Least plastic American football fan :marseymutt2:

mate you can't support a financial gr.. ack!

:marsey#bong: :mutts#h!ooting:


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I think it's ironic?

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His YT profile has a jersey that say "NYC" with number 11 on it, though I don't recognize the logo, it's not NYCFC


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i personally have one friend who in recent years switched to supporting Man City from Arsenal so I guess these types of people exist lol

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ManU ManCity what's the difference?

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Dude you are Asian. If you were born recently chances are you would pick City, cause they are more successful than ManU (btw is "ManU" still offensive?). Same reason why you picked United back then.

Just semi joking, once you are a fan of a club you stay a fan for life and the reasons why we chose a club can be arbitrary. So your friend is really strange to me. I know people (:marseysigh:) who are fans of lower league clubs who also have favourites in top leagues or foreign leagues. But Arsenal isn't a shitty club and people like Wenger are icons in football.

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Arsenal was a strong rival when we were strong :marseycrying: so I definitely know that Wenger's a legend

That's why it's funny to see my friend jump from Arsenal to Man City lol

Kinda proves why City fans are called plastic nowadays

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One is the treble winning Champions of the World and the other can only dream of being anything other than mid-table fodder for my boys in baby blue.


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:tayclap: you even downmarsey yourself

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His ancestors must feel so betrayed.

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he's a malay so they don't really do that ancestors stuff i think

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he's a malay

Neighbor we're talking about a city roughly equidistant between us. My ancestors came from the other sides of the hills to the east and across the Severn on the south. And you in your heavenly kingdom logic somehow can tell which side of the street in Manchester is the good one?

Open your eyes bro. At least watch Australian footie.

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Open your eyes bro.

:marseysquint#: :marseychingchong#:

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This is the problem with making a racist joke about asian eyes. Nobody will take you seriously for the next 24 hours. It's so oppressive.


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