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The US will not become more liberal. The US will also not become more conservative.

Culture is the application of ideas, systems of how one engages with the community and lives ones life within the community. Culture defines the quality of a community and its likelihood of success. Intelligence alone does not guarantee the success of a nation as we can see in the case of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea, which are all unable to surpass their western economic betters. A country is as great as its culture allows it to become. A poor community almost always has a poor culture to go along with it. A rich community almost always has a rich culture to go along with it. This is the way of the world. The world has a reality bias. Today, the US is at the exact point of wealth it is at, only because of the culture it actively participates in at the current moment. This is why culture appears to evolve faster when economic growth booms, and culture appears to stagnate when economic growth stops.

Taking these lessons into account, now let us look at why US culture will not liberalize further, but also how anti-abortion culture will fail as well.

Why US culture will not become more progressive:

US culture has already reached the supposed limits of progressive expectations that the population can tolerate. While the people might be still willing to put up with cheap housing for the poor, or more handouts for the poor, they are almost certain to not put up with any further exposure of LGBTQ+ content to the general public. The reason for this is pretty simple, so far the expression of LGBTQ+ content has not only not helped the populace but has gone out of its way to be detrimental to the populace of the country and its economy. The DEI hiring program has actually shown worse performance results for the companies practicing them wholeheartedly. With Sweet Baby Inc. and the crashing of the Concord game being the easiest example to point at. However, it goes beyond that. Bud light tried to shame its straight consumer base and the action back fired resulting in them losing millions of dollars. Similarly, the push of more LGBTQ+ media and content is resulting in shows and movies failing time and time again. At the end of the day, LGBTQ+ content in not marketable to the masses, especially in a globalized market where these games also have to cater to more conservative societies. This has resulted in it becoming impossible for the democrats in the US to succeed if they continued to push their platform based on LGBTQ+ culture taking precedence over straight culture. Similarly, we can also see California's population going down at the point in time where they doubled down on LGBTQ+ communities and supporting their degeneracy, such as making it legal to pass on AIDS to other people which most commonly occurred within the gay community.

The US progressive policies such as pushing for even further abortion rights (When US abortion rights were already more progressive than even European abortion rights ) has resulted in mass pushback from the rest of the US resulting in women losing the abortion rights that they already had previously. Blaming men for all their problems has also resulted in women's accusations over time not being taken as seriously and the reformation of the police department to arrest the woman as well if she is the one who appears to be more violent on the crime scene. Which would not have happened decades ago.

All these above examples point us to the fact that the majority of the US populace does not want further progressive policies being passed on into the world and that the US economy is not making as much profit if they were to culturally liberalize further in a LGBTQ+ or quota based selection of employees style. These two points taken together pretty much guarantee that LGBTQ+ rights and women's rights will never extend further than they already have. With women at most getting abortion rights back and the LGBTQ+ community being expected to compete on the same basis as the rest of America for their jobs.

We can still expect further liberalization of America when it comes to black rights and how police treat them, but the primary forms of liberalization of the US in the future would take the form of making things cheaper and providing a more widespread safety network for the populace of the country, in line with European progressives of the past decades.

Why US culture will not become more conservative:

The US will not become culturally more conservative as all the more conservative societies than the US that exist are already behind the US in terms of economic development. As previously mentioned at the beginning, practiced culture and wealth accumulation work hand in hand, which signifies that all conservative cultures are actually weaker cultures that need to liberalize further if they are to have any chance of ever becoming successful societies.

For example - The US, Germany, and Australia, are the only economies with a positive future in front of them, which suggests that you must be at least that progressive for your society to succeed in the future.

As of now Texas is the most seemingly successful state in the US due to it being second place on a majority of positive metrics, along with having better demographic future with positive population growth in comparison to California. However, Texas has gone out of its way to ban abortion, which puts its conservative values back down to the 1970's. This means that Texas is not culturally successful enough for it to remain economically successful in the future, but rather that Texas population grows because of people running away from Californian progressive policies.

What we can find in the long run is that in 10-20 years an equilibrium is reached between California and Texas, after which California's population begins to outperform the Texas population once again in all metrics.


The US is exactly as progression as it needs to be to provide a 2.5%+ GDP growth on a GDP per capita of 80,000+ dollars. The US won't become more progressive in terms of the LGBTQ+ and women's rights because they are already beginning to create negative returns, but may still become more progressive in terms of police competency. The US will also not become more conservative because all the countries that are already more conservative than the US are behind the US in terms of per capita income. The US however, is still going to tread liberal and progressive but limited to police violence and providing a wider safety net to the populace.

Writing IQ : 117 ( High intelligence )

Voice levels : 134 Hz

Writing Gender : Weak male

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