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“The paradox of John was that he wasn't stupid,”


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i hope all religiouscels get killed and eaten by backwards savages


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Being spiritual doesn't mean you have to be stupid. Dude should have brought a revolver

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Wouldn't killing the savages defeat the purpose of sneaking over there?

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Sometimes you have to slap a mule before it'll listen to you

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The only use for an animal in our temple is a sacrifice.

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This is like when John 'Elon' Musk made himself the default option on the twitter search bar. Truly kafkaesque. I think that Aevann is a horrible narcissist who cannot cope with a reality where he is not the majority of the world's friends. It's truly horrifying. And I hope that he gets some therapy or at the very least kills himself so our suffering can end. But I think that everyone aware of the man's situation understands that this too is a fruitless proposition - Aevann will continue their march until there is nothing less than total RDrama Subjugation under his iron heel. And we're going to let it happen, not because we want to, but because we can't get rid of the bastard. He created rdrama.net, and he's the only one who can truly understand its inner workings and machinations. Maybe that's why we must always hate and oppose him, because of we ever let our guard down, the Aevann will be let loose and destroy this final bastion of Internet Sovereignty.


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