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The East has lost the second Cold War already.

The primary belligerents from the east in the newest cold war were Russia, Iran, and China. They have all suffered the kinds of losses or bad policy decision making that pretty much guarantees that they will be unable to stop any western expansionism working together. The west has successfully managed to neutralize all three entities and make it impossible for them to take over from the west within their own sphere of influence.

Here is how:

1. Iran:

First they suffered the embargoes from the US. This pretty much collapsed their economy down a level and had them stuck there. China came in and began to invest in Iran over the past decade or two to ensure that there was a wall to hold off the west over time and make it impossible for the west to completely dominate the middle east. The west successfully got over this wall by having Israel constantly weakening it, Israel completely destroying Iran backed terrorist cells in current year and sending them back to the stone age, having Iran talking about making peace with Israel after that event, and having Saudi Arabia pushed into the western camp over the past decades. Practically all of Iran's cards against the west have been played out at this point in time, and Iran is no longer in a position to do anything except to build better ties with western allies over time if it wants a future where it gets to grow into anything at all. Iran has currently gone as far as to condemn the war in Ukraine.

2. Russia:

Russia has been taking Ls when fighting the west since it was the soviet union. The greatest major L was when the Soviet Union collapsed followed by 24% of the land forming their own nation states that over time ended up aligning with the west. After this later down the decades Russia invaded Crimea which was followed by more sanctions and their economy becoming stagnant for a decade. This was further followed up by an invasion of Ukraine that has been running for multiple years and is continuing to lead to embarrassments such as the Russian super weapon testing site exploding, Ukraine taking pieces of land in Russia, India beginning to supply ammo to the Ukrainians, etc. Russia's economy is still fricked for the next two to three decades and Russia still shows no signs of winning the war and end up worse off after the war than they were when they started it. They also have Chinese banks unwilling to trade in Rubles with them, signifying that even Russia's closest allies do not consider them to be reliable partners who are going to win the war and prosper.

3. China:

China has been one of the biggest success stories of humanity in history. Uplifting hundreds of millions of its population out of poverty within a generation and becoming the second biggest economy in the world. Currently their GDP growth rate is still far ahead of the west but nowhere close to where they were two decades ago. The Chinese took this better positioning on the world stage to push for further expansionism both in the South China Sea and in terms of weakening US global influence. While China did partially succeed in both of its goals, China's property market remains half way collapsed, the Chinese government outright turns on its own biggest companies to reign them in and keep them in line with the views of the CCP, a policy that already had a negative outcome during the Great Chinese Famine. After that they practiced the one child policy which again led to a negative effect with a one generation delay that is being felt right at this moment in time by the country. The shrinking population comes along with an unblooded military which may still be the second most powerful military in the world but far behind the US. China's covid response also represented the iron fist control the government maintains over its population, going from a positive trait of centralization, to a negative trait of too much control resulting in only yes men being around which makes it harder for Chinese innovation and competence to keep growing over time. We are once again reaching the point in Chinese governance where it becomes practically impossible to point out weaknesses in a policy or negative consequences of a way of doing things for risk of getting into trouble for doing so. This pretty much guarantees degradation of Chinese systems over the longer term once they peak with current systems. At a certain point you cannot out intelligence bad policy. This has already been seen in the case of Japan and South Korea. Their position is further weakened by the fact that due to China existing next door, India is west-aligned for all intents and purposes. Making 9 out of the 10 top largest economies of the world aligned with the west.

4. Cuba :

Cuba is currently unable to provide electricity to 1 million of its citizens. Hundreds of thousands to millions of citizens have already escaped Cuba in the past few years. Cuba's economy in its current form is not sustainable and is in decline, unable to provide for its people. Cuba similar to China, Japan, and South Korea suffers from bad policy cancelling out the effects of all hard work of its people. Cuba has in current year failed to act as a successful satellite in the west of communist nation states.

5. Pakistan:

Pakistan while not exactly anti-west is definitely pro China. Pakistan got hit hard by the US willing to launch drone strikes within the borders of the country and not even making up for accidentally bombing weddings and random children. Pakistan has been severely suffering from its population being heavily r-slurred, and even with China putting in billions of dollars into the Pakistani economy, Pakistan continues to sink under the boatloads of loans it has taken from global organizations over time, resulting in any Pakistani with an education leaving the country first chance they get, and the country continuing to fall into decline. Pakistani people also continue to reproduce at rates where half or even more of the average GDP growth is eaten up by more people being born.

From this study we can see that the anti-west defense league is in 1 out of 5 cases filled with r-slurs. 1 out of 5 cases getting buck broken so hard by the west that they are now speaking out against their own allies from a week ago. 1 is stuck in a perpetual war at the end of which it will be left far worse off irrespective of outcome. 1 is already failing from bad policy and inability to maintain infrastructure within its own country, and 1 has piled up multiple problems over time and the debt is coming due with no solution for all the problems in sight.


China is the only competent rival to the west and it is in no position to defeat the west by itself. As its population continues to decline at a rapid rate, and the retirement budget load keeps increasing, and the tax base keeps shrinking, China's GDP loss rates are going to catch up with new GDP creation rates resulting in GDP slowdown over time to the point of the west winning out. South Korea, the most automated country in the world, currently has one more decade of faster than the US GDP growth left, and if we are to assume a similar trend line for China, China at best has 30 years remaining of higher than the US GDP growth, and more likely only has 11-16 years of growth remaining at rates higher than the US.

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