:marseybear: :marseylaugh:

Saw this neat infographic on Twitter last night

Also Jets had to import Rodgers and half the Packer's wide recievers to try to break that thing that nobody there has done since 1967 :marseycheesehead:

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>all the people in charge in football are white

>quarterback, coach, owners, all white

>leave the difficult jobs to blacks

>game is about taking other people's land with violent force

Is football racist? :marseyracist::!marseythinkorino:

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Football is based. Someone at some point made the argument that sports continue to be popular because they're one part of society that is without a doubt a meritocracy and nobody there has or keeps their job out of neptoism. You have no doubt that the people you're seeing are there because some hollywood nerd writer wanted to make a political point or because they're related to somebody. Tom Brady and Gronk were in the Super Bowl a bunch of times because they were GOATed even if it was annoying how much they won.

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Nepotism is strong in most major sports but its for a good reason.

Bill Belichick is the product of nepotism; But that exposure allowed him to grow with the game and neurodivergentally study ancient all-22 film at the age of nine to the point he gets erect when talking about Navy in the Power I formation.

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