disappointing you than being worried about you flying off the handle.

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Maybe you weren't yelling loud enough

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Nah homie, you care a lot more about pissing off someone that's a friend you work for than someone who is strictly a boss.

Works wonders in recruiting as well.

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I've cracked pencils into pieces while raging and stressing

It always makes me feel like crap afterwards when I look at the pencil pieces :marseysad:

plus, not controlling your anger makes it easier to do things like lash out or break pencils in the future

0/10 experience

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I punch massive dents into my beer fridge then show my wife the dents and tell her this could have been you. She straightens out for a week or two after that.

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That's what they deserve for betraying you.

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How can you be frustrated at work? You're a government contractor, just waste like 3/4 weeks of time before ordering new parts at a 900% markup from Halliburton and literally don't even bother to explain why you failed a simple task because your firm won an RFP to provide a poorly-scoped service until 2078

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free press

MS pays for them to use Surfaces. They even got upset when that deal started and announcers kept calling them iPads on air.

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They're not paying extra for people to talk about the 🐐 breaking tablets is my point.

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Twittards in there acting like those things are paid for by the NFL and cost thousands of dollars a piece.

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Thou shalt not make a thinking machine in the likeness of a human mind, nor suffer such to exist.

From 'The Orange-Catholic Bible', Dune by Frank Herbert

the state of mechanical knowledge [is] far beyond our own, and advancing with prodigious rapidity, until one of the most learned professors of hypothetics writes an extraordinary book... proving that the machines were ultimately destined to supplant the race of man, and to become instinct with a vitality as different from, and superior to, that of animals, as animal to vegetable life. So convincing was his reasoning, or unreasoning, to this effect, that he carried the country with him and they made a clean sweep of all machinery... and strictly forbade all further improvements and inventions"

From Erewhon by Samuel Butler 1872.

The Men of Iron were an egregious heresy of the Dark Age of Technology and, in the Emperor's name, no such machine must ever be permitted to exist again.

From The Codex of the Omnissiah, The Adeptus Mechanicus, Warhammer 40k.

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This is the 3rd time he did it. Honestly one of the most soy ways to break a tablet if you ask me. Break it over your knee or some shit, but I guess it would shatter his old man bones if he did

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I love that they even put the r-slur shields on them

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I don't think anybody expected Tua to skullfrick the NFL for 20 games this year, and the Microsoft iPads will suffer for it

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Why tf did they let Tom control the computers. Do they not realize the extent of his brain damage?

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(Tarantara, tarantara!)

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GOAT forever

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All I have ever wanted was to love women, but their behavior has only earned my hatred. I want to have s*x with them, and make them feel good, but they would be disgusted at the prospect. They have no sexual attraction towards me. It is such an injustice, and I vehemently questioned why things had to be this way. Why do women behave like vicious, stupid, cruel animals who take delight in my suffering and starvation? Why do they have a perverted sexual attraction for the most brutish of men instead of gentlemen of intelligence?


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